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Last post: May 2, 2024 at 1:33 PM
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posted about a year ago
  1. less
posted about a year ago

let's be honest, he really is 😍

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

true. but its better for furia to be underrated and prove everyone wrong in the end

posted about a year ago

exactly. content creators from all regions are biased. what bothers me is when a brazilian do it, its toxic, when emea does it, its banter

posted about a year ago

they won against LEV after the power rank that put furia in 5th, tho

posted about a year ago

i understand that, it was frustating for me too.
but tbh i only notice it happening early on. after playoffs, there was crowd for every match. yeah, more for brazilian and latam teams, yeah, some people left early to enjoy carnival, but there was still an ok amount of people, at least in my opinion.

imo, the problem is: lock/in was a really long tournament, there was many many games and i think its natural that people prioritized "better games" (end of tournament/teams they like). most people i know that went to lock/in had to travel or get a unpaied day off, so why would they want to see RRQ x FUT for such a high price?

we never had and probably never will, since lock/in was unique, a tournament as long as we had, so this was a new problem.

posted about a year ago

i do know but its still very different about third world country realities. i know greece has struggled many times, but you guys are EU members, you dont have to deal with having a currency that is worth nothing, for example. i dont want to dismiss greece's or other poorer european countries struggles, but yeah, you guys are usually not the one perpetuating hate agasint third world countries anyway. maybe because you can relate more, idk. but even on poorer countries, there's still can happen racial stuff. idk if greeks are seem as white in europe, but people from balkans/eastern europeans usually are (maybe not? in brazil they'd be white, but racial reading varies in different contexts) while we are still brown. even people considered white in brazil are seem as POC in US and EU.

and about being called poor by indians and brazilians, there are trolls and toxic people everywhere. i'd love to be poor in greece, seems like a lovely country, with amazing history and food. (ETA: "poor", i mean in the sense i am poor in brazil, i'd prefer to be poor in EU member country with lovely beaches and all. but it was insensible since idk about poor greeks reality)

i think its pretty dumb to generalize a region because there are toxic people from there, there are rotten people everywhere. i see you are smart, tho, so i expected more

posted about a year ago

maybe not openly in this forum, but i dont think its a coincidence, and i do believe there are socioeconomic and racial prejudices that lead to people from some regions (poor regions) being more hated here, like brazil and india, as you mentioned in HLTV. and even NA and EMEA, who love to bicker each other, but truly have a more frenemy relationship in valorant, unite against poor regions. dont you think this is driven by racism?

ETA: i 100% agree with using Sao Paulo as an example. but here socio-economics play a part again, because although i think its ugly the crowd vanished to see fnatic crowning winners, a lot of people explained some stuff that were ignored: food was expansive and people were hungry, it was hot as hell, i saw a lot of people complaining about feeling dizzy and watching the game from outside the gynasium on their cellphones, the whole thing about transportation etc. obviously if loud won people would stayed. you endure more for the things you like, as the team you support. all those things are valid reasons that people from richer country dont seem (or dont want to) grasp. i still think its embarassing for brazil, but i can relate to the reasons that lead to it, while NA and EMEA just dont (or dont even try to listen, in some cases. some people really hate us and just want more fuel to do so. not everyone. every region has bad apples and i am not gonna make the same mistake some does of generalizing)

posted about a year ago

honestly, we all are sore losers here, including EMEA. did you forget about how old FPX cried like babies because of riot's ruling on XSET turret?

but yeah, brazil is a sore loser too, NA too, LATAM too, pacific too. sore losers all over the globe, and i am included in this.

honestly, although i used old FPX as an example, the players are usually way more mature than the public about losing. we are the crybabies. this forum specially is a never ending source of tears. we all here do things we dislike when done against us. we all should be better.

posted about a year ago

eu vi que o rank do noyn repercutiu muito no cenário fem, mas galera com todo respeito, pq o rank de uma pessoa qualquer incomoda tanto? não é um portal, uma empresa, é UMA pessoa, e que não tem relevância alguma, wtf

posted about a year ago

but i believe and cheer for mibr anyway <3
they are looking strong

posted about a year ago

he said "all", not "any"

idk if mibr will, but i believe and sure will cheer for them!

posted about a year ago

who is crying now? hmm i gues its you...

posted about a year ago

so never?

posted about a year ago

i dont see any hate spreading because of bagre d`or

ETA: i dont see no one addressing this, for example which shows a lot more empathy than i see many NA about this topic

posted about a year ago

i know, dumbass. i was too

posted about a year ago

i love the story behind fogão's nick

posted about a year ago

full of horns your mother put in his cuck head

posted about a year ago

i don't spend my time thinking about useless creatures, but when i see his comments, i remember how brainless he is

posted about a year ago

i am already suffering about master's Tokyo. it's gonna be almost impossible for me to watch it live, but i guess it's fair. fans from Asia and Oceania probably suffer a lot to watch masters and champions

posted about a year ago

finally you said something smart. i honestly thought you were incapable of producing a decent idea in smooth brain

posted about a year ago

better be brazilian than a cuck like your bald father

posted about a year ago

and your father is still a cuck

posted about a year ago

who? least hyped league in franchises

posted about a year ago

we are not. we just support LATAM

posted about a year ago

let's go manitos. i trust that you guys will put NA to their knees

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

riot already said lock/in would be a unique tournament, so we can expect 2 masters next year

posted about a year ago

farpa y farpa

posted about a year ago

i support this. tenz is probably under a lot os stress because kyedae is sick

posted about a year ago

put pancada back on smokes

posted about a year ago

i don't like keznit but to call his jett bad is delusional

posted about a year ago

he has been repeadly racist against Brazilians on ranked, according to pros/radiant brazilians

posted about a year ago

melhor ele farmar engajamento mesmo pq jaja vira só criador de conteúdo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

everyone here does. valorant

posted about a year ago

every region does that

posted about a year ago

i felt embarrassed seeing this for the first time and i refuse to watch it again

posted about a year ago

well, less is my favorite player, so i am biased

posted about a year ago

it's called spray transfer. what a dumb person

posted about a year ago

ggwp nt lev, lets go manitos. SA will monopolize America's spots to tokyo

posted about a year ago

argumento tão forte quanto o seu.
nunca disse que ele era hack, apoiava desde a slick, e eu acho ele mto bom de awp, eu disse que HOJE ele pinou. aprende a ler

posted about a year ago

pega os highlights dele de awp na split agora

posted about a year ago

banger match

posted about a year ago

ggwp. i love levianeta. today furia was better, but lev is a monster and for sure I'll be cheering for lev in masters Tokyo (unless they face Brazil)

posted about a year ago

aspas hoje pinou tudo de op

posted about a year ago
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