Flag: Namibia
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2024 at 11:33 PM
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i believe you can make it.

posted 1 month ago

thats nice. if you do wanna get better though just work on mechanics. especially that HS%.

posted 1 month ago

its not really about spamming dms. its more about whats happening outside the game for you.

posted 1 month ago

you play alot of duelist but dont really have to much first bloods. also your HS% is very low and if you play duelist its important to get that headshot.

posted 1 month ago

very good stats overall but if you main iso i would recommend buying stinger as its very broken with him even in the ult. 8/10

posted 1 month ago

i play jett and raze usually when my team needs a duelist (no instalocks in my game wow) or no dive duelist and we only have like reyna.

i literally fell of with my op idk how. back when chamber was meta i used to hit with that shit but now idk what happened i feel so 50/50 with op.

i suck at pistols. ive always sucked and i know i need to get better at them. ecos is when we do braindead plays to try and win the round like super fast site hit or stack a site. but i do have a higher KAST on pistols then everything else.

idk i do buy outlaw and stinger but dont get much value out of them.

yeah this is true. a big problem for me is when a teammate overextends and dies when we have advantage i usually try go for trades which can backfire alot. ive noticed it recently.

for you your HS% is very all over the place but idk if this includes ops and stingers. you play alot of controller but dont use phantom as much even though its broken since spamming thru smokes = ez kills.

your ecos need improvement all you already said. your full buy KD isnt too good so you might need to open up the rounds and let the game come to you.

you play way more than me but ur clutch% is also around mine. so maybe we both need to work on these post plants.

very nice agent pool. controller with the occasional yoru. 8/10

posted 1 month ago

looks like your good at sentinel even though you play them less. alot of initiator is fine but picking kayo is very hard since it requires alot of coordination which ranked players dont have. very good HS% so maybe just try sentinel to hold angles more often.

posted 1 month ago

alot of duelist. alot of inconsistencies. duelist is just so 50/50 because when you entry if you lose that first fight your exec is just basically very cooked unless your team gets the trade. maybe try to work on your form.

posted 1 month ago

your pretty good on initiators so maybe just play those. your duelist isnt too bad either.

posted 1 month ago

you usually perform your best on agents that usually take fights so chamber, clove, raze, maybe gekko. this makes sense as your stats on these agents are reflecting your mechanics. 8/10

posted 1 month ago

alot of agents + inconsistent.

posted 1 month ago

ive showed my tracker before tho and i was like asc3 so not really

posted 1 month ago

used to be me 10/10

posted 1 month ago

I remember him saying that he IGLed on faze after optic disbanded

posted 1 month ago

I've done it before lmao. Like 1 year ago

posted 1 month ago

That's fine but work on mechanics because from basing it off your stats you're not too great mechanically. Not bad but not insane yk. Duelist needs to take unfavorable fights which might lead to inconsistencies and even tilt.

posted 1 month ago

Idk why you asking me man. You're better than me. :(

posted 1 month ago

You play a lot of everything like me. I would maybe try going Sentinel as you seem to play a little bit of that. Try working on your form too as it seems you're inconsistent.

posted 1 month ago

Sage is a bad agent rn but in low elo anything goes. Learn cypher much easier than kj imo.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Shichzoxjxjdnedudhddj dbdndix

posted 1 month ago

This post was meant for you ig.

posted 1 month ago

Very good mechanically. Need to use these to open up the rounds for your team. So I would stop playing kayo and go play Sentinel or Controller. ez lurks and ez picks.

posted 1 month ago

Wait no I think marved was the main IGL I forgot he was on the roster

posted 1 month ago

You said you wanted names no?

posted 1 month ago

Oh wow just looking at the stats it seems like your very good mechanically. 10/10

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Oh I meant that a whole different way LMFAO

posted 1 month ago

Well it depends on your playstyle. If you wanna lurk then cypher and kj are obviously the best (cypher being better). If you're good at oping and like to op then Chamber and he does give better chances to win gunfights and open up the round for your team. Deadlock is like a niche pick and would only play on certain maps like bind or abyss but you can one trick her ig. Sage is just kinda useless unless you know grim walls but even then they don't provide value every round.

posted 1 month ago

Gotta work on these mechanics. Maybe try playing a bit of Sentinel or Iso. Can lead to favorable gunfights.

posted 1 month ago

It would be beneficial to put on the G2 flair so FNC can go home and start practicing as they will obviously not win this tournament.

posted 1 month ago

As long as you have fun and don't take it too serious. If you do wanna get better though I recommend working on your HS% as it seems like a heartbeat monitor (mine too dw). Goes from 30 to 7 then to 20 back to 10.

posted 1 month ago

Feeling bad about how dogshit his team has been performing. Weak.

posted 1 month ago

This guy gonna switch to G2 flair after the game.

posted 1 month ago

What? I was surprised by his answer of him being gay.

posted 1 month ago

tbh I feel like I'm in form rn and it's probably bc I have nothing on my mind. 0 stress 100 relaxed. Just playing to play and get better.

posted 1 month ago

Rawkus no
Kinda like PRX but marved being like central voice I think

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Work on mechs. Get off reyna and clove and go iso or senti. Pick those agents to give yourself more favorable gun fights.

posted 1 month ago

Very good icl 10/10

posted 1 month ago

Decent stats. 7/10
I also have a 2015 HP 60hz monitor

posted 1 month ago

How to get fired 101

posted 1 month ago

Always been just kinda mediocre for a young and upcoming talent.

posted 1 month ago

Nothing wrong with it I was just shock ED yk.

posted 1 month ago

DFM would've somehow done better than TLN even though meiy is 1v5ing.

posted 1 month ago

Not too shabby.

posted 1 month ago

TLN primmie 1v5.
GEN.G choked.
PRX choked.
DRX are beginning to choke.
Region full of chokers.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Good stats. Love to see the controller main. 9/10

posted 1 month ago
1 •• 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 •• 182