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Registered: September 30, 2022
Last post: July 8, 2024 at 6:50 PM
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lets goooo

posted about a year ago


Building the roster

  • Dephh was the first player signed on the roster
  • Zekken was the second player secured
  • Other 3 spots were open ended
  • The 2 Brazilians and Tenz were locked in as the last 3 pieces
  • Teams already started practicing in Nov/Dec and trialing players
  • Sen started in early jan due to visa issues. 2 months behind
  • Sen took a risk without trialing b/c of aggressive rostermania
  • Tarik/Ludwig event was good lan practice, tried to not show comps though(ran troll ambitious comps)
  • Rob Moore advocated for sen to join the event to find their identity as a team

Kaplan addresses sen's biggest issue-

  • They did not have a core roster coming in like other teams in the league
  • need to play a ridiculous amount of games to catch up to other teams with a previous core from last year
  • expectations are high, lots of bandaid fixes in the meantime due to short and aggressive season
  • lots of role problems. dephh as igl needed to be with the team to make calls
  • igl needs to micromanage due to team never playing together previously
  • pancada switching to senti was comfortable to due to controller role being played similarly
  • role switches were a necessary evil
  • anticipated chamber going out of meta, tenz would not play duelist
  • tenz was asked to play kayo in rank in offseason
  • did not predict 2 controller 1 senti meta

Signing 6th man

  • before roster lock, sen needed a sub
  • marved was a great option. super qualified. no brainer to sign ice man
  • marved is perfect for double controller meta
  • no choice but for marved to stay on roster due to dephh stepping down himself and roster lock
  • who will igl now that dephh has stepped down/retired?
  • marved volunteered himself to try igling

Tokyo Playoffs + LCQ

  • playoffs was not realistic after dephh stepped down
  • playoffs was not the focus, focus was to win LCQ for long term plan
  • now sen has new roster, everyone on their comfort roles, new igl, and totally different team chemistry
  • new starting roster had much more positive energy
  • new team enjoy playing the game together
  • preparing now for long term future of lcq and champs
  • tenz says new team is a breath of fresh air coming in. energy was a step up from before
  • team is gelling more now. pancada is more vocal now compared to before.
  • pancada is more comfortable with the team. now not conveying frustrations through sacy but directly to team members.
  • team is bonding more, getting along
  • tenz "map pool, agent comps are coming together"
  • sen now preparing for 2 months while other teams take breaks
posted about a year ago

c9 was seen scrimming without runi on several streams. unfortunately it is true. don’t know what that may mean but..

posted about a year ago

got into valorant because of tenz. became a fan of all the sen players during their 2021 run. it was glorious to see them dominant and i’m still their fan to this day.

tldr; sen players go pew pew with gun. util go crazy. me brain likey.

posted about a year ago

very true! if sen does cut the contract early, i’m sure they’ll be compensated though. or the 2 get paid being benched.

posted about a year ago

tenz getting the frenzy 4k on reyna

“it’s tenz world and we’re just LIVING IN IT! ! ! “ greatest call from a castor of all time.

posted about a year ago

the brazilians arent going anywhere until 2024 though.

posted about a year ago

they signed 4 world champions. why wouldn’t they try to win? i’m confused. winning is what they’re aiming for.

posted about a year ago

love that timeline for us. but i swear to god if this jinxes them i’m coming for you.

posted about a year ago

the 2 brazilians are contracted until the end of 2024 with zekken.

i don’t know why people think they will leave after lcq/champs. the only variables are tenz and marved. so we COULD see a change there if they don’t resign.

posted about a year ago

“sen didn’t practice shit at all”

sure they missed a few scrims in 2022 bc of sick and his mental health issue but that doesn’t mean they didn’t practice in 2021 or later 2022. where did this stupid narrative come from lol sen does practice

posted about a year ago

-sinatraa and + tenz. we might have a masters winning team on our hand there 🤔

posted about a year ago

role issues are definitely a huge part of it. penny looked so comfy on jett.

when g2 signed immi, he brought penny and wippie with him i think. and then shahz and dapr were a pair. sucks how the roles clashed. i think verno was trialing with g2 also.

but yea i agree. replacing penny and wippie seems to be the fix. they are not growing into their respective roles. don’t know who though.

posted about a year ago

he was pretty young right? if i remember correctly? lawyers or something hounded him when the investigation was going on. of course he will tell the truth.

i love how he gets the blame yet the actual match fixers don’t get the same hate lmao

posted about a year ago

i heard yay wanted to shave xeppaas head so c9 can get the bald buff. xeppaa said no and they got into an argument throwing punches and yay left on bad terms. scary stuff.

