Flag: Turkey
Registered: July 13, 2022
Last post: January 20, 2024 at 8:13 AM
Posts: 42

so sad man...

posted about a year ago

at least so far, thank you LOUD and NAVI. The only disappointment today was Shao.. that says the quality of the series.

posted about a year ago

he's a coinflip player, that's who he is no? He's either the best player in the server or the worst... usually the worst lately.

posted about a year ago

Shao is sleeping, Zyppan is only throwing utility, SUYGETSU's most kills are from non-won rounds. You sure?

posted about a year ago

bokumun brain diff'i, hiçbir read'i doğru değildi son 2 ayda herifin

posted about a year ago

redgar ne duelist carry mi

posted about a year ago

Or just kick ANGE1? xdd

posted about a year ago

Lets just start with the obvious one.
-ANGE1 +any smoker IGL

Please let the best initiator player PLAY an actual initiator agent
Teach cNed another agent(s)
Please let Zyppan play Raze in Raze maps
Please follow the fucking agents meta

There's probably much more than these obvious ones, any other fixes, fellow NAVI fans?

posted about a year ago

Holy shit he's actually so fucking bad.

posted about a year ago

ANGE1 is not even close to T1 tier man holy shit

posted about a year ago

I think you meant Smoggy lmao

posted about a year ago

I think same goes for EDG's Killjoy too, that guy won TOO much clutches.

posted about a year ago

Surely I am not the only one notices this right? ANGE1 is getting diffed against every IGL man.

His every read is almost wrong, he always gives FD's, his comps are shit

just why is this guy still in T1 VAL?

posted about a year ago

my man thank you for your stupid jinx!

posted about a year ago

cNed gapped qw1 at Jett just a couple weeks ago. Qutioner is really good on his good days, but even lower than cNed's lows on his off days.

posted about a year ago

ANGE1 needs to stop with this Yoru bullshit, it never works, never will. Fucking idiot.

posted about a year ago

ANGE1 got 16 in 2 maps LMAO, normal things for ANGE1, but cNed still gets the hate for the lose.
And yesterdays lose for me is just because Zyppan had a really, and I mean, really bad day. If Zyppan was even playing his %50 percent NAVI would win bind and maybe even get overtime win in Split. No hate on Zyppan tho, everyone can have their off days.

posted about a year ago

VAL fans always hate the player who made a legacy for himself. I just look and laugh at the hate. Hope he's doing the same.

posted about a year ago

No talent in MENA, what are you talking about? Fnatic + old and shittier Acend rolled the MENA tournament(Superdome), they would just bring the league down.

posted about a year ago

I don't like to talk about some being the "worst". As I like zeek as a player. But he seems too fired up for the game. The enthusiasm is cool, but it has to hit the breaks at some point.

And I loved that video, brings back good old days.

posted about a year ago

That's what I am saying. Acend Bind at its meta was almost impossible to beat. And OpTic on their meta was almost impossible to beat. If its Acend meta, Acend wins. If its OpTic meta, we don't have a clue who wins, but I can understand why people would give the win to OpTic, Acend 2022 was a disaster.

posted about a year ago

Unfortunately. zeek+BONECOLD had a lot of fights and it was on edge, it exploded. Wish they stayed together without fights. Most fun team I watched, as I am their fan.

+Chamber is the worst agent that Riot has created, I am really happy it's gone. Chamber OTP's are no more.

posted about a year ago

We couldn't see peak Acend vs peak Optic, so you can't make assumptions. I'll say Acend, you'll say Optic. Different metas, different game.

posted about a year ago

(please give me an smoke player with C)

Wouldn't win anything, C is kinda weak in good player numbers, rip.
cauanzin has alternatives, even though I think he's better: crashies, Cloud

posted about a year ago

Alfajer talked about the earthquake accident and thanked his family etc. for support.

posted about a year ago

NRG definitely has the better team plays, etc.

LOUD's individual plays are incredible. This is probably the most fun match we're ever gonna get in LOCK/IN.

I usually don't watch NA but.. I will never miss a NRG v LOUD match for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

chamber "debuff" hit him.
chamber one tricks going down one by one, guess who will rise up now :)

posted about 2 years ago

lack of IGL's (great ones)

posted about 2 years ago

nah, pretty sure players don't care about this tournament at all, starxo and cNed will leave, and Roxie is just a stand-in. Pretty sure they just don't care about the tournament, look at the plays at the recent games, its all troll and zero practice things.

posted about 2 years ago

thanks my man.

posted about 2 years ago

Or maybe his English improved after playing with an international team for 2 years...?

posted about 2 years ago

I wish we had a 2nd flair slot...
Don't wanna leave Acend, but will switch to which team I like after the transfer window.

posted about 2 years ago

They could be. We are talking about nAts here, mf almost never had a underperforming game in t1. If you have the chance, you should get him.

posted about 2 years ago

My guess is you have to live outside of Russia, and don't support Russian side on the war. Because CIS region gets really weak without Russian players, you have to sign one if you want to be an CIS powerhouse.

posted about 2 years ago

commented by a Brazillian(I would normally have nothing against you guys, but idk wth happens to you when we mention Acend), against Acend, calling Acend champions run a fluke, calling the creator of the unbeaten bind comp "worst ideas"

yeah man, totally listening to ya. thanks for your opinion.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't see anyone mentioning NBS here, he's one of the elite ones for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

It f*ing hurts man, I wanna go back to 2021, I am ok with COVID lmao

posted about 2 years ago

I didn't make the thread :) But when I make one, I will make sure of it!

posted about 2 years ago

every Acend player just posted eyes, just that.

posted about 2 years ago

how many L's do you plan to take dude

posted about 2 years ago