Flag: International
Registered: April 7, 2024
Last post: September 3, 2024 at 5:31 AM
Posts: 2613
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posted 1 month ago

didn't know u can remember that much vlr users....

thank you geo!!

posted 1 month ago

GEN 100
FNC 100
LEV 100
PRX 50

posted 1 month ago

Jake Sin keke

posted 1 month ago

oh hell nah

posted 1 month ago

-901 LFG


posted 1 month ago

KC flair talking

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Hopefully PRX don't run out of steam really early this time

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

the world is cooked atp bruh💀

posted 1 month ago

GEN.G, DRX, and FPX :)

posted 1 month ago

it's GMT +2 for Paris rn

would be a perfect place and time to host Champions next year

posted 1 month ago

bro is upvoting himself 💀

posted 1 month ago

GMT +0 and GMT +1.

thank you for coming to my ted talk.

posted 1 month ago

it wasn't bro

2 EU teams were in the finals bruh

and don't even get me started in the SEN vs KRU game

posted 1 month ago

host it in Paris then

GMT +2 is a really good timezone for us Pacific flaps

posted 1 month ago

wait really?

fuck I didn't know that

gotta get better at geography this offseason

posted 1 month ago


Masters 1: Buenos Aires/Mexico

Pros: neutral crowd B)

Masters 2: Saudi Arabia/Morocco (Middle East and Africa should get the spotlight this time, even if they don't have any T1 teams)

Pros: passionate crowd (will cheer for whoever is playing some really entertaining Valorant)

Champions: Rome/Paris

Pros: GMT +2 > GMT +0 and GMT +1

posted 1 month ago

I genuinely thought this was going to be a r*cist thread 💀

posted 1 month ago

you're right bruh

sometimes people can't be grateful for the things they have

posted 1 month ago

go watch LoL then

stop watching Valorant bruh, ur baits are stinkier than my cousin's fart

posted 1 month ago

you should probably play controller/sentinel instead of initiator.

this is coming from a Breach main perspective

posted 1 month ago

they clearly prioritize LoL more than Valorant

posted 1 month ago


verno isn't going to that bum org

posted 1 month ago

unless Falcons win Ascension, it's still EU bro

posted 1 month ago

not really

posted 1 month ago

GEN.G clears Karon drops 100

posted 1 month ago

we might actually be able to reach 1k downvotes before Champs ends

posted 1 month ago

vlr overreaction at it's finest

posted 1 month ago

don't think no one has noticed that you changed ur flair

classic 100T fans being pissed that their team didn't make it to Champions.

posted 1 month ago

SOOP is paying riot to draw site traffic from SEA bruh

posted 1 month ago

that's nothing compared to being down 11-0 on Sunset 💀💀💀💀💀💀

posted 1 month ago


you serious bro?

posted 1 month ago

a lot of people are clowning on Pacific and CN tho

posted 1 month ago

Snap Tap is like a really small advantage in val.

posted 1 month ago

but it has a low chance of happening tho

posted 1 month ago

he is called the Lakia of Valorant for a reason

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

CN will have more teams than Pacific in the playoffs
G2 place 7th-8th
FNC place 5th-6th
GEN.G vs DRX will be the Champions grand final

posted 1 month ago

FNC in Valorant: 😈
FNC in LoL: 💩

posted 1 month ago

average everything post:

posted 1 month ago

players need personal chefs atp

posted 1 month ago

definitely invy or Monyet

posted 1 month ago

EDG look better with S1mon now

you don't know ball at all

posted 1 month ago

bro forgot what happened against the Netherlands

posted 1 month ago
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