Flag: Japan
Registered: September 30, 2022
Last post: July 8, 2024 at 6:50 PM
Posts: 1929
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EU education ??

Brazil isnt NA..

We are the Americas. get it right

posted about a year ago

North SA wants to say u guys did great.. nt to LOUD they are insane and had such a good LOCK IN run.. the America’s are super proud

congrats to boaster and FNC for finally getting a hard earned trophy after 2 years..

can’t wait for the rest of the vct year. it’s been insane !

posted about a year ago

based take.. i agree with ur assessment

posted about a year ago

as a girl with squishmallows, leave them alone D:<

posted about a year ago

RIP our BM king. we will miss thee 🥺🥺🥺

posted about a year ago

wtf... give me lotto numbers now pls

posted about a year ago


plus support and good coaching staff

posted about a year ago


sen doesn’t feel like sen anymore ..

our BM king is gone :’(((

posted about a year ago

super sad 😔

posted about a year ago

half is me is excited because the potential !!!

half of me is butthurt, angry and sad for dapr and shahz

and marved honestly.. i was rooting for sen marved

i’m a bag of mixed emotions rn

posted about a year ago

based 👍👍👍

posted about a year ago

the players literally got them into franchising 🥲🥲🥲

kind of hurts, no ???

posted about a year ago

lots of us love the players though ?? love seeing them play and shit...

winning is important i agree but the way sen is handling dropping their players is atrocious though... dapr tweeted about being backstabbed...

the players GOT sentinels into franchising.. at least treat them with respect for all they’ve done

posted about a year ago

why would you be a fan of an org??

it’s the players that are important.

we are fans of the players themselves IN the org.

posted about a year ago

who shahz?? i personally love the guy.

don’t know about other fans but never understood the hate with him.

he’s a solid player.

posted about a year ago

I personally never wanted tenz, shahz and dapr to leave 🥲🥲 i love the sen members ! i feel like other team’s fans were dunking on Sen but not the actual fans themselves.. I could be wrong...

sigh. i don’t know anymore man.

posted about a year ago

Per george, they were looking at other chamber players first and foremost .( george will reveal everything after rostermania cools down.)

Tenz and Shahzams contracts were not priority.

So basically they were going to drop Tenz and shahz. Dapr would have been the only OG sen member left.

How fucked is sen dropping their players that brought clout and fans to the team?? got them into franchising ??

Dapr found out 30 mins before the news released that he was dropped..

I no longer doubt shahz had no clue he was being dropped. he said the coaches were planning stuff and he will be informed later..

At this point, tenz should leave this L org..
We are Sentinel’s fans because of the players not the org itself.


posted about a year ago

sen won a lan, optic won a lan.

tenz deserves the respect.

posted about a year ago

as a sen fan, i hope he does too.. sen doesn’t deserve him after their actions. he can bring us fans someplace else to a different org

posted about a year ago

“I am not trying to twist the timeline or look for sympathy, I did learn the news from the article during that clip. I was not told about my contract not being renewed, I did speak to the new coaches and told I would be followed up with.“

Seems like he really was kept in the dark??? or as least not informed of anything ???

another comment he posted:

“They did not tell me they aren't offering a renewal, I was told to wait for a follow up”

Thoughts ???

posted about a year ago

ayoo send this sen fan the roster details too please 🥺🥺🥺

posted about a year ago

As a fan of both tenz and tarik!! that explains it perfectly ! tarik is detached from the competitive roster... i like tarik = i watch his stream.. i like tenz, i watch his pro play...

if my favorite players leave the roster, why should i be excited about Sen competing ???

posted about a year ago

I was watching shahz’s stream when it happened.. there’s a clip too if you want to watch. you’re right.. communication is key 🥲 sadge

posted about a year ago

i said this in another thread:

this is the downfall of sen as someone who’s been a fan since forever.. mark my words. not telling your igl and player of 3 years about roster news and him finding out through twitter ???

like wtf. absolutely no respect and unprofessional.

signing tarik is great and all for clout but it’s not enough to replace tenz and shahz

posted about a year ago

as much as george is annoying, his articles do have truth to them... they’ve already have sights on two xset players... it’s basically xset 2.0. L if true...

posted about a year ago

this is the downfall of sen as someone who’s been a fan since forever.. mark my words. not telling your igl and player of 3 years about roster news and him finding out through twitter ???

like wtf. absolutely no respect.
signing tarik is great and all but it’s not enough to replace tenz and shahz

posted about a year ago

i’m crying.. that’s so sad 🥺🥺🥺 shahz doesn’t deserve that.. L org if this is true

posted about a year ago

Sen Sgares mannn.. a dream 🥲🥲 lots of fans also wanted him sadge.

posted about a year ago

yea..hopefully that’s the case!!! that’s why I said possibility... I’m praying that Sen keeps him... he can frag out

posted about a year ago

He’s been wanting Kaplan and additional staff/support from the org... Shaz was the one who pushed hard for kaplan before having to get rawkus back but the org couldnt make it happen, kinda fucked that now that hes maybe possibly on his way out that theyre getting better staff if they decide to go with a different igl..

posted about a year ago

dapr is soo good though 🥲🥲🥲

posted about a year ago

W Shahz.

people were way too harsh on him imo

posted about a year ago

keep both.. can’t imagine sen without them 🥲🥲

posted about a year ago

i hope it’s SEN or i’ll feel like a clown 🥲

posted about a year ago

not prediction but what my heart wants ): sadge

posted about a year ago

imo the Sen core(Tenz, Dapr, Shahz) is what makes the org. Especially tyson , since hes a big piece of why Sen got into franchising.

I would love to see

  • a 5th like Sick if he still wants to pursue professional play.. this slot is open but Sick is my first choice
  • coach Sen Sykko

Sentinels looked clean during LCQ and I think having a great smokes player like Marved could elevate the team to greatness like in Iceland.
Add a coach like Sykko and they'll be cleannn.

Shahz also needs to OP. He's one of the best opers in Val and hes not being used to his full potential. I really don't think Shahz is a problem since he can frag out.
Tenz is good at oping but his rifling is on another level. Get him off the OP and give it to Shahz.


posted about a year ago

we love shahz though :( - sincerely a sen fan

posted about a year ago

hard agree.. sen core is what makes me a fan of the team :( i love the players

posted about a year ago

i would have preferred Sen Sgares but they were too late 😭😭😭

posted about a year ago
  • sliggy as coach and this roster is nuts imo...

Sen marved is the missing piece to the puzzle for sen and i hope they keep the sen core..

would be awful to not see tenz on the roster when he’s one of the the biggest reasons sen made franchising imo

posted about a year ago
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