Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 22, 2021
Last post: April 8, 2024 at 8:03 PM
Posts: 381
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posted 11 months ago

do i still have 4 stars, its been so long

posted 11 months ago

you guys think this is peak form for DRX or nah?

posted about a year ago

fair enough lmao

posted about a year ago

bro, everyone can see that LOUD played awfully even for the "saving strats" standard. They seemed lost in the maps. But people acting like LOUD tried their best here are insane. They picked SPLIT lmao, Saadhak said they had no info whatsoever on NRG on that map, they picked it cuz it was their most played map. And NRG helped LOUD out too, picking Pearl which is their second most played map. They didn't wanna show maps. Sure, they wanted to Win and the 8-0 would've been nice, they performed awfully. An L is an L but as far as Ls go, losing 2x0 only on your most played maps having already gotten playoffs + the top 2 seed is the closest it get to a W.

posted about a year ago

not if they lose them both 0-2, then Sen still goes (if they beat Furia 2-0)

posted about a year ago

a couple solutions

  1. get TenZ on sentinel. On Jett maps, Zekken or Dephh move to sentinel. or
  2. find out new comps, try to build the game around these players style and their strongest points. double initiator, jett, dephh on sentinel.
posted about a year ago

So many whiffs from players that don't usually whiff, kinda blown away. Maybe it's just that I've never noticed, but I always thought Kat's aim was pretty on point, and she's whiffing so much in Champions. Even Bob, they're (?) popping off but still whiffing so hard sometimes

posted about 2 years ago

probably like a 3? it had a couple good songs in there, but it's just way worse than her last couple projects (which, for context, i'm not a huge fan of). i feel like Jack Antonoff kinda killed the record, his production style gets blander and blander by the minute. I hope he stays away from Pheobe Bridgers and, for the sake of pop music, Billie Eilish

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I've been out of NA Valorant discourse for a while now, but with franchising coming around, I'm just curious: any chance of Sinatraa coming back to pro play? Has he been talking about it all?

posted about 2 years ago

honestly, i would just get him to whatever the second best brazillian roster is going to be. if that's gonna be furia, then sure. when frachising is all sorted out i imagine these rosters and the orgs they're signed to are gonna look drastically different. Furia could be a possibility because whatever org is going to sign him is gonna have to dump a shitload of money - he's absolutely gonna be the most expansive coach in Brazil - and i'm pretty sure Furia and Havan are the richest BR orgs outside of LOUD, so it could be it.

posted about 2 years ago

If he actually leaves casting to be a coach, I really hope he goes to some team other than LOUD, building another powerhouse in Brazil. Look, LOUD is already doing great with bzka I don't see a good reason to change that and there aren't that many legitimately good brazillian coaches laying around. Spacca would be invaluable to any other team, making them instantly competitive, and in LOUD they already have it figured out. He would have way more impact on another promising BR team

posted about 2 years ago

not a native english speaker but this reads to me like crying in english

posted about 2 years ago

nice zika attempt

posted about 2 years ago

LOUD ban Pearl;
LOUD ban Bind;
LOUD pick Icebox;
OpTic pick Fracture;
LOUD pick Ascent;
OPTIC pick Breeze;
Haven remains

Based on what we saw today. OpTic prefered to play Breeze over Haven, so I went with that logic. I think LOUD might ban Bind since they probably got something cooking on Fracture and it Bind was pretty close, OpTic will have a better shot at it in the finals, after having studied their Bind from the UF.

posted about 2 years ago

what's the color coding here? cuz i see that Loud is blue on Pearl and FPX is blue on Breeze, is FPX that bad on Breeze?

good ranking btw

posted about 2 years ago

I agree 100%, I just meant "well if you're gonna drop him you might as well get someone on his level or better, and that's gonna be impossible". I honestly don't think Liquid should drop their core rn. I get why a Gambit overhaul as OP suggested would be good for them since they don't actually have a propper IGL (ScreaM did fine but it's just not his role) and getting Redgar would probably be huge for them, but completly scrapping this roster is nonsense to me.

posted about 2 years ago

If you're gonna drop Jamppi, you better get cNed. Makes no sense otherwise

posted about 2 years ago

Always has been

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

tbh i don't remember the situation very well, but isn't that creepy by definition?

posted about 2 years ago

i'm assuming there's gotta be some logic to this, but yeah, it's weird af

posted about 2 years ago

Fluyr. He was creepy to a girl on ranked in Iceland (or right before it, not sure). It was really creepy and embarassing tho, borderline abusive, so they have a point not hiring him. It just so happens he's also one of the few legitmately good BR coaches.

posted about 2 years ago

you're either baiting or not watching. NA won 2 out of the 5 international events we had so far lmao. And both BR and APAC have shown insane growth exactly because they get a chance to play at the big stage and improve. Both BR and APAC have gone from underwhelming results and being the absolute underdogs to reaching the FINALS on an International event this year. Japan has also reached TOP 3 this year

posted about 2 years ago

F for Furia

posted about 2 years ago

insane match up, Furia blew me away. they could've come out on top if it wasn't the nerves on some clutch plays. nzr was probably about to explode on that last round, he would've played that better otherwise, for sure. fuck, i wish they had won but it was a great watch still. my heart is beating so loud FUCK

posted about 2 years ago

"If they did it, we can do it..."

posted about 2 years ago

Who do you guys want to pass?

