Flag: Germany
Registered: May 22, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 1:33 PM
Posts: 256
1 2 3 4 •• 6

duellist: sayf
initiator: leo
smokes: mako
sentinel: less
flex: saadhak

headcoach: onur
analyst/strats: sliggy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

fire everyone

hire sliggy let him build a roster and give him a nice analyst

posted about a year ago

why looks a minus like a star wtf

posted about a year ago
  • coach
  • all players

just buy apeks

posted about a year ago


  • (deffo) + derke

this could be better than actual fnatic

posted about a year ago

igl ange1

all can speak russish btw

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

and lost 13:4 holy shit are they bad and vitality good

posted about 2 years ago

twisten molsi duellist gg we dont need to watch this easiest 13:0 for Vitality

posted about 2 years ago

-sayf duellist>>>
-redgar igling on english seems hard for him

did they practice attackside?????

posted about 2 years ago

liquid looks the baddest from all emea teams thats so disappointing

posted about 2 years ago

offliner vs onliner

posted about 2 years ago

copium #prayforturkey

posted about 2 years ago

could be insane

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

i would bet 1k

posted about 2 years ago

u never saw koi playing right?

posted about 2 years ago

liquid : sentinels 13:1

posted about 2 years ago

bucher cause german

posted about 2 years ago

jingg 1v5 u

posted about 2 years ago

imagine nobody signs the teams and fokus is building this:

yugi (duellist)
yaboilewis (initiator) 2nd igl
link (flex)
bucher (sentinel)
zik (igl) (smokes)

posted about 2 years ago

most overrated team in sao paulo

posted about 2 years ago

tsm 2:1
bt 2:0

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

russia: vookashu, derke, chronicle, redgar, nats

posted about 2 years ago

turkish: cned, alfajer, elite, brave, SouhcNi

spain: saiz, fit1nho, koldamenta, jonba, kyrrz

france: scream, nivera, xms, enzo, memset

german: obnoks, murri, disisjohn, ngin, treelover

do more languages (:

posted about 2 years ago

infinity money glitch
$ 7: kicks
$ 8: jugi
$ 8: enzo
$ 6: kpzet
$ 8: chiwawa

posted about 2 years ago

$ 5: mistic
$ 8: jugi
$ 4: yaboilewis
$ 6: kpzet
$ 1: freddan

posted about 2 years ago

$ 8: purpo
$ 7: kicks
$ 6: link
$ 5: mistic
$ 4: lynxi
$ 3: zik
$ 2: mishu
$ 1: conor

$ 8: jugi
$ 7: juseu
$ 6: keiko
$ 5: devo
$ 4: davud
$ 3: luzuh
$ 2: klusia
$ 1: leare

$ 8: enzo
$ 7: bonkar
$ 6: masked
$ 5: epzz
$ 4: yaboilewis
$ 3: vong
$ 2: vorwenn
$ 1: ale

$ 8: sunshine
$ 7: seider
$ 6: kpzet
$ 5: stanley
$ 4: shadow
$ 3: kray
$ 2: radski
$ 1: vicious

$ 8: chiwawa
$ 7: lime
$ 6: magnum
$ 5: phyrn
$ 4: akimbo
$ 3: russ
$ 2: nille
$ 1: freddan

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

jugi polaris
vookashu spain
obnoks dach
burzzy tr
brodiie east

posted about 2 years ago

full deutschsprachig sogar i like

posted about 2 years ago

infinity money glitch

posted about 2 years ago

happen 3
ambi 5
felix 5
obnoks 8
alorante 3

posted about 2 years ago

who is igl"ing ?

posted about 2 years ago

yeah agreed

posted about 2 years ago

best in ur opinion?

posted about 2 years ago

we will see

posted about 2 years ago

$ 8: murii
$ 7: benny
$ 6: click
$ 5: stavinci
$ 4: nico
$ 3: happen
$ 2: louitan
$ 1: nikoluk

$ 8: ellement
$ 7: disisjohn
$ 6: filu
$ 5: ambi
$ 4: hydro
$ 3: luc1d
$ 2: karma
$ 1: symondark

$ 8: iluri
$ 7: eleo
$ 6: jkr
$ 5: felix
$ 4: jurca
$ 3: nkls
$ 2: spnak
$ 1: shazeon

$ 8: obnoks
$ 7: treelover
$ 6: starki
$ 5: xanarchy
$ 4: bgg
$ 3: enes
$ 2: matrixx
$ 1: ike

$ 8: ngin
$ 7: azury
$ 6: bucher
$ 5: haxtrax
$ 4: leosen
$ 3: alorante
$ 2: trayz
$ 1: canefis

posted about 2 years ago

iluri is in mouz

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
1 2 3 4 •• 6