Flag: United States
Registered: May 3, 2024
Last post: July 2, 2024 at 8:58 PM
Posts: 2676
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facts, it destroyed nrg and won china their first games outside of edg

posted 1 month ago

except mid

posted 1 month ago

yo vlr writers pls don’t write about mwzera or this guy won’t shut up

posted 1 month ago

damn the dedication great job bro

posted 1 month ago

they win it all, no delay so even fns can’t outcall

posted 1 month ago

damn did u make that

posted 1 month ago

pretty sure they’re adding a new map, so unless they remove 3 maps only 1 of these will be added. that said, if they haven’t fixed pearl and add it back, the map pool will somehow be worse.

posted 1 month ago

ascent will be removed i think. at least one of icebox, sunset, or breeze will either be removed or changed, new map bastion will be added. ideally ascent and sunset removed, breeze changes (remove halls door), add bastion, add fracture. fracture had unique strategies and map control unlike every map right now except maybe bind in a way

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

banger matchup

posted 1 month ago

the APR is insane on top of that

posted 1 month ago

5 should be 2

posted 1 month ago

bro doesn’t realize that 300 comments means he pays 3000 if he loses and gets 3 bucks if he wins. tf is this deal

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

lock me in for that 10$

posted 1 month ago

no miniboo

posted 1 month ago

riot format at fault rito event organizing shitters

posted 1 month ago

miniboo? is this confirmed?

posted 1 month ago

wtf is this lmao half the team is igling

posted 1 month ago

id rather put fns on duelist

posted 1 month ago

only with another initiator, he can't go solo. either yay or s0m has to be main initiator

posted 1 month ago

fns cant play initiator tho, too much utility for him to focus on calling

posted 1 month ago

i think he meant best "tether default" in the world

posted 1 month ago

i read that as s0m and fns

posted 1 month ago

good or bad illegal?

posted 1 month ago

find the site with the reyna and run to the other site

posted 1 month ago

nrg works too

posted 1 month ago

yep, he's a top 40 streamer and his average number of viewers is greater than both shroud and summit1g. would be sad if he stopped. NA needs puchan sadly

posted 1 month ago

hes the pope

posted 1 month ago

get through prom then and then like build a friendship

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

don't think sen will let go of zekken and yay's future is unpredictable so im thinking:
duelist: oxy
initiator: ethan
smokes/flex: s0m
senti: leaf
igl/flex: fns

posted 1 month ago

lowkey red flag

posted 1 month ago

yes exactly i registered like 2 weeks ago and i've seen like half a dozen relationship advice posts

posted 1 month ago

why so many people asking relationship advice on vlr these days

posted 1 month ago

wdym good mf u one of them?

posted 1 month ago

ethan is consistent tho, his util and shooting is top tier, he's easily a top 3 initiator in the world. dropping him is just plain stupid

posted 1 month ago

bro got downvoted into oblivion

posted 1 month ago

how u gonna drop champs mvp tho

posted 1 month ago

yeah makes more sense now. and theres a lot more to lose.

posted 1 month ago

ardiis was being paid tbf

posted 1 month ago

cb is a bunch of shitters tho

posted 1 month ago

arent the international ones different than the usa ones?

posted 1 month ago

fuck this shit bruh

posted 1 month ago

he's confirmed dropped

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago
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