Flag: Canada
Registered: July 30, 2021
Last post: March 15, 2022 at 2:58 AM
Posts: 52

there was no sense of sarcasm in your comment. take the L and move on.

posted about 2 years ago

kek they are not beating the guard or v1. they lost against TSM who j got into tier 2

posted about 3 years ago

"had good game" yea its his fault that he drops 30 on your head every game kek

posted about 3 years ago

thats literally good for the young and upcoming pros... they get to play against good teams

posted about 3 years ago

its split lmao

posted about 3 years ago

i dont think they can beat any of the tier 1 teams as of right now

posted about 3 years ago

cause i wanted to set a bar from what 100 thieves was before to what 100 thieves is right now.

posted about 3 years ago

i did put him in tier 2 xD

posted about 3 years ago

i dont think they can beat any of the tier 1 teams yet hence i cant put them there.

posted about 3 years ago

maybe but i think they have the potential to be tier 2.

posted about 3 years ago

i woudnt say akrew is tier 2 since they didn't make it to playoffs. i agree with v1 looking strong but they haven't been tested yet hence i put there there.i cant put xset on tier 1 yet because i don't think they can beat optic, c9 nor sentinels yet.

posted about 3 years ago

true i guess they havent been tested yet but they are looking so good, almost comparable to c9 without the firepower of leaf

posted about 3 years ago

Tier 1- C9, OPTIC, SENTINELS , (old 100thives)
Almost Tier 1- The Guard, V1
Tier 3: FAZE, GENG, BBG, T1, RNG, ANDBOX.. fk it everyone else tier 3 or lower

posted about 3 years ago

cuse teams now know our weakest map which is bind and ascent. but we pulled through so its all g

posted about 3 years ago

this copy pasta gotta be a troll cuse his best agent is jet by far xd

posted about 3 years ago

bold of you to assume t1 beats tsm kek

posted about 3 years ago

whoever wins moves up to the main roster

posted about 3 years ago

aleko is literally one of the most valuable sova out there right now in NA... everyone that has played against him has vouched that the dude grinds so much valorant and that's what makes him valuable. he's young and is growing with insane mentality to grind his darts.

posted about 3 years ago

fk it ratio aswell since your opinion don't matta

posted about 3 years ago

give this guy a few more months and he will be a star duelist. first time taking off the weights from wardells back since drone was on pheonix.

posted about 3 years ago

braindead lmfao

posted about 3 years ago

to be fair I'd say they are both feeling chamber pretty fucking well. I mean Wardell just had an insane 346 acs against geng but I can't deny the fact that ever since chamber had come out, steel has been top fragging a lot lately. that is why I'm hyped that they are finally going head to head when both are in top form. I also think that steel tweeting the score is a low blow knowing Wardell was exhausted when they played it each other.

posted about 3 years ago

bro finally i see the potential this man has. dude was a demon entrying site and look to be like the insane duelist we all thought he was. please keep doing what you were doing today. your insane aim is being held back by lurking, let roza do that job and just entry and make space for the team. all love

posted about 3 years ago

finally this old man steel will play a not worn out wardell. chamber dif incoming

posted about 3 years ago

braindead lol

posted about 3 years ago

im sorry but asuna is not a good enough jet to be top 4 kek

posted about 3 years ago

im not gonna lie. aleko on viper has sold so many rounds that I could count on my fingers. it is actually so aggravating seeing them lose his duels every time. but on sova he's god-tier.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

while i do agree that coreys duelist has been lackluster. Yall gotta realize this man played with the most aggressive jet player in the world Babybay as a secondary duelist. its hard to shake off that type of gameplay where he would be used to trading babybay and hence he's never first one in but always ready to trade a player, exactly how he's playing right now. what other pros are saying is that roza should be put on duelist instead since he's the only aggressive player tsm has. While I do agree, I feel like corey has big potential to be a superstar caliber once he fits into that aggressive role and so playing tier 2 tournaments would significantly help this team a lot and would fix their main problem that they don't have a duelist that goes and entry for them.

posted about 3 years ago

u act like the dude didnt play 3 bo3s that day and the game prior to that they went to OT. bro was prolly falling asleep but all good next rematch that old man steel will get stomped no diff.

