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Registered: August 31, 2024
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 12:50 PM
Posts: 493
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HC will be Potter, Kaplan is a mental merchant so he can keep doing his thing as an assistant coach.

posted 1 week ago

why are you trying to dodge the fact that the SEN team themselves cut him LOL

posted 1 week ago

saw some facts and I changed my mind, I got a progressive mindset

posted 1 week ago

he was literally fired by said team, it wasn’t a management decision. keep coping.

posted 1 week ago

the “analyst” of the team is the reason why the Deadlock comps were happening and was also the reason why Pancada was on sentinel for an entire year.

There has never been a top NA team that has looked so meta dependant than 2024 SEN, they couldn’t even make an agent as easy as Deadlock work when she was still strong and was being used by other teams including tier 2 fodder. 0 innovation and creativity whatsoever

Reminder that he got FIRED and that it was a TEAM DECISION, his own team realized he was a problem and cut him out with a single phone call just like that.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Are you autistic??? he got fired when he was actually an amazing coach with Kaplan this year, and the only way any of this can be justified is if they’re bringing someone big like Potter.

posted 1 week ago

what’s shocking though is that he got dropped, I thought surely he left to become a HC like what Zikz did but SEN really just fired him like that what the fuck?

this is honestly pretty bullshit. Potter don’t do it bro.

posted 1 week ago

damn… you think sympathizing with Demon1’s problem is worship while sympathizing with TenZ’s problem is the right thing to do…

you were probably happy once you found out that Demon1’s fiancée was fighting to keep her bones together in the hospital…

is this not genuine evil people?

posted 1 week ago

wow…. a SEN fan thinks Demon1 deserves to be treated less as a human and believes he got what he deserved by having his fiancée have her bones erode in real time because he was “toxic”…..

“Bro talks about humanity but supports Demon1” wooow people….

I cannot imagine how upset TenZ would be now if he was reading this thread… someone with a SEN flair trying to justify hating on a player that has and still is going through the same shit he did…

It would be awful :(

posted 1 week ago

wow……. TenZ and Kyedae would think you are hopelessly retarded if they saw this thread…..

all of that humanity is out the window for a very real and life changing issue just because he was out there shooting bodies in Valorant :(

Sucking on that TenZ cock so hard to not even realize that TenZ himself would flame the shit out of you for being so depraved right now…

I can’t imagine how Kyedae would feel if she also had to permanently quit the game she loves…

You think Demon1 is less human than TenZ for childish reasons, this is truly a SEN fan people :(

posted 1 week ago

damn you like nrg that much?

posted 1 week ago

so it’s ok to make fun of Demon1’s performance while his fiancée is in the hospital with an incurable disease that made her quit Val entirely?

I don’t think TenZ would agree :)

posted 1 week ago

move on from what retard xd

posted 1 week ago

why are you so afraid of reality? you know SEN crashies is coming. Verno is NRG set and N4RRATE doesn’t play Sova. he’s coming!!!

posted 1 week ago

With that flair I can already tell you were clowning on Demon1 and calling him a fraud when he had to play Val while his gf’s bones were eroding lolol.

XD #23

posted 1 week ago

what has given you the impression that Sacy has way better util usage than crashies, it’s really not hard to just admit that crashes is the better player

posted 1 week ago

big weight doesn’t always mean big belly buttons, Ardiis for example is microscopic

posted 1 week ago

the sequel to my last post, here’s my top 5:

  1. zekken (almost non existent)
  2. KK
  3. Ardiis
  4. d4v41
  5. Derke
posted 1 week ago

there’s something in the dark

posted 1 week ago

do not sleep

posted 1 week ago

oxy is like 10x more energetic and hyper and yet you can tell he’s just way more mature overall. ngl SEN OXY would be a massive win for the team off matches

posted 1 week ago

wait what rent

posted 1 week ago

here’s my top 5:

  1. Boaster
  2. vanity
  3. Jinggg
  4. Boostio
  5. yay (OPTIC)
posted 1 week ago

all eyes are always on him whenever he’s walking in public, he’s like Aizen. some poor old lady would catch a glimpse of his aura in the form of odor and it would be like a flashbang to the face

posted 1 week ago

ain’t he hitting 20 next year

posted 1 week ago

and he makes it work because he’s chill like that, zekken on the other hand though? idk

posted 1 week ago

he’s so awkward whenever he’s talking to someone idk, his personality is still stuck in grade 9. that + the fact that he only talks to grown ass adults that are like 4+ years older than him, like you just gotta wonder if they ACTUALLY wanna hang out with him right? I could see some of them bullying zekken if the circumstances were different

oxy doesn’t have this problem though, he’s just chill like that

posted 1 week ago

yeah because obviously this roster isn’t gonna happen lol

posted 1 week ago

I mean who’s to say viper is still gonna be meta once 2025 hits ig.

posted 1 week ago

Boostio & Potter synergy >

posted 1 week ago

based off of expiring contracts and rumours

  • aspas
  • Demon1 (smokes)
  • TenZ (flex + Omen)
  • Boostio
  • Verno/Brawknation

HC: Potter
Assistant Coaches: kaplan and drew

posted 1 week ago

he’s coming

posted 1 week ago

if there was a kpop dance that involved kovaaks aim training routines in the music vid then he would be top 1 itw

posted 1 week ago

it’s crashies

posted 1 week ago

what the fuck

posted 1 week ago

you said the thought of him replacing zekken at all is diabolical though?

posted 1 week ago

you think Verno is the best player of tier 2 btw

posted 1 week ago

is the thought of zekken being replaced by the best tier 2 player in Americas that inconceivable to you guys? I guess the tier 2 wank only goes to certain players like verno lol

posted 1 week ago

not really no. comfortably the best player in the hardest tier 2 region is an insane feat no one seems to be taking seriously

posted 1 week ago

mada over zekken would be a massive upgrade

zekken’s contract ends this year too

posted 1 week ago

that can replace almost anyone in western tier 1

posted 1 week ago

Even though mada has been by far the best NA tier 2 player this year in literally every conceivable margin, the Verno wank is still higher.

this is NEPOTISM at work here that’s all thanks to FNS glazing tf out of Verno.

posted 1 week ago

If you think screwface was as bad as babyj in that argument then you are crazy. Mr Inspire was unironically saying shit like “I am above you on the ladder” and “I believe I’m better than anyone” it’s so pathetic it’s funny

posted 1 week ago

babyj and screwface drama says otherwise, he still has issues lol

posted 1 week ago

woot duelist > zekken

posted 1 week ago

FACT: Boaster just had the worst playoff international performance in VCT history and he’s still starting

posted 1 week ago
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