Flag: Japan
Registered: May 31, 2024
Last post: June 28, 2024 at 7:14 AM
Posts: 24

mf still stuck w something on SG era lol wake up

posted 3 days ago

nah there static are shit bro, sad for carlao but time for change

posted 1 week ago

battle of mid🔥🔥 lfg🔥🔥

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

well i mean he shit but at least he has pretty decent face

posted 2 weeks ago

the fan base are the problem tbh, fan base mainly suppports there team because of player so they can't just swap the player or else they lose there fanbase big

posted 2 weeks ago

as long as it is understandable I don't give a shit.

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah i know i saw it real time, although zeta ac boys are new the lack of building game are the problem.
actually jealous for the environment.

posted 2 weeks ago

okay, lets forget about imports for now, the problem is more spotted on jp player
SG varrel are some biggest example, misaya and nobita, gato are shit, varrel arn't that bad so they in top 3 but still veteran
those old guys needs to be replaced with new talent. use imports as a experiance
riddle explain the most. they lack on gaming IQ so they suffered split 1, now on. zeta kids are good at mechanics but because they haven't taught good

posted 2 weeks ago

korean twitch and shi since korea dont have twitch if i remrmber correctly

posted 2 weeks ago
after seeing drx ac vs zeta ac, you can clearly see those kids on zeta was getting destroyed except the guy called honeybunny
they need to invest more on academy and teach how to do shit or else jp are cooked

posted 2 weeks ago

as a enviroment for other country, yes
as a jp talent scene, no

posted 2 weeks ago

i mean we have good ac player but the talent still relied on korean player

posted 2 weeks ago

my boy hir0r0nn getting payed to drx rn

posted 2 weeks ago

i really feel bad for stax, they betrayed just for foxy9 throwing the game

posted 2 weeks ago

DRX gived up stax for this are crazy

posted 2 weeks ago

crow was ass but not as those fraud pick, cry for those 13-0😹 his support still did something then those air bro, strait throw🤡 like damn use skill no breach ult, no brain.

posted 2 weeks ago

then tell me what tf this man is doing, this mf almost died with bomb😹

posted 2 weeks ago

no fck the mechanics first, crow was hooxi this man was the brain of zeta and they just decayed there brain

posted 2 weeks ago

nah we had crow and tennn and this is what us get? this org is cooked

posted 2 weeks ago

yuran is ass bruh wtf

posted 2 weeks ago

we need to give seat for riddle bro, those boys with korean jett and brother joxjo would do better

posted 2 weeks ago

wym cuh is bro talking bout scarz?

posted 2 weeks ago