Flag: International
Registered: April 9, 2023
Last post: October 11, 2024 at 8:34 AM
Posts: 5

firstly, if you kept up with the team you’ll know forsaken was uncomfortable on raze

on top of the team/role you’re suggesting, PRX would also require 2 initiators, and smth is only proficient on gekko and kinda alright on breach.

back then it was the raze meta so majority of the maps required raze, by putting forsaken on raze = forcing smth to play a more passive role/ learn new agents which doesn’t make sense.

bringing back jinggg was the most feasible idea since he was a proven raze player and played at the highest levels. i think the team knows that by putting jinggg back in it ruins some of the gameplan but it was a risk they took which in hindsight may have been bad but at that point other pros also saw jinggg’s return as an upgrade.

MF should have been replaced by monyet, and jinggg to return as the duelist that was what i felt even back then. All the talk about monyet returning to form was because he got to play controller, and from what i saw he was more proficient and consistent than MF.

posted 4 months ago

they replaced monyet because

  1. It was the raze meta and monyet wasn’t confident on raze
  2. Jinggg was a top 3 raze/ duelist before he had to take a break
  3. Jinggg and the team has built up years of chemistry

Monyet should have replaced mindfreak because monyet was such a good controller, and i feel that mindfreak lacked the consistency.

posted 4 months ago

tbh i thought they'll do better since they're literally all teammates under Todak

posted about a year ago

what fracture chamber tp meme?

posted about a year ago

i mean tbh you can't be expecting much from this roster, with its players its AT MOST a decent/high tier 2 team. But not many players are willing to join GE on an international level + the lack of young indian talents make it difficult for them to build a good team. Other than maybe 2/3 players there really isn't anyone that is tier 1 level (in the indian scene overall).

posted about a year ago