Maluco acabou de se autodefinir como Incel sem ironia
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | August 10, 2021 |
Last post: | March 1, 2025 at 11:07 AM |
Posts: | 3645 |
Maluco acabou de se autodefinir como Incel sem ironia
Ele tem mto o espírito, nas fotos q postaram o cara já tava de regata comprando havaianas
Entro na live do zellsis e tá tocando tubarão te amo estouradasso
Boom his mental so that if he plays MIBR he won’t be able to hit a shot
Oh, then yeah I’d recommend nutab1e’s first suggestion
It’s all obviously a money laundering scheme, congrats bro you figured it out
Also since there weren’t a lot of pros from other games moving to Valorant from Latam+a weak T2 scene a lot of players had to be scouted out from ranked games. Less and aspas were also taken mainly because of their ranked achievements
From what I’ve heard from the Loud guys, NA ranked is by far the worst one
Aspas and Sacy prefer EMEA and less and saadhak Br
I have an amazing virgin asshole for anyone willing to share the player’s trackers
Explain it to the school and make them reschedule it, I’m sure they’ll understand!
Feel free to drop a link here anytime a pro starts streaming BR ranked, I’ll love watching it
Yeah in my simulations every time secret and KRU won their first match they’d go in an insane run
Wait guys you aren’t being clear, so he’s too old to compete in Valorant? Didn’t know that rule existed
Ah that makes sense, I’ll watch his career with great interest
Is this guy on the bench for personal reasons or what? Cause idk how Oxygen would rather have pwny as the duelist instead of him
Naruto got absolutely shit in the middle of shippuden, the whole gods and absolutely overpowered megazord characters stuff in that were the ones that ruined everything
Everything got fucking resolved at the end of Naruto, the only threat they can create now is more and more gods but there’s no way you can keep pitting 12 year olds against them, and if the threat is anything less menacing Naruto/sasuke can just easily take care of it so it isn’t an actual threat
While I think that if they wanted to continue the series they should’ve went to the past instead, you can’t blame the borato show by itself for its failures, they literally have no story to tell because of all the dumb shit that happened at the end of naruto
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1728080235?t=3582s that’s when he first reads it, at the end of the round he says “how cute”
For translations he first reads in chat:
Then at the end:
-“yesterday on the wisemen podcast he said he wouldn’t train with you because he feared you’d pass on information to sentinels” HAHAHA how cute man, it’s true, I’ll tell them: pancada they shoot a lot, Sacy they’re full of people with hair with only ONE bald guy sacy, and Sacy will say: OMG
That’s it, he took it jokingly and that’s why I said it wasn’t really relevant, just a fun note
It’s an honor to lose against Mongolians tho idk what you talking about
No wonder no one cares about that dead game
I think the issue here is him doubting them bro, not saying it
I admit I take this case more seriously than most of y’all because I’ve seen boaster demean teams from South America quite a bit in the past + him adding that they didn’t miss out on much by not practicing with them just helped with that
He said he does it to teams he already noticed being shady, while yeah it is possible to justify his reasoning here it also comes off as an accusation of unprofessionalism towards loud
It might not be personal but doubting the ethics of of a team of this caliber doesn’t pass on the greatest of messages
Broskies will give 200 replies arguing in a thread titled “my 5 favorite vlr users” but when it’s something that actually relates to the scene they do this shit
In the last wisemen podcast sliggy asked if loud were looking good, boaster replied that they hadn’t scrimmed them because he feared that since they had friends in sentinels that they could leak stuff to SEN (comps, strats, stuff like that). At the end he added that he didn’t feel like they had missed out on much tho
Not really relevant but why not mention it: posted this on saadhak’s chat earlier and he replied with “haha, how cute”
Q que os times da franquia da região tem a ver com isso man, não tem pq deles ficarem fiscalizando q time q tem “nivel” pra jogar com os lá de fora.
Cenário daqui continua se auto sabotando como sempre né, nepotismo e essa mentalidade de q pra ser o melhor tem q fazer todo o resto piorar não vai nos largar nunca
Krai pq que tu insiste em fazer tudo ser sobre o Sacy
What did I take back? Koala still impressed me, I’m saying these teams are all kinda bad still
G2 was just pugging, playing exactly like sentinels 2021
M80 showed flashes of brilliance but are still faltering here and there, give them time tho
Ain’t even getting into that shitshow that was disguised toast
Didn’t watch the shopify match but I like mada
I thought koala would’ve been the weak link in M80 but he’s owning. I’ll admit i only remembered jonh and nismo from ghost tho
With that said, all of these T2 teams are still just straight up pugging, duelists shouldn’t be solo carrying every game as if it was still 2021. If they play this against any T1 team they’re just getting punished every round
Nah chill bro, he’s still getting owned by any T1 jett out there
I mean I know he’s good, but when compared to guys like nismo I wasn’t expecting him to shine so much
Lol I take back what I said, these MDs out here losing to OREsports and you guys acting like they T1
I love how talon fans have all their hopes put into benched player
G2 used the double your money glitch, maybe faze should learn from them
He’s great but I’ll still place less above him just for how rare it is to find a player of his caliber in that sentinel role when compared to the one aspas plays
And if we’re adding igling to the player value I’d say saadhak is the best player in the world so aspas goes down to being the 3rd best in his team
Ain’t even the best player on loud
I think that in my simulations they’ve reached the finals a bit too much kk
Bro says that as if he didn’t have crippling social anxiety
Just call it VCT ‘merrca and you’ll be fine
Ahh yes these watch parties are awesome! Totally recommend you going to it
Watch out after you leave tho cause imma be lying down in the backseat
Finally a W from this wack ass team, hope russz keeps up these performances
Now this definitely won’t help you get an analyst position Howard!
Also @mods please let change my username I can’t with this anymore
The only guy who’s streamed since 10 mans started was zekken and it was the only thing he’s played so far
Sacy said he’ll start streaming again and that he’ll play 10 mans this week
Tenz has played his first game yesterday
Pancada is really shy so I’d say he’ll only start playing it once he gets more used to the other players
Dephh idk
On in all sentinels as a whole have barely streamed or even played rank these last couple weeks because they’ve been practicing non-stop, if you look at shahzam’s streams he likes to leak the scrims that are happening and sentinels are always one of the few teams still in prac late in the afternoon
So you mention Fnatic and leviatan as “long standing” teams because they’ve kept three players, but not loud and NRG?
P.S. You might have just forgotten them which is valid, I’m just assuming you’re not rating them as highly as the others here because I’ve seen too many people do it already
Gotta give it to ya, very well written article