Flag: United States
Registered: August 31, 2024
Last post: September 16, 2024 at 12:50 PM
Posts: 493
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I think he’s just done with it bro, apparently it’s to attend college and stuff

posted 3 days ago

getting new sources that apparently he’s 100% taking an extended break/retirement? I thought it was bullshit but it’s legit guys. This is ridiculous, 3/5 of 2024 SEN retiring I mean that HAS to mean whatever work regime they have has to be unbelievably fucking healthy right? SEN is trialing Jawgemo too, and it would be retarded to make him the main controller for sure.

Likely SEN roster then:

  • Jawgemo
  • JohnQT
  • Zellsis
  • Demon1
  • HC Potter, AC Kaplan
posted 3 days ago

unironically could also be true, SEN’s fanbase is very toxic, it sounds draining af for them

posted 3 days ago

that’s what I’m saying

posted 3 days ago

that’s how engagements work bro, she still isn’t his wife

posted 3 days ago

You do realize there are many esports players with wives too right? Also Kyedae isn’t TenZ’s wife

posted 3 days ago

he’s probably been told to lie here, I mean imagine if he said the truth like that, SEN’s reputation would be in shambles

posted 3 days ago

you think it’s bait but you know for a fact that this is all unusual

posted 3 days ago

TenZ and Sacy retiring at the same time on SEN is no coincidence no? TenZ retiring during his 2nd peak, Sacy showing signs of retirement ever since he joined SEN, whatever shit they’re doing over there must be unbearably unhealthy. Should there be some sort of investigation?

posted 3 days ago

all I can tell you is that it is NOT easy info to find

posted 3 days ago

you know shoe size is talked about in other sports right? You are weeeeeiiirrrrdddd

posted 3 days ago

sequel to my tiniest feet thread last night; almost forgot to make this one

  1. Demon1
  2. BcJ
  3. Boostio
  4. Jinggg
  5. Ange1
posted 3 days ago

British people do NOT talk like that

posted 3 days ago

would you not want the hero of North America on your team?

posted 3 days ago

People try to play off the hero narrative with them when they never fit the criteria. TenZ was never that guy to save NA, zekken was never that guy to save NA, etc. Demon1 on the other hand is THE hero of NA.

SEN Demon1 only makes sense here

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

glad to see even SEN fans admit that they would choose OXY over zekken as duelist, too bad he’s too good for SEN

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

oh my god he just ended his stream talking about how there was an important announcement today regarding his future, SEN’s roster announcement is 5 pm today, holy shit holy shit SEN CRASHIES IS REAL PEOPLE

posted 3 days ago

great list

posted 3 days ago

didn’t know you were like that

posted 3 days ago

we got Sherlock Holmes here guys

posted 3 days ago

SEN needs multiple, that’s how they function. SEN crashies is the first pick

posted 3 days ago

SEN system has never been without their old heads, crashies is coming

posted 3 days ago

it’s perfection wtf

posted 3 days ago

SEN need another veteran desperately to fit the system, Sacy was one of their 26 years old grandpa and now he’s gone. YOU KNOW WHO ELSE IS 26 AND PLAYS THE SAME ROLE AS SACY? CRASHIES HOLY SHIT

TenZ also just left, another veteran gone; crashies is the PRIORITY here.


posted 3 days ago

+crashies plays the exact same role as Sacy agents and all
+crashies is a masters winner
+SEN needs another veteran after losing Sacy
+SEN needs another pretty boy
+crashies is coming

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

wait I forgot he’s jacked now. SEN needs a bodybuilder 🔥

posted 3 days ago

chances of kyedae body shaming crashies again is at 99% let’s gooo

posted 3 days ago

SEN crashies oh my days

posted 3 days ago

brawk is 24? let’s pave the way for the NA initiator GOAT here

posted 3 days ago

none of those guys have a masters trophy 🏆

posted 3 days ago

masters winner??? HES COMING HOMEEEEEEE

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

nobody is winning here bro, you’re still basing off a player’s agent off of a single match they didn’t even perform as badly as you believe they did. like what? dude I get that you probably don’t like the player but you have a narrative in your head that’s just blinding you, like completely. You don’t even believe Demon1 is capable of improving an agent he only played once in VCT.

posted 3 days ago

Your points quite literally make no sense and you’re leaving me to scramble up a reply to sort out the confusion you’re doubling down on.

You said that Demon1’s Omen performance was so bad that his team wouldn’t allow him to play the agent again, when he wasn’t even close to being the worst player in the lobby, this makes no sense to believe just like that.

The fact that you’re still trying to tell me that he CANNOT PLAY VIPER because he HASNT PLAYED VIPER YET is such a retarded thought that summarizes all of your arguments. You believe stuff based off of absolutely nothing in such a shameless way lol.

posted 3 days ago

“his Omen was so bad they never let him play Omen again” brother he wasn’t even the worst or 2nd worst player on the team?

“Half of his plays were set up by the likes of Jaw and Ethan” when his job is literally to just place smokes and play like a regular controller? Does Demon1 just not set up Jawgemo when he’s on duelist then?

“Demon1 can’t play Viper” when we haven’t even see him touch the agent?

“Omen is the most picked controller in pro play which means Demon1 MUST play the agent” even though it’s likely that won’t remain in 2025 with the Astra buffs?

Notice how you’re just saying shit here?

posted 3 days ago

if that’s what you wanna believe :)

posted 3 days ago

what does this even mean lmaooooooo are you seriously trying to devalue Demon1’s smokes because he “just got more kills”? do you hear yourself right now? XDDD

posted 3 days ago

“Mako’s util is far better” random buzzword that’s been used to death

“Jawgemo was a far better smokes player” what the fuck?

Wait your entire post is about playing Omen like that’s the only controller in the game lol. You’re also basing off Demon1’s ability to play Omen, off a single match.

posted 3 days ago

my king TenZ having 3 more kills in the smokes matchup against Demon1 doesn’t really hold a candle to anything I’ve said so far, like at all really. You’re honestly coming off as a retard with that move ngl

posted 3 days ago

…because of Demon1’s performance, glad we’re on the same page here!

posted 3 days ago

he’s got big ones

posted 3 days ago

whatever makes you guys sleep at night

posted 3 days ago

The biggest smokes gap in VCT 2023 was literally Demon1 beating the shit out of Mako in the upper semis at Champs, but keep coping

posted 3 days ago
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