Trexx will never do tiktok dance with boaster so i think they will keep crashies for his dancing skill
Flag: | Vietnam |
Registered: | May 27, 2024 |
Last post: | March 17, 2025 at 5:33 PM |
Posts: | 55 |
Trexx will never do tiktok dance with boaster so i think they will keep crashies for his dancing skill
Am i tripping or robbie could be the pick for the team ?
I think verno is more passive while narrate still have the starplayer fragger attitude. About comms idk if narrate talk that much on sen actually
verno ? i think zellsis can play breach
rn i would pick leaf instead of less no offense
do u think role by role g2 are better than vit ?
Hot take bbl win lewn drop 80 2-0
Bl4d3 manage to change aleksib into the igl of the year trust the goat
but am i tripping or xertion dont play same roles as rain. Jimphat would be better no ?
kamo and kicks aren't bettters than derke and less
Am im tripping for thinking kamo is a good duellist ?
Bro was playing 2v5 last year and did a good job
tex increase his lvl higher and higher by the time he play with lev since shanghai and they even won split 2 when i feel fut are loosing speed
Personnaly i rate king higher than valyn he have better stats and won split 2. Valyn mby should be higher but i dont think that any of the tier a players belongs in s tiers atm
tell me what i do wrong pls im listening
not watching vct cn so cannot rate those guys properly
I think its easier to stats when you play with derke alfajer and chronicle than crws jitboys and governor (no hates for Talon fan but the FNC system is much more in place than that of tln)
hiro gave fnatic a revival but I think even without him fnc would have gone to champions while primmie is the essential element of TLN
and btw fnc played against kc tl and vit who I think are not on the same level as prx or drx
is that better ?
I don't watch the cn vcts at all. Do you think that the cn teams excluding edg and fpx are at the level of the top emea apac and na teams. Rn with your advice I would put it between chronicle and mazino but it seems complicated to put it higher behind who would you put it?
You're right about that but what makes me place primmie higher than hiro is that i think its easier to stats when you play with derke alfajer and chronicle than crws jitboys and governor (no hates for Talon fan but the FNC system is much more in place than that of tln)
and btw fnc played against kc tl and vit who I think are not on the same level as prx or drx
For a team who didnt pop off at international event and not dominate their league A tier is still very good. Like i cannot put the whole FNC roaster in S tier. And for the duellist part i feel like Sayf is better than Derke who is playing on a fonctionnal teamates with a roaster who prove when its just Sayf/Trexx (and sometimes Runner) against the world
Some people said that primmie deserved the s due to his reputation and his results but I don't think that the latter deserves it knowing that he has not proven anything internationally and that his only victory was against TS. However, Primmie manages to play really well in a team without much organization (surfing and governor role swap) while hiro, despite some changes, arrives in a very organized team. Obviously hiro is excellent and has given FNC a new lease of life but we are not doing a random ranking of emea we are talking about the champions and I think that Primmie has more to prove than Hiro for the moment. However, I would be very happy to be able to move up to hiro in the next tierlist if he maintains the impact he had in emea internationally
Hiro is an excellent player, I can't deny that. To tell the truth, I really like him watching him from Wylde in the French league. However, I judge the player's level a lot in relation to his international achievements and playing against KC or TL is not the same as playing GEN or LEV. The only rookies without international experience that I put in front of him are Flashback and Primmie who I think are better than him (or who had more opportunity to prove DRX beat PRX and took a map at GEN while that primmie is primmie.
And tier b is not a bad tier in any case the players going to champions are not average. These are just the players who are a little below the top players in their roles or those who have not yet proven themselves internationally.
feel like runner is one of the worst sentinel of the tournament while kicks is just average at is role can u tell me why i should have rank runner higher or kicks lower ?
Ye i should have put him behind cned sorry
He is in B tier bro and i don't think he deserves to be alongside leaf, tex, benjy and flashback in a tier
It's true that Leo and Hiro are very comparable. I had forgotten Leo's famous cypher
Hiro is an excellent player, I can't deny that. To tell the truth, I really like him watching him from Wylde in the French league. However, I judge the player's level a lot in relation to his international achievements and playing against KC or TL is not the same as playing GEN or LEV. The only rookies without international experience that I put in front of him are Flashback and Primmie who I think are better than him (or who had more opportunity to prove DRX beat PRX and took a map at GEN while that primmie is primmie.
And tier b is not a bad tier in any case the players going to champions are not average. These are just the players who are a little below the top players in their roles or those who have not yet proven themselves internationally.
Trent play scan initiator (sova/fade) and gekko
While JonahP play Kayo, Skye Breach who are i think support initiator.
For scan initiator i think Leo/Trexx are better than Trent but for support initiator i think JonahP is the best
I watched a lot of fnatic and I base my tierlist based on the player's international achievements. Chronicle and Hiro played very well in the emea league but during the last master Chronicle did not play very well (his level of play dropped compared to the level he had in the regular season) and Hiro, who is an excellent player, remains a new player arriving on the international scene. I think that currently F0rsaken to the champions is a safer bet being the one who often raised the level of play of PRX in these last difficult encounters
I think he is the best initiator world rn with insane support stuff and good firepower if G2 manage to be that good to setup a new duellist player who dont frag like a star its due to the initiator abilities work so i rate him S