yeah atp lets just champs 2028 ranking
Flag: | Kenya |
Registered: | September 4, 2024 |
Last post: | February 25, 2025 at 3:39 PM |
Posts: | 48 |
yeah atp lets just champs 2028 ranking
Nats is running mid for no reason at the start of the round, weird force buy like are we buying? are we saving, liquid is just walking and clearing nothing. No util used. EDG is playing like they were playing split but liquid is fumbling.
The liquid from split is nowhere to be seen.
Leaf and Meteor clear Less and its not even close.
I mean 2g is by far the worst team in franchinse so it's fair.
They are like a middle of pack team I can see them qualifying to champs if they keep this up but honestly I don't see them being above G2,Sen,Loud,100T, and maybe KRU and if Nrg plays like they are getting paid.
Zellsis dominated Pancada in H2H with 14 - 5 , kinda crazy.
When was the whole shazam , joona and the tiktoker drama
G2 has won 1 match , let them win Americas first then we'll talk.
I think just like that steamer in clip , tenz had no idea who was mooda as well. Mooda just fake beefing for clip farming.
Exactly it was somewhat funny during the start when it was just normal mooda crashouts now it's just disgusting behaviour.
Alright make sure to zip it up afterwards.
Fame does not sit well with some people and mooda is showing a prime example of that. Dude just became a clip farmer now that he got somewhat famous at the point that he even sending his community against a streamer who simply didn't knew who he was (Ok for starters thats funny considering his ego) but that's just straight up disgusting from him.
They get to watch their team play and enjoy some free entertainment don't see that being an L honestly.
I mean in one hand you are losing 12-5 which makes your rest of year useless and no more international and playoffs on the other hand you just don't qualify for SOOP's playoff ? Yet?
They are looking hottt out there. Sen usually wins 2nd after losing 1st match against GenG but this time it might be the opposite with how GenG are looking rn.
why is vlr legit a battle of baits , who is gonna rage bait the hardest , was it always like this here or did that change over the years. Ya all need to enjoy the game for entertainment and not make it a weird competition for whoever is gonna bait the hardest.
Sen Fans and Fallen NRG fans fighting each other meanwhile me enjoying the game.
There hasn't be a single SEN vs GENG match this year where GENG wasn't the favourites but Alas they still always lost when it mattered so I reckon SEN loses this first one and then meet GENG in Finals where SEN wins
NRG decided it to be B03 themselves so your comment doesn't make no sense.
Zekken was up in head to head with KangKang in the Sen vs EDG match where they both played neon but doesn't matter both are goats of the agent.
Yeah now Imagine if FNATIC didn't existed in 2023 for EMEA
Your country flair is literally south korea
This is the correct list if we are taking 2024 in accordance
Zekken (Aspas if he plays)
Bring back shame
LMAO Demon1 act always looked pretty much like this , His tracker score was worse in ranked during champs 2023 and we all know how he did in champs . So Ranked does not means he is a bad player.
Well Sen did won that by losing that match , plus they stop trying , should had seen the split map it was like a fever dream.
Let me put aspas , zekken , texture , kangkang or derke in the same situation and they get shit on in open qual 💀
They were paying salaries but just cut the salaries down and ig selling demon1,ethan,boostio and c0m gave them enough money to afford jawg and potter and also getting cheap players helped the case. This is just my speculation tho so might me something else.
We need zander : D , Last time a guy from M80 joined our squad and that was all we needed. In all seriousness what are the odds that Sentinels can get zander if M80 wins asencsion (most probable) or if not zander who can replace tenz as a smokes/flex.
1: Saadhaak
2: Deph
3: Tenz in that one C9 match
I would consider SEN options to be Narrate/Verno --> Brawk --> Seven .