Flag: International
Registered: February 9, 2021
Last post: September 30, 2023 at 1:16 AM
Posts: 137
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Just wait for someone to drop 50 then vanity is dropped

posted about a year ago

What kind of lunatic ORG this gotta be to give away a VCT Slot where you don't have to pay anything while getting paid by riot just to play? You guys are ruining ppls dream which is not cool! the squad doesn't deserve this kind to tomfoolery! More like a scam scheme!

posted about a year ago

so you're tryna say mikes is better and stellar is a top tier igl? nice.

posted about a year ago

FFS please find a better coach and IGL! who can uplift the team morale in sticky situations!

posted about a year ago

-drop stellar
-drop derrek/make him a sub. that guy got talent.
-Keep asuna and bang, tbh if a big daddy IGL could put a leash on bang and asuna, these two guys can wreck any team on anyday.
They always overheat specially asuna, gets an ace then dies within 10 seconds of the next round. stellar just don't have that.
-Get A fkn TOP DOG coach! ffs, it's tough to fit into the shoes of sgares.
-get a structured team. cryo will shine nonetheless.

posted about a year ago

lmao! seems like a personal problem.

posted about a year ago

90% of the rounds he dies first as an initiator/sentinel but still his team wins the round because of the caliber of his teammates.
Recently shao playing controllers probably because of angel's bad habit of dying first. ardis, shao, zypan, cned, suygetsu these guys always to win the round but in these situations it's always the IGL's big brain calling is mentioned.

posted about a year ago

will something join Tokyo or Benkai will play?
why did they add something? benkai was a good igl

posted about a year ago

stellar is great but not on the levels of others!
mikes seems like a step down from gares!

don't think asuna needs to go tbh, he's cracked on raze/neon. just need a good coach w/ dadd buff to keep him in check. mikes prolly looks like his older brother.
just can't forget how disciplined they were when sgares was on team.
derrek can be 6th, someone like trent to replace him.
at this moment the IGL situation is not working, vanity, zander or hell even bring back steel, just give stellar a break.

posted about a year ago

common c9 L

DROP c9 from partnered team!

posted about 2 years ago

fokus now! eyes off mee

posted about 2 years ago

90% of the hatred of SEN comes from the mfs who run their socials! they always trying to sound like the most arrogant af dummies which contributes to more hate when SEN as an ORG does moderately stupid shits which could be no big deal if any other orgs were concerned.

posted about 2 years ago

rossi is mid at best. but he's all indians get. So gotta do what you do with what you have.
Global esports the org itself is run by hype, nothing else.

posted about 2 years ago

where will shaz goes after being dropped from sen?
auditioning for rom-com drama series or smth?

posted about 2 years ago

doug is ok..but balla mid at best

posted about 2 years ago

m3c L team

posted about 2 years ago

Sen strated bootcamp recently, before that they got a bit ahead of themselves ngl.
Less scrimming more streaming and their decline in form.
So there was a time when they were in seen streams more than they were seen in pro play.
and most of the time shaz saying something seems like he's making excuses.

posted about 2 years ago

lmaooo! angel coming with all guns blazing!

posted about 2 years ago


where the tall caster girl went!? didn't see her in Copenhagen.
Did she got fired for this awkward situation?

posted about 2 years ago

starxo should be benched, not him.

posted about 2 years ago

W move! he wasnt that good

posted about 2 years ago

whoever tf does the hiring for players in fnatic does need to be paid in gold coins! MAN this alfajer and enzo guy are cracked af!!! also previously they got brave who was also a craked sova!

posted about 2 years ago

What now TSM haters?

That's what y'all get for not believing in them. Everyone were really doubting the upper management decisions with the player acquisitions and other risky stuff but they surely seemed to come around. Finally, after being a Top 30 team, they're now looking like a Top 28-27 team in NA 💪😤

posted about 2 years ago

Is wardell benched/subbed from the roster?

posted about 3 years ago

my boi chet gonna stomp tsm next time they meet.

posted about 3 years ago

2-0 TSM AND LORD ONE-Trick-Dell dropping a deuce xD

posted about 3 years ago

Can't belive tsm didn't let LORD Two-Trick-dell top frag!! Cancel TSM!

posted about 3 years ago

the only humble one-trick guy in tsm that actually tried other agents and actually tried! but tsm kept the other one-trick twitter guy and bench him :(

posted about 3 years ago

tsm laid the foundation of val esports? that's a bit exaggerated tbh. If tsm wasn't around, I'm pretty sure there were tons of Orgs out there who were doing pretty good as too. They got a headstart in val and which they grabbed pretty well. if they were'nt around Im sure some other orgs would come forward.And 2 years since tsm entered valorant and still they haven't figured out/keeping up with simple shits like META and map picks! It's the most amusing about them.

posted about 3 years ago

lord one-trick dell promoting himself to lord two-trick dell and carrying tsm again! how does he managed to do that and still support his team?
plus who tf plays 2 sentinels and 2 initiators on fracture!!!??? you gotta be mentally sick to run KJ on frature!!! and what's with the fracture pick anyways!???!

posted about 3 years ago

still a better lineup than tsm

posted about 3 years ago

doesn't matter who joins or leaves, LORD One-Trick-Dell will carry tsm to VCT finals with his diversified agent pool (Jett only) and his mastery of the OP

posted about 3 years ago

so does tsm but they stopped trying after first strike ngl

posted about 3 years ago

nuttin to write home about. they're the tsm of EU.

posted about 3 years ago

lol first sort out the main roster ffs.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

what about the rumors of nitro leaving val? im sure i saw some tweets.

posted about 3 years ago

let lord worlte go and sign a good IGL who can play w/ team

posted about 3 years ago

lord wortle on chamber!
tsm gonna win masters!

posted about 3 years ago

the moment i saw faze playing single duelist comps on ascent, bind and breeze , ngl I got kinda hopeful about them like finish 3-4th in LCQ. babyj was decent tbh i guess it's a coinflip between him and rawkus. that being said faze badly need a big daddy igl tbh, whoever is calling the shots is not doing a good job. c9 got a good igl and see where are they now! compared to past

posted about 3 years ago

still fanbois gonna say, he doesn't OP that much now! he's all rifles now! but is that enough? can you justify benching a young prospect like bang and keep dell strapped with OP at all the time so he can flex on OP while his team looses?!?

posted about 3 years ago

cause daddydell is the main stone in tsm, everything should change and everyone should evolved unless its daddy dell. he can do whatever he wants, he's the undisputed king. poggers! <3

posted about 3 years ago

dimasickk was such a good lurker! his cypher was the one of the best!
why tf they didnt put zyppan on jett or fulltime fragger!?

posted about 3 years ago

why not jammyz? he's a pretty good KJ main tbh!?

posted about 3 years ago

if she moved to a women teams, she could prolly give c9w run fro their moneys.

posted about 3 years ago

tsm vs tsm (Academy)

who wins a B03?
drop your predictions!

posted about 3 years ago

tsm don't care about vct. they're pretty happy with being barely tier 1 tbh. they bought deez kids for future to replace someone in the main roster.

posted about 3 years ago

how many teams will qualify from EU?

posted about 3 years ago
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