Flag: Indonesia
Registered: October 15, 2022
Last post: July 2, 2023 at 8:42 AM
Posts: 46

riot were supporting sea val scene name me a another country in Pacific that has a easy to understand accent then, yall sound like youre choking something whenever you speak, and clearly you prefer those Aussie casters cuz of their accent you braindead

posted about a year ago

well idk bout that

posted about a year ago

raze and fade are something,
also i like that they equip the bat knife
bonkers 2-0 dk

posted about a year ago

naos 2-0 indo superteam

posted about a year ago

base on performance I'd go Fcy on this one

posted about a year ago

so were on day 2 now lmao
wtf is this i start watching at 1pm anf now its 2am just make the scarz and bonkers bo1 i cant take it anymore im going insane

posted about a year ago

man was hotter than naked the rock holy

posted about a year ago

shh it's secret

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

RIP Twisten

posted about a year ago

idk why the viewership drop me personally im a offline/highlight watcher but yeah i think valo is not as popular as league or dota here in ph

posted about a year ago

liquid 2-0 loud
nAts drop 80

posted about a year ago

imagine Tess on Sova and Azys full time jett? better than the current roster?

posted about a year ago

NAOS na all

posted about a year ago

they only have a few hours to practice their strat and they also need to sleep im not defending secret on their loss but is it really that important? people have drx 2-0 and ts still got a map win drx was expected to win

posted about a year ago

drx had a week to prep for secret amd secret ofc have to prep for zeta 1st i know secret also prep against drx but they only have a fee hours to practice their start against drx and they still got a map win now imagine what was the outcome if secret had like a few days of practice to play against yhe best team

posted about a year ago

man you have to realise for me as a secret fan its good enough, and lock in drx was a different roster drx roster rn was considered as stronger version base on fans analysis and many pros, and you typing xd at the end of sentence shows youre just a kid who only cheer for who is winning and my comment wasn't made for anyone i just want to show my support to the team

posted about a year ago

nt secret 2-1 against no1 team not bad

posted about a year ago

1st of all people have drx 2-0 even if secret loss they still got a map win and lenne playing and invy is not, it not really a huge difference drx has more time to prepare and secret just had a battle yesterday, it was expected loss and secret gave it a damn try

posted about a year ago

its okay ts you guys did well today i mean its drx and still u guys got a map win there's still a chance and im excited

posted about a year ago

a win is a win gg zeta, even if secret lose to drx next game if they get at least a map win i think its enough for them to roll the team on the losing bracket their early game and momentum is strong just need to get better at closing

posted about a year ago

ill give you 1 for effort still ts 2-0

posted about a year ago

Nothing much to say 2-1 either way

posted about a year ago

after seeing pati and vash get along on latest video i dont want them to face eachother lol but i hope both teams make it to masters 2-1 either way and i have them both on my top 3 yeah call me crazy idgaf

posted about 2 years ago

imagine hyping skrossi then he underperform what a waste but to be fair if they out the operator on the korean guy they might win a map anyways i got vitality 2-1

posted about 2 years ago

ride the momentum secret lezgooo ts 2-1 navi

posted about 2 years ago

thats why pros dont like to talk about Indonesia toxic community, just enjoy the game man stop hating

posted about 2 years ago

Indonesians makes a troll accounts using ph flag idk why Indonesians hates them so much maybe because the only org from indo that made it into franchise singed a filipino roster instead of indos
you can clearly see how they typed on comments like a 7yr old who only knows indo numba 1 lmao

posted about 2 years ago

i dont get where the hates for these ph players are coming, its not their decisions to be on the team its the management, why Indonesians hates these guys so much? just because theyre not indos? thats it? the harassment and toxicity are insanely disgusting

posted about 2 years ago

yeah brag to the rrq management its not the players decisions uts not their fault why Indonesians have a small iq they signed a non indogs player

posted about 2 years ago