Flag: Russia
Registered: July 31, 2023
Last post: June 29, 2024 at 8:15 PM
Posts: 25

glitchpop or kuronami vandal?

posted 7 months ago

his stats are consistent asf, it surprises me that FUT or BBL weren’t able to sign him

posted 8 months ago

that is true, would force you to take more shots xD

posted 8 months ago

i feel like raze would be the type to forget that she’s guarding it and go off somewhere, same with clove and fade

posted 8 months ago

pancc and ntk are the players from the union right? never knew they were criminals, somebody update me

posted about a year ago

saw a thread of all EMEA roster leaks, apparently chronicle and mini are getting benched?

i understand if mini gets benched, maybe hes been using the same strats since 2021 and it works because of chronicle and leo (might be waffling a bit)

why chronicle tho? hes arguably their most important player since hes the one playing every role, everyone else get to play their assigned role

i really think they just need time off valo, and to be more innovative, logical solution here is to not touch the roster at all

edit: this isnt confirmed yet so its all just rumors from unreliable sources

posted about a year ago

this “trophies” argument doesnt make sense, yes okay EMEA has more trophies than every region, so what? nats and redgar have trophies, are they winning with TL? sheydos and starxo have trophies, are they winning with KOI? are they even qualifying for champs???

just stop crying and accept that EMEA is not the best region, everybody just saw FNC win two trophies and immediately say EMEA is the best region, when in reality it’s not

go back to your dark cave and wait for next year, fans like you are the reason EMEA get so much hate

posted about a year ago

as much as i wanted them to get the win, sadly LOUD was the better team

ggwp to FNC, its not easy to win 3 trophies in a row, youre under the pressure of the whole world

ggwp to LOUD, theyve shown that tokyo never affected them, and prove that even after losing two of their players from their champs roster, they still have the ability to win

it wasnt going to make everyone happy no matter who won, its best to accept that whoever wins will win

posted about a year ago

they'll probably play a double controller comp for pearl, so the way i see it:

alfajer - killjoy
boaster - astra
chronicle - viper
derke - jett
leo - skye

they could also play the old EG comp, where it's basically the meta ascent comp but astra is the smokes

alfajer - killjoy
boaster - astra
chronicle - kayo
derke - jett
leo - sova

or they could just try to antistrat LOUD by copying their exact comp

alfajer - killjoy
boaster - astra
chronicle - breach
derke - jett
leo - fade

but we'll just have to wait and see if FNC will ban pearl again

posted about a year ago

https://youtu.be/Llo9GyQb4GI = keznit's 6k against FNC (im pretty sure this is the first 6k on LAN, if not someone pls send a clip)
https://youtu.be/4BtXv6Sr5mg = jinggg's 4k against DRX (not sure about others but this is the game that introduced me to PRX)
https://youtu.be/2RK-f34rEVI = mindfreak's 1v4 against FNC (i jumped on the PRX train after this)
https://youtu.be/l5FWc-2ymKw = kiNgg's clutch moment during 11-12 (i can still hear the caster lol, "he died from fall damage?!")
https://youtu.be/wo14k2l3ZR4 = enzo sticking the bomb during a 1v3 (casting is so good here)
https://youtu.be/9MWgox-_DRM = rb's 4k against FUR (was such a good map, 4-12 to 11-12, then pulling this off on the most important round ever)
https://youtu.be/gqC_Ra4mbgQ = ardiis 1v3 against DRX (the way he switches from buzz to mako, and also pansy's casting)
https://youtu.be/EepAHWLX0_Q = alfajer's 1v2 against LOUD (not that impressive considering they lined up, but the casting and 3-11 comeback is so good)
https://youtu.be/g5MPtKYQNq0 = saadhak's 1v5 against NRG (out of everyone on the LOUD roster, saadhak was definitely not the guy i expected to do a 1v5)
https://youtu.be/d0u4pEhNN8g = foxy9's ace in his debut game (not that impressive considering he has an op, but still, getting an ace on your debut is still impressive)

there's a lot more i can include here but it's way too much, also no one will probably read all of this or watch any of it

posted about a year ago

would definitely say f0rsakeN, although his mechanics were already better than most pros, the fact that he switched from a jett one trick who can play yoru to a fully flexible player is really impressive

posted about a year ago

theyve proven that they can defend their champs trophy, just look at their run, fighting in the group of death, losing against DRX, winning against NAVI in 3 close games, then avenging their LOCK//IN loss by winning against FNC, losing against PRX who arguably is in their best form, then eliminating EDG, who eliminated them from tokyo

honestly with the amount of storylines we have (FNC winning their 3rd, LOUD defending their trophy, PRX winning the first for APAC), its impossible to pick one storyline that satisfies all the fans

much respect to this LOUD team, theyve proven themselves countless times, id like to see them win more trophies just like FNC

(maybe its FNC vs LOUD now instead of NRG vs LOUD?)

posted about a year ago

not really an overreaction, it’s just surprising how FNC confidently picked bind and proceed to lose 13-1

you’d also think that since EG won against DRX, and FNC won against EG (twice btw), this matchup should be one sided

this does make an interesting theory though: why are we so quick to call FNC overrated and washed after losing 1 map? i haven’t seen anybody do that to other teams, other than call it a fluke or just lucky, but specifically for FNC they go all out

posted about a year ago

feels like they desperately want to win this 3rd trophy, so theyre playing as safe as they can and without confidence, almost every round on their attack they were running out of time, just watch the lotus game against LOUD

posted about a year ago

i just watch him cuz my drop progress doesnt work on the main valorant channel

posted about a year ago

i dont think anything will change really, jett viper harbor cypher and skye

if omen can tp into halls just cypher trip it

posted about a year ago

support any team you want, you dont need to support a team from your region, nice to see that you dont really gaf about what theyre saying

i swear loud fans got resurrected after their win against FNATIC, everyones pickems had DRX and either NAVI or TL going to playoffs, just mention their tokyo 0-4 record and they start getting aggressive like a dog with rabies

its crazy to see people are limiting others by saying "you cant support that team because they arent from your region" yet they dont mention tarik supporting zmjjkk

posted about a year ago

S tier: Derke, nAts, Chronicle, something, Demon1
A tier: sheydos, Cloud, trexx, SUYGETSU, Jemkin, Kr1stal
B tier: Redgar, d3ffo, Shao, wippie, purp0
haven’t watched them play: Vici, B1SK

posted about a year ago

alright fair enough, put him in the top 5

posted about a year ago

i dont get this “ethan is a flex player” thing, as far as i can remember he can play breach, skye, kayo, and yoru, somebody explain it to me

posted about a year ago

ethan is mainly an initiator player and alfajer is a sentinel player, so f0rsakeN wins here if you’re only going to include these 3, but if we’re adding other people some honorable mentions are chronicle, smoggy, rb, victor, etc.

but we have to give props to f0rsakeN and chronicle, theyre probably the only people who can play all roles comfortably

posted about a year ago

idk what they were cooking with boostio chamber and demon1 astra, he thought he was feeling it 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

boostio = boosted

posted about a year ago

they're good enough to qualify for masters/champions but not good enough to either get out of groups or win the event (they need to put qraxs on something else, i dont wanna watch him play KAYO all the time)

posted about a year ago

FNC 2-0 LOUD, they look very sloppy rn (breach fade ascent, omen on bind), but if LOUD can get back to LOCK//IN form then this matchup is 50/50

posted about a year ago