Flag: Scotland
Registered: January 1, 2022
Last post: November 1, 2022 at 9:18 AM
Posts: 3

First of all Boostio Jawgemo are stand out players people forget their performances, but they were very good players.
The core of Boostio, jawg and c0m a weaker core than other teams, but no where near as weak as people are saying.
Second of all "t1 emea player who is not in liquid or has been on m3c"
The fuck are you talking about I will remind you teams your forgetting.
FPX, Guild and Fnatic these are all very good teams. These teams are not pay check stealers.

posted about 2 years ago

Keep cooping net was a fantastic anchor/sentinel. Criminally underrated player.

posted about 2 years ago

Your not interacting with his point. His point is depending on the character you playing your hs% will be deflated due to using ability's. He wasn't saying that nades should count has hs. He is saying that when you look at stats looking at hs% isn't good enough depending on the character your looking at and you should look at more.

posted about 3 years ago