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Registered: May 3, 2024
Last post: July 5, 2024 at 3:53 AM
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yeah he was drunk on fns' stream early morning before the 100t match when fns was watching apac games iirc. he was talking hella sentimental too obv drunk af

posted 1 month ago

sen yes
100t yes
lev maybe
g2 -icy +oxy yes
kru yes
c9 more like oxy9 #SAVEOXY
eg need guys
loud maybe
nrg you underestimating my goats PUCHAN and S0MPAI
mibr shit
furia shit

posted 1 month ago

yay is y0y rn, he needs his tier 1 training arc before he's actually good again
marved is drunk hours before a match he isn't taking shit seriously

posted 1 month ago

fr, i think riot forcing her to stay at EG to nerf her because it would be over for everyone else

posted 1 month ago

she's gonna get offers for $100k a month for sure

posted 1 month ago

yeah but potter won against nrg

posted 1 month ago

"more roster changes" said no one
how is potter winning with jawg and some bums

posted 1 month ago

life severely underperforming? he dropped 30 on map 1 and lost steam. if he performed consistently, maybe a higher chance map 3, but then it wouldn't have gone to 3 maps at all.

posted 1 month ago

why is chet still on the team

posted 1 month ago

underestimating maybe, still can't win though

posted 1 month ago

we saw

posted 1 month ago

-icy +oxy
saves NA and g2 win it all

posted 1 month ago

single elim tournament not mickey mouse? next thing you're gonna be throwing in red bull home ground as a real tournament

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

blud really said im spreading hate 💀

posted 1 month ago

obviously he doesn't know, ever heard of NA education?

posted 1 month ago

lock in was mickey mouse, only masters and champs tournaments are considered. and easily demon1 outperformed everyone else between the two tournaments

posted 1 month ago

? im not being toxic

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

every other sentinels twitter post is a shitpost

posted 1 month ago

i need this

posted 1 month ago

emea bias obviously, tenz is the face of valorant you can't avoid it
demon1 easily, runners up masters + champs MVP vs masters win and champs 4th, emea bias again
americas can't win anything in 2024 because no team qualified to both Madrid and shanghai, and the Madrid emea teams looking shit out there too, and china is farmers region, so has to be t3xture or someone from paper rex probably DAVID

posted 1 month ago

i should have believed, why did i have heretics in my pickems. i really got baited into thinking drg was a good team huh

posted 1 month ago

i value masters, thats why tenz is here. he's the face of the game. even if he wasn't the best player he'd still receive it.
and 2023 is 100% demon1. runner up masters and champs MVP. lockin was mickey mouse so eg had a better performance in actual tournaments, and since demon1 was their best player, its obvious

posted 1 month ago

aint this necro

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

rip to the greatest era of vct watchpartying

posted 1 month ago

Qiangjiang Cultivation Kingdom (qck) is a Chinese agricultural collective located in the south-central Hubei Province. QCK is known for its extreme success in cultivating frost peas XL (FPX) and the pride of the Chinese agricultural industry, Elegant Dragon gourds (EDG), particularly in the early growing season. Unfortunately, qck's previous success was stunted by two consecutive waves of plant diseases. Its third crop was decimated by a bout of stunted enation necrosis (SEN), while its fourth crop was infected by Powdery Rust Xanthomas (PRX).

Investors are concerned about qck's long-term financial viability and its ability to recoup the loss of the region's previous star crop, Aspasragus.

posted 1 month ago

nrg dropped half their roster that qualified for everything last year and picked up 5 champions to not qualify for 2/3 of the events

posted 1 month ago

drop zekken and pick up shanks as well

posted 1 month ago

icy wakes up trust

posted 1 month ago

yep thats right, its 2024
so you can put your main awper on anyone
something gekko op ez

posted 1 month ago

2021: tenz
2022: yay
2023: demon1

posted 1 month ago

nono i think eg wont actually give him any money at all
like $0/month

posted 1 month ago

eg can't pay shit and are getting out of franchising as soon as they can

posted 1 month ago

yooooo you heard of this team called EG??? they put demon1 on jett and jawgemo on raze!!!!! they would never win right??????

posted 1 month ago

nah fenis clears

posted 1 month ago

one more time i hear "sen fix" I am going to lose it

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

no we need fenis on jett

posted 1 month ago

!!! 100t is shit because they playing cryo jett and asuna raze !!!

posted 1 month ago

can't find them lmao

posted 1 month ago

donk would be insane for the hype, snowflakes at riot would have a hard time

posted 1 month ago

you are delusional, he performed throughout the year from lockin to champs and only lost because his team lost synergy and motivation. if you put him on eg he would have done as well as demon1

posted 1 month ago

did bro just call the best NA player of 2023 "a streamer"?

posted 1 month ago

pujett clears

posted 1 month ago

no bruh zekken duelist s0m smokes ethan init fns flex leaf senti

posted 1 month ago

such a shame honestly. now i have to watch tarik who is boring af for watchpartying

posted 1 month ago
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