Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 8, 2024
Last post: May 8, 2024 at 2:10 PM
Posts: 1

Actually don't like spray patterns because it narrows the play-style too much and makes it too predictable, if someone wins a 1v1 in a pro match by resorting to RNG then kudos to them for actually betting on that, every strategy is betting on something on some level. If you think that running and gunning or crab walking or whatever is worth in a certain scenario, you're making that choice based on what you know of the game and your current situation, we're talking about pros here not noobs.
Also valorant is a game intended for all audiences and has already shown that it wants it's mechanic to be more acessible than it's competitors, so i don't think they'll ever remove RNG sprays, maybe balance it and nerf weapon spreads like they do it all the time with certain weapons. If this were introduced it would not balance the game it would just filter out certain types of players, you're not a better player just because you can memorize a spray pattern, pros would adjust quickly but regular players would be higly impacted, which i don't think is what they intend when they make balancing changes.

posted 9 months ago