Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: June 20, 2023 at 1:22 PM
Posts: 6

Raze is just a burst entry so you see less KD fragging but more/equal ADPR through her ultility, typically they explode deep into site(ha) and fast enough that team mates cannot immediately assist in their kills but it makes an amazing distraction/site take. Think of Bind, a double blastpack out of Hookah or from Cubby box usually ends with the raze being in the back of either site. While their team clears oct, below window, elbow, tunnel or lamps, site/showers etc.

Also factor in that Jett can be played aggressively as entry or even 3rd rifle/awp etc and you'll see why it seems like "no one can play it". It's just more difficult to see their impact through numbers.

posted 11 months ago

Curious as to where you see me talking about Navi qualifying for Champs? I mentioned them 2 times and #1 was to chat shit about them, saying how every match/map they've done something completely different such as playing cNed on Omen etc and #2 was to say I support them.


posted 11 months ago

To be fair, none of them care about the Regional slot. It doesn't benefit their team at all

posted 11 months ago

Is it just me or does it seem likely that certain teams are ditching these masters as they are qualified for the Champion's in 1 months time? There's already been major complaints about the time crunch and any/all strats shown here will be known for Champs, there's not much time left at all.

~Qual for champions >Treat every game like they are Navi 2023 >Oh no we lost >Japan for a few days >Go home and practice for ~2weeks longer than everyone else and have a better chance at Champions.

Some teams definitely have something to prove here(EDG, EG) but a few of the teams? fyi I support Navi so ๐Ÿ’€

posted 11 months ago

Has SEN? afaik Masters โ‰  Major

They are x2 Masters, not Champions.

posted about 2 years ago