Flag: United States
Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: February 8, 2022 at 9:09 PM
Posts: 6

T1 Curry might be subbing in on LG. Not sure for who but he just ended stream after mada asked.

Update: I was incorrect

posted about 3 years ago

out of those 3,

  1. NV (Practices a good amount, consistent results, fns 5head

  2. SEN (Doesn't practice, but raw talent and chemistry will be enough to be okay)

  3. 100T (I don't think this roster's peak is higher than NV or C9 but over time could see them pass SEN. As of right now I think they will have a really shaky start)

C9 in my opinion grinds way too hard and is more intact with the meta than other NA teams. I think they are easily best team NA

posted about 3 years ago

if TSM beats XSET iā€™d be EXTREMELY surprised

posted about 3 years ago
  1. C9
  2. NV
  3. SEN
  4. RISE
  5. XSET
  6. 100T (roster feels weaker but hopefully i'm proven wrong)
  7. GENG
  8. V1
  9. T1
posted about 3 years ago