Flag: Australia
Registered: July 3, 2021
Last post: July 7, 2023 at 10:06 AM
Posts: 255
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thing is if you had a oce superteam most of them play duelists. Closest we got was og sq roster but replace iyen with any other sentinel. Also no point having a oce superteam when all of the best players in oce should be looking to go overseas.

posted about a year ago

no its single elim all the way. vlr got format wrong.

posted about a year ago

i dont like how someone criticises them and they throw a fit. Are we as fans not supposed to want the best talent possible? or do we have to put up with the na ascension garbage

posted about a year ago

they made it seem bleed stomped them round 8 on lotus when he clutched 1v2 against pistols when they almost lost the round to pistols. conkmodo were biased but not this biased where they say nothing positive about the other side.

posted about a year ago

League has had imports for a long time. Why would riot ban imports for Valorant? makes no sense at all

posted about a year ago

the imports are the only reason they're winning. If they had indian players they would lose LOL.

posted about a year ago

Swerl still fragging out despite what hes going through. Hope he gets well soon :(

posted about a year ago

yeah definetly oce's fault they lost that when nos cant shoot his gun straight while pl1xx and maple are fragging out.

posted about a year ago

yeah because the chinese players held them back LOL

posted about a year ago

whats that? all im seeing is oce carrying your bum ass region

posted about a year ago

that was 2 tournaments OCE ON TOP LIL BRO

posted about a year ago

idk maybe because they had like a very limited amount of chances to.

posted about a year ago

im in ur head rent free lil bro be quiet oce on top

posted about a year ago

they arent overrated oce owns china lil bro

posted about a year ago pretty sure an australian top fragged both games. oce farming your bum ass region plus where tf did they play lotus check ur eyes lil bro. oce carrying china region.

posted about a year ago

yeah him and maple are the only good players on weibo

posted about a year ago

did better than most of the indians on the team so you cant really talk

posted about a year ago

china has good internet. We get 120ping to singapore and you get packet loss and shit on top of that because internet is awful here and we're still farming ur dogshit region.

posted about a year ago

yes because pl1xx is farming ur trash region

posted about a year ago

yeah man u have 500m oh noo what are you going to do. OCE has 0 teams in pacific league. OCE can only scrim oce teams and there are no good oce team so how are oce supposed to improve? and if you're going to use the age and rural excuse. then it would leave us with 13m people. OCE is farming your region stay mad lil bro, they had barely any scrims and still beating ur dogshit region.

posted about a year ago

australia has 26 million people. I hope China would qualify when they have 1.4 billion people living there. Our region has no org support either so not surprised my region has done nothing. But saying oce is trash of 1 game when they had maybe 3 days of scrims and they had to play from an internet cafe is just plain stupid. Meanwhile pl1xx and maple are farming the chinese region so is oce really that bad?

posted about a year ago

27 kills in 14 rounds is fucking nuts

posted about a year ago

it's 1 game bro. has your country done anything noteworthy in valorant?

posted about a year ago

its their first game bro. They only flew over like a few days ago. They wouldn't of had much scrim time.

posted about a year ago

csgo has been around for 10 years and its still beating their player records. Its not going to die anytime soon LOL.

posted about a year ago

ow2 isnt dead? sure no one watches it on twitch but there are a lot more people playing it then there used to be. People expected way too much of it. It was never a new game. It was just a big update that was branded as ow2 to get more ppl to talk about it.

posted about a year ago

Let knellery cook.

posted about a year ago

I may not be a soniqs fan anymore but I'm praying 🙏🙏🙏

posted about a year ago

its like clash in league

posted about a year ago

no need to be toxic ? are gc players not allowed to play in co-ed???

posted about a year ago

is there still hype for this team? these players have accomplished nothing idk why there would be hype for them.

posted about a year ago

yeah but the full australian team was 10x better than this team. This team could never win a map vs the "best team of the world" at the time or get 1 round off making main event. This team will never be able to do anything. I really dont understand what soniqs are even trying to do with this team.

posted about a year ago

they've had so many coaches and players leave on the team. Makes you wonder whats happening behind the scenes.

posted about a year ago

not even the same team

posted about a year ago

soniqs lost a 4v2 that would've put them in the group stage. Soniqs were so close and now all the players split apart and some aren't even signed :(((

posted about a year ago

she definitely wasn't mediocre. She was probably one of the better players on soniqs.

posted about 2 years ago

they rlly downgraded

posted about 2 years ago

reyna on ascent? is soniqs trolling???

posted about 2 years ago
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