Flag: Palestine
Registered: October 28, 2021
Last post: May 2, 2024 at 1:33 PM
Posts: 1233
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concordo que ele tem motivo para estar puto. mas tiltar leva a tomada ruim de decisões e a perder o jogo. pro player tem psicólogo para saber manter a cabeça no lugar, então acho muito ruim o less estar demonstrando tanta instabilidade emocional. geralmente ele é frio e decisivo, e é muito importante pra loud a mentalidade dele

posted about a year ago

sacy yes, pancada isn't. less mentors are saadhak and sacy. sacy never mentored tuyz

posted about a year ago

o less ta tiltado

posted about a year ago

eu acho ele muito bom. melhor jogador de Harbor das americas

posted about a year ago

eles tão tomando umas decisões muito questionáveis. tentando decidir heroicamente, dando x1 em vez de jogar junto. atípico. pelo visto a decisão da loud mexeu com a cabeça do time

posted about a year ago

a loud pose jogar muito melhor que isso. parece que subestimaram a sentinels e não prepararam anti tático

posted about a year ago

weird. i thought only brazilians sent death threats, according to users from this site

posted about a year ago

o tanto de choro de americano que estaria rolando aqui se fosse o contrário... mas a gente se faz de vítima

ETA: sinceramente, se tivesse sido o contrário, eu acharia justo e estaria defendendo o replay

posted about a year ago

i wanted the replay on XSET. i think it was fair, although i understand the players frustration since it only happened 2 hours later, into the night.

it was riot's responsibility and a team cannot be prejudiced because of that.

i am in shock in riot's poor decision today

posted about a year ago

problems happen, technology fails, but it's riot's responsibility and they have to be fair with the teams

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i only understood fuck and the N word

posted about a year ago

not all. they left a player behind. its a misfortune that he was disconnected

posted about a year ago

not, it has to be replayed. it wouldn't be fair the way you propose

posted about a year ago

because what happened in those seconds completely changed the most possible outcome of the round.

it was one turret miss shot last year on XSET x FPX and the round was (rightfully, in my opinion) replayed. its not that different. although one is a bug and the other one is a tech gear, both are riot's responsibility, since it's on lan

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

não envolve ele diretamente, só para deixar claro, mas é algo que pode ser dealbreaker para algumas pessoas em um relacionamento, apesar de ser algo prévio ao relacionamento deles. mas não é treta de time, e sim coisa pessoal mesmo

posted about a year ago

eu sei de dois podres dela, não sei a qual deles você se refere mas queria muito ver ela sendo desmascarada. uma das coisas eu preferia que não viesse a público, mas que ela fosse exposta no off e a outra eu queria muito que vazasse pra geral

posted about a year ago

mw is the complete opposite of underrated

posted about a year ago

daiki = dyke = lésbica em inglês

não sei desde quando ela sabe que gosta de meninas, mas ela e a isaa namoram há muito tempo, mais de um ano

posted about a year ago

one thing is to say "team X is doing good in scrims, team Y, not so much"
what ardiis accused ryotz is leaking strategies. they said they changed their pistol because of that. he accused a player to describe NRG's tatics.

there are enormous differences between those things

posted about a year ago

kkkkkk so good. you can feel his anger

posted about a year ago

do you have a clip?

posted about a year ago

XRM (brazilian caster)

posted about a year ago

o thought of plenty, but i won't name them.

don't feed the trolls. entertaining those bagres will only fuel them. their motivation is attention, just ignore them. its healthier for everyone. this is my new stand, im reformed

posted about a year ago

yes and fpx's player's were childish about it, specially suygetsu

posted about a year ago

gosto muito da loud, o less e meu player favorito mas loudete não dá. insuportáveis

posted about a year ago

he has been handling criticism for more than 2 years. i just think people could be nice with someone who is under pressure while a loved one is going through cancer treatment. he played injuries and sick yesterday. its not much to ask for empathy

posted about a year ago

i'm tired

posted about a year ago

the narrative would be perfect

week 1- end of kru's 100% winrate against Brazil
week 2 - end of mazino's 100% winrate against Brazil
week 3 - end of loud's 100% winrate against Brazil

posted about a year ago

I'll be happy with any results but I'll be rooting for furia. loud is already the current champion and #2 in the world despite changing 2 players. i want us to have at least 2 contenders,
so I'll support FURIA on this match
ETA: i want a close game with 3 maps and OT

posted about a year ago

stop it, you are beautiful

posted about a year ago

My TDAH Doesn't Allow Me To Read It Since I Can Only Pay Attention To The Way You Type

posted about a year ago

north SA is perfect lol

btw SA > North SA

posted about a year ago

lmao perfect meme

posted about a year ago

sick is still a sub, no? if marved can't play, he should be in position to play. it's so shitty with tenz to make him play injured. he did good, considering his condition, i just find it disrespectful towards him

posted about a year ago

what a beautiful transfer

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ardiis deal with NRG was closed way before marveds with send, he had way more time to apply to get his visa

what i don't understand is that marved played in USA professionally in 2022. why didn't he just renewed when it was about to expire? it's what i do with my US Visa

posted about a year ago

he isn't. melser is

posted about a year ago

the whole sick fiasco is a good point, but it's not an excuse. if sentinels knew marved was unable to sub, they should have another option line up. what if a player had a more serious problem? it's poor management anyway. they can't control visa speed process, but they can control their roster and their options

posted about a year ago

eu admiro muito o seu Faro pra fofoca

o filho da naxy cê tá ligado né? eu não entendo pq ngm fala nisso, acho que ngm sabe

posted about a year ago

honestly, i don't know whose fault is that, but 6th player has one job: to be able to replace someone in the main roster. marved not being able because of visa problems 3 weeks into the tournament is pure jim carrey management

posted about a year ago

speak or be quiet. i hate this kind of cryptical shit

posted about a year ago

but can ardiis play smokes? it's the most important role on a team

posted about a year ago

what i actually miss is not seeing some new users

posted about a year ago

i take it back. DRX is not even making it to pacific playoffs. i hope you enjoyed today cause they are not winning not even a map more in 2023

posted about a year ago

eu devia ter acreditado mais. eles amassaram!

posted about a year ago

i guess noyn is gonna have to find a way to live without you following him...

posted about a year ago

nunca fiquei tão feliz em estar errada

posted about a year ago
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