Flag: Mexico
Registered: June 23, 2021
Last post: July 6, 2024 at 3:55 PM
Posts: 39

If G2 lose today (say 0-2) would sen be able to outplace them and take top 2 despite losing to them next week? Or is direct matchup a more important criteria?

posted 7 months ago

Is this serious? Or bait or some kind of sacrastic take? If they didn't do that for Shroud SEN (which would have at least been crazy fun) they're never doing that lol

posted 8 months ago

Arguably the most laureate player in NA vla scene: only guy to win 2 masters, also the 3x NA champion and an Americas champion as well. He still holds the records for the highest ACS ever recorded by a duelist on the international stage and was, at one point, indisputably the best player in the world. This season he's transitioned into a significantly more supportive and fexible player whilst also improving his stats and becoming a lot more consistent, even winning a fair amount of big clutches. He had 2 shit years and has continuosly struggled to live up to his hype, but the guy is definetly amongst the all time players in this game.

posted 8 months ago

hope you don't have to pay, but let's see

posted 9 months ago

Easiest - controller
Hardest - initiator

posted 10 months ago

I feel like they really might be the best team in the world right now. They almost beat SEN with a bad comp on sunset, Demon1 clearly underperforming, only having 1 month of practice and with an igl that didn't have much experience on that role. And they won against the other teams without much difficulty. They really might be the best team by now

posted 10 months ago

He's probably refering to them resigning Tenz, Johnqt was a no brainer regardless

posted about a year ago

so pro teams are gonna be allowed to forfeit after getting 12-0'd in a half?

posted about a year ago

During Americas I would have agreed, but rn Saadhak is playing kinda poop and Alfa is in way too much form to be diffed by someone, even if Less might be the best sentinel in the world. Also Sacy was never better than Leo. He's definetly worse right now, he is worse than Leo ever was on Guild and on Loud he was a lot more inconsistent that Leo. Also I don't think he's ever reached a peak of performance that Leo hasn't

posted about a year ago

for practical effects i do believe that there is a huge gap in the assistance they both get from their teams. However I do not think any one of them is really that much better than the other. Derke is a better rifler and maybe a better entry, but Aspas has a better op and feels more versatile throughout the round (he's not as dependant on being put on a good angle to hold or aggressively pushing into an area). Maybe the fact that Leo and Chronicle are better support players ends up showing in the performance of the duelists, but they are not that far from one another

posted about a year ago

Na has 2 major titles. Tenz was the mvp of one of those wins, Yay was the mvp for the second one. Since they are two of the main contributors to NA's legacy in the game so far, it kinda makes sense to consider them the GOATS right?

posted about a year ago

maybe pound for pound you could argue that Heretics has the better roster, but EG should clearly be the better team. Their coore has looked more solid for longer (you could even say heretics doesn't even have a core), however Heretics overall have more lan experience. I'd really say that there's no favourite for this game. If heretics are hitting their shots EG probably crumbles, if they don't they get spanked and outplayed.

posted about 2 years ago

then in what sense is Fnatic the best? Like if they're not the best in neither act nor potency then how are they nr. 1 overall?

posted about 2 years ago

is that wrong though? there was no qualififer so no team is being denied an earned opportunity to show what they are made of on the international stage. It sucks that they removed a masters event, but as a viewer it's cool to get such a refreshing format

posted about 2 years ago

that's like... their only real obligation, to profit as a company. I'm sure that this is the option that blends and affordable budget with an exciting event the best

posted about 2 years ago
  1. winning literally increases you chances of qualifying through your region 1 extra spot --> you can qualify through a more mediocre placing
  2. "showing strats" cannot be an issue, it's gonna be the first important tournament since the big patch so all teams are kind of jumping into an unknown meta which will have solidified by the time the regional leagues begin. Any significant discoveries or meta-developments will come out before the decisive stage to qualify for masters begins, so there's no point in hiding anything
  3. Getting further into the bracket will give more time to stay in Brazil and scrim against the other top teams that you will not have/get to play in your regional league (more efficient practice) + give your org a lot more exposition and clout, especially considering that this format will probably generate more viewership per match than a swiss full of "low-stake" games and a double stream.
    As an invitational for which no team had to qualify, and the only tournament of such a magnitude we've ever had (and probably will ever get in a while) the format is quite ok imo
posted about 2 years ago

They'll probably put him back on smokes

posted about 2 years ago

The only answer is V1 vs Nuturn match back in 2021, last 2 maps were crazy

posted about 2 years ago

gl you got this

posted about 2 years ago

M3 Berlin
Champs Berlin
M2 Copenhagen
M1 Reykjavik
M2 Reykjavik
Champs Istanbul

posted about 2 years ago

Jamppi was the igl for the lcq. Still a fragging igl though

posted about 2 years ago

I think that the best option is walking forward as less as possible. The W key really puts you in a big disadvantage for gun fights unless your on PRX, so whenever you're celaring or holding something make sure you're in a position where you can counter strafe. If you can't help abusing the W key then maybe you should change something about your playstyle

posted about 2 years ago

He got benched because of a roles problem, not because of his performance. And the problem with Acend and Zeek was also roles related, so I think this move could end up being very good for both parties

posted about 2 years ago

the igl for heretics was lowel, not paura. I think he'd actually said in the past that he wasn't comfortable about igling on non-turkish speaking rosters

posted about 2 years ago

He's the wakest he's ever been for sure, but considering how he's consistently been the second most played agent after Jett since the beta I think it's fair to say he's in a good spot overall. On bind he's clearly outshined by Fade and Skye, but he's still an almost insta pick for Breeze, he's amazing on Icebox, Ascent and Haven. He even has the best winrate amongst all initiators I think.

posted about 2 years ago

he was talking about the guy who responded you

posted about 2 years ago

To be fair, they were still a mess with koldamenta igling. I never understood this, but it is the truth. They may be worse now, but some form of improvement was much needed to be able compete at te highest level, and the changes they made were in hopes of solving said problems

posted about 3 years ago

with mixwell as the star

posted about 3 years ago

he's said numerous times that he is not willing to move out of Spain, so no region other than Europe is an option

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago


  1. Cned
  2. Zeek
  3. Kiles
  4. Bonecold
  5. Starxo
posted about 3 years ago

He might no be the best, but Sheydos is definetly up there

posted about 3 years ago

Many Sova players don't play Skye+Breach+Kay0. If they have to flex it's often to a Sage, another duelist or even Viper. So it makes sense to create his own category. Most duelist could alternate between Raze, Jett and Reyna depending on the map but someone like Subroza could not flex to Sova despite playing an initiator for example

posted about 3 years ago

I'm pretty sure they have the best bind in the world right now. Fnatic was famous for having the best bind by far before changing comps and SEN beat them, at least they do with Tenz on Reyna. Also it's 100T's worst map by far, they genuinely hate it.

posted about 3 years ago


  1. TenZ
  2. Leaf
  3. Vanity
posted about 3 years ago

Sennheiser definetly has a quality proof, but th<t usually comes at the expense of, well, an extremely high price. If you can afford them buy them, but it may be way too expensive for the actual difference in quality when compared to lower prices

posted about 3 years ago

I think a Sova-Kay0 comp seems much more likely than a Skye-Kay0 comp. Kay0's kit seems much more similar to phoenix and CS-like utility, so considering how good Crashies is at Sova it'd make a lot more sense for someone like Victor to play the Kay0. I also think that FNS will be playing Viper on some maps at least.

posted about 3 years ago