Flag: Canada
Registered: July 25, 2021
Last post: March 28, 2022 at 1:11 PM
Posts: 30

This and getting browser notifications for favourited events/matches/teams are literally the only things I'd need

posted about 3 years ago

I thought this match had gotten moved to 4PM EST today?

EDIT: Nice it seems to have been fixed

posted about 3 years ago

800DPI, 0.25 sens, 1.3 ADS

posted about 3 years ago

0.25 800dpi Gold 2

posted about 3 years ago

I may live in Canada but I was born in EU. I can do whatever I want.

posted about 3 years ago

I know the team is always working on improvements to the site. Any plans to add browser notifications, for things like teams, matches, events, replies, etc?

posted about 3 years ago

Went on the Valorant purchase history page to check, thinking I must have spent around 500 Canadian since I only started playing seriously in June.

Total Spent: CAD1570.97

posted about 3 years ago

It's okay to be a fan of more than one team. In my case I was born in EU but live in Canada, so I have an attachment to both regions but given how Valorant is split by region, I don't see the problem with having a favourite in each of them. My NA team has always been 100T, that isn't changing even though they lost. On the EU side I was always a Liquid fan. For Champions this just makes it easier for which of the two I'll be rooting for to win the whole thing.

posted about 3 years ago

Liquid actually look improved from the last time we saw them. G2 look the same as they did in Berlin, which don't get me wrong, was pretty good. It makes sense though, one team was off the circuit for quite a while, changed its roster, is better rested and more practiced. On paper Liquid should win, but this is Valorant we are talking about

posted about 3 years ago

Plat Chat

posted about 3 years ago

Idk about VLR but if you watch a VCT match live on YT I have noticed if I unhide the chat, about 90% of the names I see on there are Indian lol. I know YT is a lot more popular there than Twitch, but I also think Valorant has a huge Indian fan base for some reason, more than other esports.

posted about 3 years ago

This is what they mean it's all small tournaments. People want to see more top tier events, where Tier 1 and Tier 2 teams get to play. Tier 2 teams that didn't make it to Berlin or LCQ are on standby until 2022 which is an insane amount of time without competing at a top level in esports

posted about 3 years ago

Surprised by how little money some of these grinders make for the amount of hours spent live. Sure, there are sponsorships, YT, etc but considering this is 2019-2021 amounts in dollars (let's not forget taxes are a thing too) a whole lot of folks outside of the big streamers are not making that much

posted about 3 years ago

On all Low settings I get more FPS on 960, heck I can even add MSAA x4 to get rid of the jagged edges and the FPS are still higher than 1080 without it

posted about 3 years ago

English, Spanish, Portuguese

posted about 3 years ago

As you should. Welcome to Member

posted about 3 years ago

Even if your screen is capped, higher frames than your screen refresh rate gives you less latency so that might explain it! That's why even though I have a 144hz screen, I just let my game run without a cap. Nvidia Boost On + Boost makes it even better

posted about 3 years ago

You can actually Google this, you have to make a few tweaks in your Nvidia monitor settings. From what I understand, Riot isn't against 4:3 stretched UI, but they are against black bars... That being said we've seen both cases in Masters Berlin so who knows lol

posted about 3 years ago

Could be the higher FPS? For me it really seems to help me to not aim up or down as much as I aim left and right at a headshot level. Again, could all be placebo, as well as the crosshair being twice the size and stretched out lol

posted about 3 years ago

FOV doesn't change, just UI really. Game is still rendered at 16:9 at a lower res, but UI is stretched

posted about 3 years ago

Saw a few pros running the game on 4:3, which we all know doesn't really affect player models but only stretches UI unless you do some Nvidia shenanigans on your monitor. I decided to try going from 1920 x 1080 to 1024 x 768 to see if it helped at all, and damn if it doesn't for me. Game runs a bit more consistently frames wise, and the crosshair being stretched horizontally actually helps me when it comes to aiming.

Keep in mind I'm not using black bars, but rather stretching the UI in 4:3 on my 16:9 screen. Might give black bars a shot, but so far this feels great!

posted about 3 years ago

Just watch on YT's Valorantesports channel. That's what I do for VCT matches tbh. Or do better and go tune into Plat Chat's co-stream also on YT

posted about 3 years ago

The set and production surpassed all my expectations. If they are giving us this level of quality for LAN in year 1 of VCT, imagine how Champions is gonna look later this year, or how the next set of years will look. The future looks so bright.

posted about 3 years ago

GGs all around, was a great match!

posted about 3 years ago

Boa sorte! Estou a torcer por vós do Canadá!

posted about 3 years ago

It warms my heart to see my country of origin have this level of talent. SAW are making Fnatic sweat a little in Icebox lol

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah it's even worse than the Masters page lol. The white section takes up 75% of the screen

posted about 3 years ago

Not sure if this has already been reported, this bug only seems to happen on mobile. When visiting, for example the Masters Berlin page, since it has a bunch of country tags at the top, it seems to overextend the width of the page. You can see a screenshot I took zoomed out, which shows how the page cuts off into a white block on the right side of the screen: screenshot

posted about 3 years ago