Flag: Namibia
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: September 21, 2024 at 4:17 PM
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idk wtf this is tbh

posted 1 month ago

His stats would go down the drain as he would be playing against some of the best players itw and playing with the best player itw. His stats are inflated due to the fact that he's playing in pacific and has to go against JessieCrash and y0y.

posted 1 month ago

nah hes looks normal.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

nah everyone thought they were gonna win since lock in so idk wtf u on

posted 1 month ago

looks better tbh

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

srsly wtf man

posted 1 month ago

What the hell is wrong with you guys? Negative nancys over here overpowering my great positivity and intellect.

posted 1 month ago

Have a good rest of your day and have some fun and spread some love. Goodnight boys and girls. I'll be here to shit talk your favorite team tomorrow.

Sincerely, Stormm

posted 1 month ago

Ive also seen FNATIC flairs saying Hiro should replace Leo permanently.

posted 1 month ago

You can't say El Classico when you name like 50 teams

posted 1 month ago

Shanghai is a champion?

Sacy always has had good aim just has had bad days but always shows up in important/stressful matches.

posted 1 month ago

Lakia never won a champion...

Sacy doesn't have bad aim...

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Brain dead take, but ok

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Sorry I forgot you have dementia and forgot when 2021 and 2022 sacy fucking shat on everybody. Also was fucking people up at Madrid.

posted 1 month ago

Unfortunately FUT would've absolutely obliterated Paper Rekt.

posted 1 month ago

Still remember when LOUD won champs and dapr said sacy's bulldog hits like an op.

posted 1 month ago

Yeah when his dog died. People thought he was gonna be mentally gone but he showed up and is great.

posted 1 month ago

Gotta support FNS and his cat. <3

posted 1 month ago

Didn't really matter who Paper Rekt chose. They would've got dismantled either way.

posted 1 month ago

Everyone respects sacy lil pup.

posted 1 month ago

Why? It would be a stop for SEN. SEN vs Trace would be a good matchup althought I think SEN would take it 2-0.

posted 1 month ago

they might make regional matches unmatchable but idk just yapping bruh chill on me i didnt mean it bro im sorry

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

thing #1 and thing #2

posted 1 month ago

What we've seen is that they won a tournament. They will do it again. Read the Sentinels introduction in the Esports tab in valorant. They are the main characters.

posted 1 month ago

uwukitten and joebiden are one and the same, uwukitten spouts some bullshit and we're suddenly acting like he "doesn't have dementia" kkkkkkkkkkk

posted 1 month ago

Sadly Trace will fall short in playoffs finishing their run at 7-8th. Their play just seems too predictable and a good coach/IGL will be able to easily read and anti strat them. The only problem is Kai and FengF but if a team like Sentinels who are really good at shutting down certain players then Trace's road will come to an end. Quite Unfortunate.

posted 1 month ago

no not really just played decent against vit which were shaky and lev who cant perform on a LAN no matter the roster. VIT looks good now and would win the rematch and not sure about LEV.

posted 1 month ago

either 5-6th or 3-4th. the only 2 placements acceptable from them.

posted 1 month ago

all the rounds won were by hero plays instead of geng out playing them. The only outplay by geng was gengs 2nd round win on lotus making it 5-2. they had all of a 2 on c and 1 ready to insta rotate bc of the alarmbot. Every other round t3xture or someone else got like 2 kills thru smokes or some1 whiffed on them or sum shit. Especially after 5-0 on icebox.

posted 1 month ago

yes but when sacy does this they hate on him. make it make sense

posted 1 month ago

Everyone wants him gone.

posted 1 month ago

Lakia is like what VLR thinks sacy is. Can't aim and is only good for util. Instead sacy can aim and is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than the Trash Can of Valorant. A good replacement for Lakia would be Rb or Zest and either of these 2 would make GEN.G a powerhouse for years to come.

posted 1 month ago

same with kp0 tbh

posted 1 month ago

what is this question? obviously hes playing like what?

posted 1 month ago

tbh i think sinatraa clears

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

wtf is a factorial? like facts?

posted 1 month ago

if sen wins champs then they are the best team oat bc they will have 3 thropie and fnatic have 2. hehe

posted 1 month ago

its mediocre. good concept but horrible execution

posted 1 month ago

NexusNomad or Yessirskii?

posted 1 month ago

bo4 is the worst bo

posted 1 month ago

i think this was peak cod tbh

posted 1 month ago

black ops 7 is prob gonna come out in like 2026

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago
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