Flag: Thailand
Registered: April 8, 2023
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 12:22 PM
Posts: 54

ah yes, people are now politics.

posted 11 months ago

shes 17, can't play in vct. she most likely will play in tier 1 when shes old enough.

posted about a year ago

its fake, dude was at his gf's birthday at the time of the messages.

posted about a year ago

w apart from day 1

posted about a year ago

he speaks english, enough to make comms. i still wish he went with the rest of the core to talon, prob the best smokes player in thailand

posted about a year ago

those imports are prob the best players on the teams

posted about a year ago

dude is like the immortal 3 in a asc lobby

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its riot, it will take a lot of time, they dont even have basic features that have been requested by the community cuz if it aint broke dont fix it, lol at LoL for example, it still looks like a game from 2008, its way too outdated compared to its competition "dota 2", but people still play it. classic rito

posted about a year ago

there will probably be an agent ban implemented by riot for official tourney to combat the quantity of agents, i dont think a 6 man squad will be viable if they actually make bans a thing

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nah bruh people still at their jobs or in class, but still all tix sold out im trying to get some but cant find any

posted about a year ago

hopefully they get to cast vct pacific next year theyre hype and tbh not biased at all

posted about a year ago

the tourney has barely started and there's a team that has yet to play tf you talking about

posted about a year ago

i think they will eventually win, prx got way too close without something, or at least closer than anybody couldve thought, zeta and drx got close too. maybe we do need a super team like fnatic, i think if theres somebody to do it, prx will

posted about a year ago

are you playing on wifi or ethernet? if wifi that means whatever wifi card your laptop/desktop using is probably too weak or low end to handle a fast bluetooth bandwith and wifi at the same time

posted about a year ago

damn bro

posted about a year ago

didnt he lose to a pubg streamer? dude couldnt find a solution to bind b site push for like a whole attacking half. he a good igl still tho

posted about a year ago

cuz hes a duelists, every duelist on "almost" every team is usually overhyped, or at least hyped in a way

posted about a year ago

damn bro

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

really confusing situation, but probably something that happened behind the scenes that caused prx to take such a decision

posted about a year ago

really surprising, hope it works vs fnatic. would love such a timeline

posted about a year ago

thats like the nicest way to be racist

posted about a year ago

its marketing, not everybody that plays valorant is interested in the esports scene, i think whoevers in charge of the account is just following a formula. I love the fact that theyre posting cool stuff about pride, but would love them to use their huge following to raise awareness about mental health and honor twisten

posted about a year ago

i just hope they are doing the right thing, its way too costly to troll right now

posted about a year ago

bro yes im thai but istg i didnt make that decision, im pretty sure the coaching staff in prx know more than you and i. us fans are confused but there probably is a very compelling reason to the decision makers to decide on cgrs rather than benkai. we are left to wonder

posted about a year ago

I think its just logical that you know nothing compared to the people who made that decision in the first place, hating without a reason is just wrong

posted about a year ago

bro out here hating for no reason

posted about a year ago

bro youre the biggest jinx ever

posted about a year ago

hes just so rizzless that it comes out as kind of a creep, but i dont think he is one

posted about a year ago

they lost to a half-assed sen yesterday doesnt look good for winning lcq

posted about a year ago

bruh for pacific i think every team except dfm has a chance

posted about a year ago

i think the main difference between mxm and dsg are the tactics, watched both and dsg seems way too predictable for the quality that they have. yay is still a good player, but optic was literally a team that was built around hey lets give yay a space to do what yay does, dsg isnt the same. i do think that maybe a change in coaching will be a good thing rather than the change of personnel.

posted about a year ago

I think there's relegation playoffs between the 4 teams that have failed to qual for playoffs, only 2 teams can stay in vct challengers 2024, the other 2 will be relegated from challengers and there will be 2 empty spots in challengers for open qualifiers next year

posted about a year ago

least problematic right wing guy:

posted about a year ago

I think its more of that the players of your rank are also improving as you improve, like for example, silvers in 2020 arent the same as silvers today. if you wan to rank up you'll have to put a lot of effort to get out, and maybe try avoiding solo q, and maybe play duelist or sova

posted about a year ago

dude said " hey you might have a joint infection and covid and the love of your life is suffering from a cancer and is going through painful treatment while having a possibility of not making it alive but you surely can just perform on stage with a lot on the line no?"

posted about a year ago

boomer football fan mindset, would not be surprised at all if youre a man united supporter

posted about a year ago

xiff was flexible, he played raze once. i think nerve will be an exact replacement for xiff, steel has played kay o in the last few games and looked good tbh. clears plays viper played it few times on pearl mainly holding b site, looked good too, i think it was vs mad lions.

posted about a year ago

steel play kay o, clear plays viper

posted about a year ago

he's ill, he has an injury and personal life stuff, sen has no choice but to play him as marved's visa issue has yet to be resolved. im pretty sure he would want to take a break if possible. seeing him underperform hurts but lets hope he bounce back sometime.

posted about a year ago

riku has f/a on his twitter bio, i think they will sign a new player. it would be nice to give riku a chance, but i understand the pressure and expectation that comes with signing yay, so they will prob get a proper replacement.

posted about a year ago

their tier 2 scene is really good. dfm are not a good team tbh, the reason why they got into franchising is that theyre the most commercially successful esport org in japan, you can see that from the amount of sponsors they have on their jerseys, so basically they got in franchising cuz they got clout as an org. just like how eg got into franchising while teams like m80 and the guard are in tier 2.

posted about a year ago

I think gengsta might get benched, we've seen steel play kay o, clear can play viper, idk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

clear plays viper on pearl usually. While very unlikely, I hope they go for yay. problem is, they probably need a sustainable roaster and a somewhat "inexpensive" roaster, so im not sure. it still surprises me that exalt is not a part of the roaster as his departure made everybody except clear switch roles and it wasnt good to watch, riku was the standout of those games... im excited tho

posted about a year ago