Flag: Algeria
Registered: April 1, 2023
Last post: May 5, 2023 at 7:47 AM
Posts: 20

thanks #11 and #10 appreciate you two
idk what the players did wrong to get fucked over like this its a fucking game idk why theyre bringing politics
they already destroyed the world champions team gambit and now this

posted about a year ago

okay now seriously pls

posted about a year ago

what happened to d3ffo ????
he went from world champion to playing in china ????? why

posted about a year ago

i expect them to do a 6 man roster where tenz only plays if theyre gonna play a jett what do yall think

posted about a year ago

he took them from a team almost 2-0ing the 2nd best team in the league to almost 2-0 the best team in the league not much of a difference
im not tryna say hes a bad player hes the best player in sentinels by far
its just that this type of surface thinking is annoying and stupid

posted about a year ago

go to a hospital and check out the guys who are sick itll help you appreciate what you have

posted about a year ago

i just dont get why would you cheer for players who wont hear you ????? can you someone explain the logic here
and i wonder why na fans complain that the brazil fans cheer for brazilian teams and vice versa like wtf do you expect them to do lol ofc theyre gonna support their team

posted about a year ago

are sentinels the perfect team to try a 6 man roster ??
tenz is basically a jett player
they just have the room to sub marved in every map where jett isnt meta (bind fracture)
and they dont have to force the double duelist or the jett in other maps (split lotus pearl) they get to try other things
and have tenz play in haven and ascent

posted about a year ago

im talking about his eyebrows btw lol he shaved them or something ? hes a handome looking guy btw

posted about a year ago

whats up with pancada in this pic ?? anyone knows ?
2nd slide

posted about a year ago

are sentinels the perfect team to try a 6 man roster ??
tenz is basically a jett player
they just have the room to sub marved in every map where jett isnt meta (bind fracture)
and they dont have to force the double duelist or the jett in other maps (split lotus pearl) they get to try other things
and have tenz play in haven and ascent

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i am so tired of supporting this team every year we play well at the first tournament of the year and then we fucking throw by trying some dumb insane shit. can we just stick to doing what has worked before especially when we have tried every year to cook new shit up and then flop miserably? i am so stupid for having hope before the league began that we can be a good team let alone a top team this year

posted about a year ago

im serious man

posted about a year ago

is this a permanent change or is foxy9 a sub and zest is coming back ?
if its permenant why did they cut zest did they think hes underperforming ?

posted about a year ago

how do i delete this thread

posted about a year ago

i wanted to ask some questions i need some help pls
isnt benkai their IGL why did they cut him off ? whos IGLing now?
something is russian right i would assume the rest of the roster to speak in singaporian or something idk what they speak their how will he comunicate

posted about a year ago

who you talking about

posted about a year ago

he aint cookin shit 💯💯💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

if he wasnt his ex teammate maybe
but in this case probably just a joke between friends stop crying

posted about a year ago