I would say

SA: Rooting for TBK, they proved more competitive against Kru (a team that, in it's turn, proved to be a cut above everyone else in this qualifier) than Furia. I feel like the guys at TBK are more deserving of a showing on the big stage than Furia, but I wouldn't mind seeing Furia go either.

EMEA: Rooting for Gambit but Liquid look good also. I can't belive one of these teams is not going, it feels like both are essential in Champions but, if I have to choose, M3C is the team that I would miss the most.

NA: this is the one that I feel most strongly about, all the other ones I wouldn't mind whatever team wins but 100T NEEDS to pass. It's such an interesting project they were able to put together and these guys are showing such growth and promise match by match. TGRD isn't a team I have any love for so I guess this plays a part as well. I really wanna see how 100T behaves at Champs, if they get through. I really belive they would make way more interesting match ups over at Turkey than Guard would.

posted about 2 years ago

Do the L

posted about 2 years ago

po, to real curioso pra como tu explicaria essa mudança aí. o Aspas foi um dos melhores duelistas da Masters, além de ser parte do que levou o time dele pra final. o Heat dia após dia vem entregando retornos decrescentes, já foi o melhor duelista do brasil de longe agora já tá se mostrando bem menos explosivo. ainda é um bom jogador? sim, mas parece que perdeu muito do molho

posted about 2 years ago

good taste. props for having the Wasteland Sheriff A-Tier, i feel like that one is very underrated by a lot of people

posted about 2 years ago

NA Valorant rn is like reverse NA CS, there are like 15 teams that look really promising. 100T, NYFU, Akrew, Girl Kissers, GenG all look like they have really solid rosters and are all struggling through the SECOND OQ

posted about 2 years ago

just saw their roster for the first and was wondering how tf are they struggling to get through OQ, looks like a Tier A roster at least. jcStani, PureR & NaturE are all tier basically tier 1 players, Shawn was always pretty decent and I don't know much about rhyme but from what I gather he's their topfragger. looks strong af

posted about 2 years ago

nop, steel

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

you can't

posted about 2 years ago

i see ur sniffing that hopium andrew, imma need some of that if i'm supposed to be as relaxed about this game as you guys seem to be

posted about 2 years ago

y'all way too optimistic and zikando this whole match. FNS may be not a great aimer, even though he's been on some clutch plays this Masters, but he's a great IGL. also, as you pointed out there, OpTic are lan monsters and it'll probably be LOUD's first game on stage, which will bring out some nerves for sure. this is not going to be easy

posted about 2 years ago

that's not what's happening here. i'm actually saying exactly what you're saying. agreeing with you that this kind of logic makes literally no sense, as this tournement has proven. a lot of factors can influence which team will win or lose, it's not math.

he said OpTic barely won against DRX (as if they're bad, after losing to Zeta), i'm just saying DRX are also cracked and beat a really good team so this kind of logic makes no sense. also Zeta good

posted about 2 years ago

DRX is a really good team dude. They lost to Zeta, but they beat PRX who 2-0d both The Guard and G2

posted about 2 years ago

After the match I couldn't belive some of the posts I was seeing here. Y'all acting like DRX wasn't one of the most composed, creative, cracked and interesting to watch teams in this whole event was actually insanity. DRX won a couple matches, they're the GOATs. They lost a couple more, they're shit. That's not how it works, they had their own problems but not every team can win. DRX showed a playstyle that was unique and seem to work really well against a wide variety of teams. They even almost beat one the finalists, OpTic, and they looked like the better team even after losing. KR have proved once again they're a top region and capable of consistently delivering top level match-ups (I assume I won't have to remind anyone about that Nuturn vs. V1 game, probably one of the most unforgettable ones to have ever graced this game). They lost to nerves and not knowing how to deal with their losses.

I'm actually confident DRX will win an international event, maybe even this year.

posted about 2 years ago

he smeagin

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not. I'm just not underestimating FNS either

posted about 2 years ago

What scares me the most about this is the full week FNS VOD review. LOUD is doing some reasonably simple stuff, and FNS knows how to counter this shit if he's given time. Let's see how it goes. I still got my hopes up for LOUD and I know they will study the shit out of OpTic but this is the scariest game yet for LOUD in this Masters

posted about 2 years ago

i didn't even notice it lmao

posted about 2 years ago

how about


posted about 2 years ago

ur 9/11 so far

posted about 2 years ago
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