posted about a year ago

shahz is so good as a player. i need him on a franchise team :(

posted about a year ago

the bulldog headshot weapon diff last round hurts.

the 2v1 throws hurt. tossed a couple rounds.

wtf. throws all around

posted about a year ago

the throws hurt man. wtf

posted about a year ago

triple collat and losing 2v1s unlucky :(

so many throws honestly

posted about a year ago

don’t know but it’s just sad

posted about a year ago

praying for someone’s downfall?

have we learned nothing from today? it doesn’t cost a dime to be kind. you don’t know what someone is going through in their life or what they’re struggling with and cruel comments could be the straw that breaks the camels back

do better

posted about a year ago

zombs- spectre

posted about a year ago

damn bros getting mad at people more successful then him.

work on yourself and your mental so you don’t become bitter. life is what you make of it <3 i promise you it’s not a competition. the only person you should strive to become better than is yourself.

posted about a year ago


i’m just saying the tenz getting sick situation and dephh leaving cause of burnout is just unlucky. people act like the players or the org have control over that. that’s all.

the weird roles and the coach thing though. yea you can blame them for that.

posted about a year ago

do you like the new roster now that played against Furia compared to the initial franchise one?

posted about a year ago

do people really blame sentinels for constant 2023 roster changes?

the coach syyko fallout yes. something definitely happened.
and the weird roles during the first 3 weeks were questionable.

but the:
tenz getting sick, marved in was unlucky. they kept marved because the results against LOUD and MIBR were promising.

dephh left the roster cause of competitive burnout/stress as addressed by the players and the orgs themselves. they even said he retired but i don’t know how true that is and if he wants to compete again.

posted about a year ago

2 times

first time he was sick and marved subbed in. marved gave good results so they didn’t want to mess with what’s working. tenz then came back later to fill in for dephh cause he left for his own reasons.

posted about a year ago

no i meant the whole sacy on controller thing. that was at the beginning of the season. first 3 weeks to be exact.

marved was kept because of the results against LOUD and MIBR. kaplan saw it was working after tenz was recovering.

dephh left later yes.

i mean i’m not arguing about experimenting being bad or whatever. the role thing was at the beginning

posted about a year ago

i mean it was the beginning of the season. yes i agree the roles were weird and sacy said later he was bad on controller. you live and learn.

posted about a year ago’s a brand new roster. they were experimenting and quickly went back to original comps after 3 games.

  1. marved is a damn good sixth man. he was an emergency sub for sick. who else would you have signed ?

  2. dephh suffered from competitive burnout and lots of flack from the community. he left on his own accord for his own sanity and i don’t blame him.

posted about a year ago

dephh suffered from burnout and left sen for his own reason. the players and the org have addressed it several times. someone had to pick up igling and marved volunteered.

kicking the coach is weird though yes

posted about a year ago

“messing with roster too much”

could you provide examples for 2023 SEN please?

posted about a year ago

not a xerxia fan but okay. i just like the xerxia logo :)

posted about a year ago

rawkus and kanpeki..2 subs

you’re comparing peak optic to a SEN without 2 of its most impactful players.. bffr

posted about a year ago

brazil has one team going to tokyo playoffs. NA has two? how is brazil the more competent region?

please explain.

posted about a year ago

LOUD has one trophy no? correct me if i’m remembering wrong.

NA won 2 masters.


posted about a year ago

Americas has almost the same amount of trophies.

i wouldn’t be talking shit bc it’s pretty even 🙃

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if they lose against c9, why would they be deserving of tokyo? same thing with c9 if they lose.

posted about a year ago

look, it’s no ones fault that tenz got sick. it’s no ones fault that dephh doesn’t have chemistry with the rest of the team. people will crucify sen if they don’t make changes . they will crucify them if they do.

cut them some slack, the team is figuring it out. champions aren’t made overnight. look at LOUD and NRG. the core has been playing together since forever . chill.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pls no jinx.

good thing that if they lose, this team has so much potential for LCQ prayge.

posted about a year ago

he’s feeling it.


whole team is.

posted about a year ago

I appreciate it <3 It scared me for a moment. I thought I said something bad.

posted about a year ago

im being serious :(

posted about a year ago

mhmm i’m just curious about what i said was wrong?

that sen players sometimes practice their agents in rank.

is that wrong or controversial to say?

please tell me :(

posted about a year ago



the one downvote yes but everything else? no

posted about a year ago

probably none.

would be way too troll.

posted about a year ago

if it makes you sleep better at night.

i went back to check the thread, i wasn’t the only one who shared that sentiment but sure. why not.

posted about a year ago

no i don’t think so, but LOUD + 1 SA team + 4 NA teams is highly probable.

posted about a year ago
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