Flag: Chile
Registered: February 21, 2023
Last post: November 12, 2023 at 6:56 PM
Posts: 17

"My first job" in dominican slang (I think), it's a popular meme in spanish

posted about a year ago

Yep, Fer (Leviatán's CEO) said that they were competing with less money than other teams (like NRG), and it was leaked that Loud offered him much more money than Lev.

posted about a year ago

But Kru plays without keznit and klaus, bc klaus is getting married and keznit had an accident

posted about a year ago

Él no es fan de Kru, él es fan del equipo donde esté Keznit, como el 90% de los fans de Kru

posted about a year ago

Yo creo que al final eligieron a tex por lo de la visa. Creo recordar que la fecha límite para fichar a alguien de latam era como el 17 de septiembre más o menos porque o si no la tramitación de la visa para jugar en Estados Unidos iba a tardar mucho más, Fer dijo que una visa de casi cualquier país de Latinoamérica tarda más o menos 3 meses.

posted about a year ago

JSJSJSJJS que weon, pucha quería ir a reírme un poco

posted about a year ago

Ohh y donde viste eso? O como puedo buscarlo?

posted about a year ago

En el stream que hizo ayer Lembo, estuvo Fer (Ceo de Lev) y dijo que tomaszy igual está entre la lista de jugadores que tienen visto

posted about a year ago

Pero lo que dice el chico colombiano es verdad, en inglés Colombia se escribe igual que en español

posted about a year ago

And feniz as sentinel (and he was player in 6k with Atom as a coach)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It seems to me that most of the spanish infrastructure (in esports) is in Barcelona, that is why I mentioned instead of Madrid, although it is not a bad option

posted about a year ago

Paris, France or Barcelona, Spain. It would be cool in either one.

posted about a year ago

I remember that when Shyy was at the Leviatán academy he played as main Jett

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In universo valorant Onur said that kiNgg will continue to be igl for the team

posted about 2 years ago