Flag: Latvia
Registered: August 25, 2023
Last post: August 10, 2024 at 4:53 AM
Posts: 4

“t3xture is dead, we won, gg”

posted 6 months ago

told to flusha 10 years ago, told to a fnc supporter today

posted 8 months ago

Yay lost all his aura when he was exposed as a redditor

posted 8 months ago

Theyre mainly known for their social media game which is pretty good. Fully realized (and in an actual match against them) they could probably go band for band with Sentinels in that regard

As per the actual team - basically no aura at this point (that might change, as they picked up an AWPer (OPer) degster, who was pretty damn good but got dropped from his previous team for racism? and sat half a year rehabilitating himself on a bench)

They were also known for being the best danish team, better than Astralis (the important danish team) for a while, and they had a player named cadiaN, but then in a prolific incident teammates jabbi and stavn ‘backstabbed’ him by telling the mgmt that they had issues with him, with the ultimate goal to destroy the team as they ended up leaving for Astralis very soon after

posted 9 months ago