Flag: Brazil
Registered: December 29, 2021
Last post: February 17, 2022 at 11:59 AM
Posts: 2

l4acer benched doesn't make any sense, he is (was?) the best on Rise's team.

celinett benched is a surprise, but i'm not chocked. she wasn't great, IMO, and BR fem scene stepped up this season, B4 needs to step up too if they want to keep being top 2. What i don't understand is they hiring Jules if they have a 6th player, but maybe she's not good on sentinel role. Jules is a great sentinel, tbh.

i'm still sad about dimas, it show lack of vision and organization.

honestly, i think valorant is filled up with snakes and hypocrites and it's showing.

posted about 3 years ago

então a olga realmente vai migrar do CS? interessante

posted about 3 years ago