posted about 3 years ago

ngl i didnt know it escalated this weekly. but i assure u that yes he is impression farming and these guys are falling for it lol

posted about 3 years ago

its crazy how yall get baited so easily. this dude is literally a tsm fan and tweets about them every single day even if there's nothing to tweet about them.

posted about 3 years ago

bro cuse they got no duelist

posted about 3 years ago

man corey has such insane aim dunno what the problem is

posted about 3 years ago

in terms of sniping yes hes leagues above many jet players but as a overall i'd say its hard to determine

posted about 3 years ago

i mean thats like saying tenz is worst than wardell as a jet player when he played for c9 because he couldn't make it out...

posted about 3 years ago

i dont think you realize that these two teams were carrying valorant viewership back then. if these two teams play, you know its gonna be a great game.

posted about 3 years ago

placing 5th or 6th wont be enough because like u said c9 and geng has 50 points so they have to get 4th to automatically qualify

posted about 3 years ago

can we all just agree that tsm has had one of the hardest bracket run in history of valorant? they literally beat all of top t2 and bottom of t1 teams and is now gonna go agaisnt powerhouse envy and if they do clinch in they have to beat the number 1 team in the WORLD. not just NA lol and they have to get 4th in the playoffs to get into LCQ. let me remind u that this team coudnt even qualify to closed in all of vct except once just a few weeks ago. now they are the champions of challengers 3 ahaha

posted about 3 years ago

with all due respect shazham is a great awper and im not gonna argue against that but theres key differences between shazham and wardell. shazham doesnt rely on the awp which is the clear difference between their playstyle. shazham will never entry or get first contact with an awp. he would let tenz go in first and that is how he usually gets his kills. he post's up on angles and predict other teams mistakes but wardell does everything with an awp. wardell doesnt have anyone to rely to to go in for him or doesnt have a star play like tenz who would force the other team to make mistakes and peak shazham. wardell has to create his own opportunities to get picks and has been damn great at doing it. alot of pros actually has said that wardell is only second to cned even outside of NA BUT i think we need to see him play in lan first.

posted about 3 years ago

As a tsm fan this is what i feel like the most accurate top 5 best duelist/players (all duelist).

  1. Tenz (undoubtedly the best overall player in NA and contention to be the best in the world)- Shown how good he was in lan.
  2. Asuna (hes only a level below tenz in terms of fragging ability and can even maybe compete in his level if hes having a really good game)-Show multiple times that hes capable of being a top tier duelist with the highkill record before nature broke it.
  3. *Now this is a tough decision because theres 2 in contention that I think are very close not in terms of level but in terms of impact in their team.
    Shazam (arguably the best igl in the world and his skills if i were to describe his skill is that he has no strength but he also has no weaknesses. his skills are so cleanly polished that hes what a peak balanced player looks like.)Hes shown that he could triumph other superhouses both in NA and Lan with his igl capabilities
    Wardell (best awper in NA and has insane fragging abilities with an awp and can be relied on to get first kill every single round without having to worry. very underrated rifling and very good pistol user.) Has gone 20+ Fk in multiple sets of matches and has dif every other awper hes played against. Teams gets scared of peeking him and has able to capitalize that to his advantage as shown multiple times in his games.
    REASON THEY ARE TIED= It seems wrong to put the best awper in NA to be only top 4 but its also seems wrong to underhand shazham as a player because he doesnt have any S-tier skill. Once they clash it out ill update the list to whoever does better in the match.
  4. Yay (The wardell version of rifling. teams are scared to peak this ping demon because of his insane fragging abilities) was nicknamed "EL Diablo" by multiple pros. thats all u need to know
  5. Open spot
posted about 3 years ago

you're delusional to say that they need to win against the 4 best teams in NA for wardell to be the best awper. Hes clear cut the best with or without winning against these teams. theres no other awper as impactful as him and there is literal stats backing that up.

posted about 3 years ago

can we all agree that SENBobstar is a silver and has the absolutely worst takes in history

posted about 3 years ago

his anchoring is actually so insane right now.

posted about 3 years ago

yea screaming after the win LMAOOO

posted about 3 years ago

why is it suprising that hes saving face. hes trying to play the victim but theres a reason that wardell was talking bad about shazham.

posted about 3 years ago

and when was the last time yall had a good run? when you had tenz lmao. and even then yall werent that good lmao

posted about 3 years ago