Flag: United States
Registered: August 12, 2021
Last post: April 12, 2023 at 12:45 PM
Posts: 4

This is cringe parasocial shit bruh just let them figure it out. They look better than when they did lock//in and thats all that matters. They made major shifts in roles and it needs time to mesh it out. I dont think its much more than that.

posted about a year ago

LOL sry then for the post, thought he was the igl all along XD

posted about a year ago

was he not igl?! i thought he was all along lol

posted about a year ago

Is it crazy of me to think they should swap dephh for Marved and have sacy igl? Personally I think its absurd to have sacy on your team and not have him igl, and I know Dephh is obviously a great igl but i think sacy is just another level of greatness in comparison...

Interested in other's thoughts!

posted about a year ago