Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 1, 2022
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 2:18 PM
Posts: 68
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Concordo. Porem, um passo de cada vez. Vamo empurrar hoje pq vai ser um dia dificil.

posted about a year ago

sem duvida, essa eh a jogada. O cara manja (foi profissional) e tbm eh um otimo criador de conteudo hoje em dia.

posted about a year ago

realmente, eh dificil aturar ele. O modo casual dele de comentar eh muito a+ e cringe. Eu ja vi ele falando umas merdas as vezes que deixou ou pode ter deixado a galera desconfortavel do lado dele. Meio esquisito como ninguem deu um toque nele ainda pra melhorar.

posted about a year ago

Relaxa meu jovem, eles sabem o que tao fazendo. Nao adianta ficar todo todo por conta de uma mapa mais ou menos. Vai dar tudo certo. Eles sao pros. Confia nos campeos mundiais.

posted about a year ago

bruh, top 10?

Sacy has always been top 3. One of the best initiators in the game.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Assdis LUL

posted about a year ago

Enzo, me faz um favor? Quando voce terminar suas tarefas escolares vc volta aqui, ta?

Seus argumentos nao fazem sentido nenhum, meu caro.


posted about a year ago

I like the way you think

posted about a year ago

Ask him why did he take so long to take the shot on tuyz or why he choose to peek with the operator in fracture.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm with you. The Brazilians trying to defend leaving early are really stupid in my honest opinion. they should've waited for the ceremony (at least 50%) to show appreciation for both teams really and the event. Some stupid Brazilians are like "they will never understand us" and they're using this narrative as an excuse.

No. Stay for like 10 more minutes and show some sportsmanship. The ceremony happened right after with some really exciting announcements and nobody was there. Pretty sad in my opinion. I'm planning to go to LA and I don't really care who wins but I'm going for the event, for the passion I have for this game and the community.

posted about 2 years ago

Just curious what people play in the last few days of the act. I tried playing comp, HOLYYYYY... matches are wild.

Pubg? OW2?

posted about 2 years ago

Chupa essa Trembo. Bye baby.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I believe they had very strong tactics for the first 2 maps and weak strats or not enough repertoire for the rest of them.

posted about 2 years ago

FR!! this is the real answer. Kendrick, the goat.

posted about 2 years ago

pANcada > all.

posted about 2 years ago

I can see people in ranked making SO MANY MISTAKES with those skills. I can't wait to see it.

posted about 2 years ago

I can get behind that. Make sense to me.

posted about 2 years ago




posted about 2 years ago

It's not that. They are an amazing team but their mental right now isn't the best. They're feeling the crowd and they don't know how to react to Loud plays and adapt mid game.

DRX is a fantastic team but it appears to me that Loud prepared really well for DRx.

posted about 2 years ago

Actually Agree. Hoping to see Suy in the finals if everything goes well here.

posted about 2 years ago

I cant wait for a LOUD x Navi final so we can finally shut off these ppl. Loud is still the best.

posted about 2 years ago

Navi could beat LOUD. They have been playing super well. That said, we will see though.

I also want Optic back, tbh. They are a fantastic team and every game was super fun to watch. Fantastic plays.

posted about 2 years ago

You sound just like Trembo -> mwzera, but Nats version. Feel free to paste the twitch links and vods for every argument you make.

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh, I think DGZIN is the only diff in that team. Even though Mazin, Khalil, QCK are great players in general, they have been on an international stage before and couldn't meet expectations. MWZera had an opportunity playing for Vivo Keyd before and that was underwhelming. I know because I was on try hype train and, even though he showed some good plays, it didn't look to me he was at the international level. I might be wrong and this time he might show up but so far nothing exciting.

Again, I think DGzin is the only with international potential and the one that is used with the responsiblity of performing at world events. He always shows up. The rest have choked before.

And to be perfectly blunt, they would destroy any SA teams. They're just in this limbo between local and international.

posted about 2 years ago

A gente sempre perde esse 1 jogo "perdido". Nao ta vendo os patterns? Acho que 3 vagas foram demais sim. Brasil tem que evoluir muito e so a loud (com o ultimo roster) que realmente se mostrou diferente. O restante ta muito atras.

posted about 2 years ago

plat 3
silver 3

posted about 2 years ago

can you stop missing these AWP shots please? WTFFFF

posted about 2 years ago

honestly, BR as a region need smarter people leading these teams. Starting with coaches.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't understand why ppl are downvoting you. lol

Great game but LOUD is not in their best form right now and LEV is. IT's very clear that LEV is the favorite for today. Plus, they have the magic 5 head Onur.

posted about 2 years ago

well said brother/sister

posted about 2 years ago

reasonable picks tbh. Thank the fucking lord they banned Pearl after that ridiculous performance

posted about 2 years ago

do you think so? I mean, Look at LEV but an offer from other regions is possibly equivalent to NA? no? or am I tripping?

posted about 2 years ago

Are they ex pro players? are they college degree esports math/statistics major? wtf do we need to do to get some smart people coaching BR teams? Instead of copying shit around, let's get some actual coaching going BR teams, please.

posted about 2 years ago

porra, quem nao fica cara? Nzr jogou mal, nao tirou a cara, foi pego nas skills da fade e ainda tomou na cara de guardian.

Do IGL eu esperava mais. Mais inteligencia e calma naquela hora. Porra, e de cair o cu das calcas.

posted about 2 years ago

all coaches here suck, tbh. 1 head strats and no creativity.

posted about 2 years ago

nzr jogou muito mal esse clutch, meu deus

posted about 2 years ago

honestly, if FUR loses a few rounds in a row their mental goes kaput. This is definitely not over yet bruh. Remember DRX? sheeeeesh

posted about 2 years ago

I would love to see a 2x1 FNC but, based on recent results, I can easily see a 2x0.

Is there ANY chance at all of seeing FUR taking 1 map from FNC? :(

posted about 2 years ago

absolutely lol

it not his fault, it's the game designer's fault for having such forgiving running headshots in the game. Pros just adapt to the game and absorb these mechanics.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Minha sincera opiniao:

A VKS ja esteve no mesmo caminho no passado. Isso significa uma coisa: A line up da furia atual nao tem maturidade emocional para tanta pressao. A furia tem uma base boa e dgzin se encaixou razoavelmente nesse breve periodo, mas hoje houveram tantos erros depois do primeiro mapa que ficou evidente que a equipe nao encaixou ainda.

Nos temos otimos jogadores espalhados em varios outros times, mas o negocio achar um bom "balance" entre experience, ego, e skill. Vide Loud.

Outro exemplo, Leviatan. Otimos jogadores com DISCIPLINA e isso eh evidente que ta em falta em muitas outras equipes brasilieiras.

posted about 2 years ago

They're definitely not getting out of groups stage.

posted about 2 years ago

what? I think you mean TBK? TBK is probably the most humble team in the scenario.

posted about 2 years ago

congrats manitos. In all seriousness, KRU deserves the spot by far. Mazino is great player tbh. BR < KRU. GGs.

posted about 2 years ago

I completely agree. There are more talented players around with more versatility. He can only play raze. When he played Sova, he was pretty average.

He is a good player but not exceptional like others we have in the scene. Some people say he needs a better "team" but hey... what is a better team? TBK just beat them with a team that has been putting some work and its showing.

In time, people will realize this.

posted about 2 years ago

Great post! W dude

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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