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Registered: August 29, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 1:46 AM
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he’s taking a 1v1 to try to reduce disadvantage lol

posted about a year ago

sen have to literally align the stars to even win a map here, they just don't have enough practice with this team setup

posted about a year ago

he played like ass. but 1 horrible game doesn't count more than a year of great games. im sure he'll be back in form soontm

posted about a year ago

this is crazy

posted about a year ago

yea you right nobody is clowning yay RN

posted about a year ago

how come oxgs coach is better than all of their players

posted about a year ago

ya this aint even jett chamber whatever bro is just whiffing everything unlucky

posted about a year ago

you're not on ibp anymore relax

posted about a year ago

demon1v9 26-0

posted about a year ago

he can play when he turns 16 in like a week

posted about a year ago

if he wins: lol no shit he’s gonna do well in t3 still a fraud chamber 1 trick

if he loses: holy shit fraud exposed losing to t3 teams

vlr is simple

posted about a year ago

please don't confuse me with a bri ish "person"

posted about a year ago

i literally react like i have 400 ms of brainfog when i hold angles

when i human benchmark i legit average 160ms but in valorant its horrible like i have dementia or something

any advicers

posted about a year ago

putting up FNS numbers in a tier 99 match is crazy

posted about a year ago

player hypes up their teammate, more at 11

posted about a year ago

more like everyone else in the world relied on an agent nerf 😎

posted about a year ago

dsg aren't that much worse than the teams you listed, the problem is just how long those teams have been together practicing and drilling strategies. no matter how good dsg are that's just not really something you can overcome

if they had a few months of prep time i would give them a realistic chance but as it is it'll take a miracle even with yay

posted about a year ago

where was this against loud smh

posted about a year ago

seen him grinding pro city his aim is clean

posted about a year ago

yes i also speculate about people’s relationships based on online interactions

posted about a year ago

he is an aim god but it looks like they want him to be a role player instead of setting him up booooo

posted about a year ago

lets be real after top 5 its pretty much just total opinion based so who cares if someone thinks he's 10th best lol

posted about a year ago

both kinggg and k1ng are goated

posted about a year ago

bro wants to be trembolona so bad 💀💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

yay - still the goat
bagriis - looks like a different player bro doesnt aim the same as he did on fpx
tenz - underperforming but overhated
dephh - scapegoat for low iq troglodytes

posted about a year ago

weaponized the entire brazilian fanbase against a literal child because he was convinced he cheats

posted about a year ago

zeta are playing hot right now don’t know why people are doubting them so hard

posted about a year ago

everyone's different, some people need that constant stimulus to stay fresh and some people get burnt out and perform worse if they subject themselves to ranked

posted about a year ago

tenz. bagriis. cryo. all frauds

its time for DEMON1 to take over

posted about a year ago

need an automated response for this question

posted about a year ago

i like demon1 but this aint the guy you sub him out for

posted about a year ago

NiSMO he is the north american player but the Karmine Corp he is the french stars

posted about a year ago

i think if you cheat you should be thrown in the contraption

posted about a year ago

don't really have an opinion except that you can tell geddes is so fucking horny to use his e-clout to talk to girls for the first time in his life

posted about a year ago

this is proof of limited intelligence bro

posted about a year ago

bro it sucks to be on top, everyone just wants to see you fail so they can laugh at you lol

it happened to tenz, now seems like yays time is coming

posted about a year ago

yes that is how betting works. the point is you need to bet a huge amount to get returns worth anything if its an "obvious game"

if you keep using this "strategy" eventually a team will upset and you will lose more than you gained

posted about a year ago

she's a good character just too selfish for pro play. no need to change her she's fine as is

posted about a year ago

i still think role changes are good and are likely to cause a player to evolve into something even better

posted about a year ago

i hate tiktok editors that found a couple presets on youtube and just abuse the fuck out of them thinking they look sick

posted about a year ago

everyone shat on potter for like an entire year straight why are we pretending like she is untouchable because of a few tweets lol

posted about a year ago

there is a cognitive bias when it comes to judging igls because people relate their tactics inversely to their skill

basically he sucks so much mechanically that for his team to be as good as they were (optic) his strategy must be incredible is what most think

saadhak has better aim in comparison so people are more likely to offset his brain and give fns more credit

probably drops of truth to an extent

posted about a year ago

controlled by his child audience because the super niche micro fame got to his head

pretty common thing to happen, total nobody gets a tiny drop of popularity and loses themself

posted about a year ago

i remember seeing him at iceland, he was absolutely destroying. bro looked like aimbot

then sharks lost and i never heard of him again

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

optic are winning it all this year.

posted about a year ago

both people that got egos because they amassed a fanbase of children on twitter

tbf i think george is just annoying

noyn actually spreads dumb fuck rumors

posted about a year ago

thinking it’s a secret to observe capacity for midrounding and adaptation shows that you suffer from a severe case of skill issue

posted about a year ago

if you are capable of using your brain when watching the games you don’t have to derive all of your opinions off of numbers

posted about a year ago
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