Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 4, 2023
Last post: February 26, 2024 at 11:40 AM
Posts: 18

three way tie with MIBR slightly ahead of sentinels.

posted 11 months ago

Pedi para o chatgpt reduzir o texto explicando ele em 1 paragrafo:

The author argues that language barriers are a valid argument in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) region of Valorant, despite the presence of players from multiple nationalities. They provide statistics on English literacy rates in various countries and note that most servers in the region communicate in English. In contrast, Latin American (LATAM) and Brazil (BR) regions have servers that are not region-locked but have limited English communication and lower literacy rates. The author concludes that EMEA needs English as a common language, while BR/LATAM does not, and highlights the challenges that non-native English speakers face in teams with fluent English speakers.

edit: agora pedi pra traduzir em pt-br pra ti

O autor argumenta que as barreiras linguísticas são um argumento válido na região EMEA (Europa, Oriente Médio e África) do Valorant, apesar da presença de jogadores de várias nacionalidades. Eles fornecem estatísticas sobre as taxas de alfabetização em inglês em vários países e observam que a maioria dos servidores na região se comunica em inglês. Em contraste, as regiões latino-americanas (LATAM) e Brasil (BR) têm servidores que não são bloqueados por região, mas têm comunicação limitada em inglês e taxas de alfabetização mais baixas. O autor conclui que a EMEA precisa do inglês como língua comum, enquanto o BR/LATAM não precisa, e destaca os desafios que os falantes não nativos de inglês enfrentam em equipes com falantes fluentes de inglês.

posted about a year ago

Of course not only mute, these kind of people deserves punishment, and not just let got.. They do not deserve to have a voice about it and you diminishing/minimizing this subject by saying "cry about it" is utterly wrong that makes me wonder how insensitive/acceptive you are about racism.

we should all condemn it.

posted about a year ago

indeed, it can be both not the orgs fault (to an extent, they could've scouted better places beforehand) and aspas still be dissatisfied.

posted about a year ago

Havoc might deliver.
Also, is it possible an NA org make a full BR team? lol

posted about a year ago

Assim, desde o começo do ano era esperado que o time da LOUD daria disband depois desse ano. Aspas, Less e Saad são players ótimos que conseguiram por 2 anos seguidos estar entre o topo no mundo, propostas inevitavelmente iriam chover para eles que um time BR não conseguiria acompanhar.

"Leaker" ai não falou nada além do óbvio num timing infeliz para desestabilizar o time no maior campeonato do ano.

posted about a year ago

que ainda bem que não pegamos eles na GF pois podemos manter o veto Fracture por ora

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bad year? EMEA won 2 out of 3 international tournaments this year.

posted about a year ago

They'll never understand what it takes for brazilians (and LATAM, mind you) to achieve that... one of the things is that most of us grew up having to play games only at lan houses for a few hours a week cuz we couldn't afford having a gaming PC, while these snot nosed gringo children only had to ask their parents when they were like 8 and could play all day long at their homes.

It looks like they get angry that we can be better than them, that we cheer for our people that achieve such highs. They'll never understand.

posted about a year ago

that too i guess

posted about a year ago

WTF you going on about, Manito Saad-HACK is an idol for most of us.

posted about a year ago

Saad is not that good, he is just that GREAT

posted about a year ago

hey now, we don't do serious and sober takes around here

posted about a year ago

the funny thing is this type of person is addressed on this video (around 37m30s and again at 42m30s)

posted about a year ago

Can I edit this comment before as I watch the video? EDIT - yeah it seems so.
So far it seems certain channels (like LTT) were doing reviews different than GN, people were pointing it out, LTT started defending and accusing GN (which were not making any comments so far). And the video is the firt time GN talks about it and its saying that these channels models are to publish videos as fast as possible because deadlines and do not stresstest enough.

edit3: LMG (linus media group) is unethical, makes many mistakes besides improper testing, ones that harms other companies and instead of owning mistakes, that double down with lies or do not address it or even just blames that they would have to pay 500 USD to reshoot some parts of the video which is odd because they're owned with a multimillion dollar company so thats nothing.
edit4: LMG should actually be sued, read more on the other comment of this question

The video seems to be providing proof of it. Edit2. Here is a TLDR timestamp of whats discussed:

00:00 - The Last 2 Weeks
01:40 - LMG is Rushing Too Much: Establishing the Premise
03:48 - LTT's Own Employees Agree
06:58 - This Isn't "Drama" & Risks
09:05 - Bad Data from Linus Tech Tips
10:12 - GPU Review Errors
15:02 - CPU Cooler Test Errors
19:09 - PSU Review Errors
19:53 - CPU Review Errors
22:39 - Asterisked Errors
26:15 - Ethical Concerns: Irresponsible Actions & Conflicts
28:21 - Ethical Concerns: The Review of Billet Labs
34:49 - Ethical Concerns: 'Not-Review' of Pwnage Mouse
36:53 - UNACCEPTABLE & The Community is Disturbing
39:22 - Unfair to Consumers, Manufacturers, & Reviewers

posted about a year ago

Exatamente. Franquias está matando o cenário brasileiro em ritmo acelerado. A qualidade do VCB está bem fraca, isso comparando com o reinado LOUD que batia em todos. Gerar talentos brasileiros está mais difícil pois os melhores players (em teoria) estão fora do país agora.

As orgs brasileiras, mesmo com apoio monetário da riot não tem o mesmo poder aquisitivo que empresas NA possuem e nunca terão uma torcida de mesmo tamanho lá no exterior.

Pra piorar os caras tem que deixar toda a vida deles aqui do Brasil lá pro exterior. Amigos, família, namoros, quase td aqui. O mental dos players pouco a pouco vai piorar e chegará um momento que nem sentirão motivados em jogar lá.

Repito e vou adicionar algo NA MINHA OPINIÃO, franquias foi a pior coisa para o cenário Brasil/LATAM.

posted about a year ago

Wait, you guys are getting rank??

posted about a year ago