Flag: United States
Registered: June 3, 2021
Last post: January 16, 2023 at 5:14 PM
Posts: 5

It appears that you are using a dictionary that is wrong because Merriam-Webster defines apparently as "—used to describe something that appears to be true based on what is known". https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/apparently

Another way of saying that sentence is "Apparently, you are using a dictionary that is wrong..." Apparently is just the adverb form of the verb "appears".

So another example could be: "It appears that you don't know English as well as you think." can become "You, apparently, don't know English as well as you think."

posted about a year ago

I car a little. I have a 6 speed manual transmission Jetta GLI that I enjoy driving.

posted about a year ago

Never heard this definition before and no native English (at least American English) speaker would use it in this manner. Apparent is more closely synonymous to visible or clearly or evidently it comes from the root "appears". It usually means that it is assumed or believed to be true even though you don't know for sure that it is 100% true.

posted about a year ago

TSM impressed this weekend. One thing that especially stood out is how much TSM improved each series (not including Haven). They looked shaky day 1, especially match 1. Hazed went on the stream and told the casters that they made some mistakes, but that he thinks they can fix them. Then they come back today and looked much better than even most of the casters expected. SEN was expected by many to win today simply because they have better players, as they did day 1. TSM showed that teams won't be able to rely on just skill to beat them. This tournament shows that they might have the talent to make a run.

Coming into this tournament, the Guard was rated as a top 5 team in NA. The core 4 are returning which should give them a large advantage especially early when teams are just starting to practice. And I think valyn is maybe the best controller + IGL in NA, both in fragging and in IGLing. The Guard is one of the best teams in NA and TSM showed that they could at least hang with them today and they even came close to beating them 2-0 had things gone a little different on Ascent.

While TSM impressed, at least two questions remain: 1) is Hazed the Tom Brady of Valorant -hitting a new peak when a lot of players hang up their mouse? or 2) can the team as a whole continue to improve like we saw from day 1 to day 2?

Hazed looked great this weekend and I have no reason to believe he won't continue to do well, except that we haven't really seen that (except in certain flashes) where he has looked this good. But I guess ill be more of a believer if he can do it over multiple tournaments. If he continues to frag, TSM could be one of the best teams not just in ascension but maybe a top 5 team in NA again, with upset potential.

Although, not near the top of fraggers last year, what he did do is take an NRG team that had some very talented pieces, but often looked a bit undisciplined or unpracticed and took them to be one of the best teams in NA. I think that TSM has a lot of raw talent Corey and Seven and some really smart players in gMd, hazed and then kind of a mix of the two in nature. I think that they have a lot of room for growth. Corey has some of the best mechanics in the game and Seven was once, maybe still is, considered a top prospect. Things haven't looked this bright for TSM in a while

posted about a year ago