Flag: India
Registered: December 5, 2021
Last post: August 16, 2024 at 7:39 AM
Posts: 18

baby bye bye bye

posted 6 months ago

As much as i want SEN to win I'm pretty sure they lose 2-1... I hope they come through though and win though.

posted 6 months ago

unreal that he got dropped?? I dont even remember many matches that he didn't play well except for like a couple of maps.

posted 9 months ago

What you and everyone else seems to keep forgetting and not addressing is that Valorant is not only made up of pro players playing VCT or game changers or scrimming. Its made up of a ton of ranked players and streamers and new players just having fun.

These nerfs don't just impact the pro scene (who have been running double smokes for a looong time so it doesn't matter they switch to harbor,viper or omen viper or astra,viper) but it impacts one of the lowest picked controller agents in the game after harbor (and even after astra in Immortal and radiant).

This nerf ruins a lot of the fun of playing the agent in ranked as viper is just not viable as a solo smokes and not even fun to play in general. In my opinion as an Asc2 controller player (except Harbor, which I might main now lmao) who mains Viper this nerf was not needed in ranked play at all but instead just made another agent unplayable and un-enjoyable in ranked.

Thank rito games.

posted 9 months ago

feels bad man

posted 10 months ago

ahahah aged like milk bro enjoy.

posted 11 months ago

Do you make a post like this for every team?? Someone should really hire you lol you're good.

posted 11 months ago

If GenG fix their mental after their Masters Loss they win against PRX again. I love PRX but GenG is just so ahead right now.

posted 11 months ago

Lmao this gotta be cap

posted 11 months ago

what a weird take to have lmao

posted 11 months ago

Ah thanks makes more sense. I thought I've just heard of some crazy scandal before it goes viral lol.

posted 11 months ago

Can someone tell me what the proof for this is?? I have been watching the games and I don't see it. How is Loud throwing on purpose? If anything aren't Sen throwing on Sunset in the beginning??? Just show me the proof please.

posted 11 months ago

yeah but they dont have enough resources to give people a chance that's the problem. There is no proper talent building or PR or training for people who make it into tier 2 or are trying to.

posted 11 months ago

Its actually really sad to see this though. The whole Indian region had a lot of talent but due to lack of resources and infrastructure for PC gaming it always fell behind. There is a reason they were performing on some level in mobile gaming (which is much cheaper) and are almost non existent at the highest level in all PC games.

posted 11 months ago

Exactly lmao. The amount of people who don't understand he was a kid with NO LAN experience is insane. Ofcourse he choked in big events but he got signed because he had crazy potential which he is reaching in Val.

posted 11 months ago

I feel like one of the reasons I still think Tenz is good is because when he didn't fit into the duelist playstyle and so many people became better at performing as duelists he learnt a whole new role and plays pretty well on it.

Yay has the mechanics but he needs to take some time master some new roles and he can definitely compete at the top level again.
Feels bad to see him so down after winning so much.

posted 11 months ago