Flag: Japan
Registered: May 14, 2024
Last post: August 4, 2024 at 5:04 AM
Posts: 6

my own team is burning bro have not got time to feel happy seeing others too drown.

posted 6 months ago

They make amazing, phenomenal plays and hook us on what seems like a joyride filled with fun, but just when you start getting happy from the split games, a hard kick to the gut lands in. They start throwing rounds that matter—rounds that even you, as a spectator with a poor aim, feel you could win. They start losing their grip, and they crumble like a Jenga tower. That right there breaks you, tears your heart as a fan, and shoves it in your mouth.

But you’re already hooked on the dopamine, on the joyride, on the 13-0 vs Talon, aren't you? You fail to understand that this team needs something more; this team isn’t complete. Otherwise, how can they lose with this roster and to fucking G2? G2, fuck me. I would prefer the apocalypse over this shit.

PRX is the all-time shittiest team to root for, at least this year. They break my heart and my wallet. I have two broken keyboards (one during 100T and another with DRX) courtesy of w gaming.

But I have gone too deep, like you have, haven’t I? I can’t stop rooting for them. I can’t switch off the dopamine. But it is a hard kick to the gut every time they lose in such a shitty way.

A PRX addict

posted 6 months ago

yupp i see that you understand what delulu means, good for you

posted 8 months ago

what amount of cope are u taking brother chill out and sit down, EMEA matches are trash from what i saw prx wipe the whole region easy

posted 9 months ago