Flag: Poland
Registered: July 22, 2021
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 12:21 PM
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wedid growing through chemo too :( right as his career was really taking off

fuck cancer frl

posted 3 months ago

0/8 bro you aint fooling me

posted 3 months ago

okay so all 3 of these players are very young (all born 2006) BUT verno still has the best ranked stats of the 3 and with context (solo q and flexing) he is even better

wo0t does it in a different and harder region (language barrier, games are more random) but i would still hold that verno has the best tracker ive ever seen

posted 3 months ago

i think jamppi igled liquid briefly in the past

but yeah i think with a better coach he can learn, he needs more than Emil if TL wanna do it

posted 3 months ago

i didnt check wo0ts yet but i just checked flor and a 1.49 k/d in 9th place prime isnt verno level

posted 3 months ago

no i know theyre different but theyre both crazy numbers i think

posted 3 months ago

ranked goat is surely zekken right, i think he topped leaderboard 8 times in just 7 episodes and his peak had a 1.63 k/d

i think if verno wants he can compete. verno topped leaderboard before and been second a couple times, his k/d rn in radiant is a 1.66

he also has a above a 2.00 kda on all roles (duelist is actually 1.97 but wtv) zekken in ep 7 act 3 (1.63 k/d) didnt have 2.00 on any roles for comparison, 2.00 kda on all roles in radiant is crazy

he plays every single role in ranked and solo queues half the time

i think ive never seen a tracker as impressive as verno. he doesnt instalock and duo like all other leaderboard toppers. verno just solo queues and flexes whatever and still smurfs the leaderboard

fun fact: he finished his first act plat in ep 1 act 1 when he was freshly 14


he deleted this tweet but it was the moment faze fell.

watching it i cried but i soon realized with fazes fall there was a prodigy risen

posted 3 months ago

6/8 i fuck with it

posted 3 months ago

I think he maybe is tier 2 level but def not Polaris North level. That league is below tier 3 na

posted 3 months ago

LOL sorry.. you have a very good breach entry success rate ❤️

posted 3 months ago

She’s never even won before

posted 3 months ago

Sunset fan 🤢
Not so bad otherwise

posted 3 months ago

Well g2 gozen still winning. Can’t wait to see amy win cause I’ve been hyping her for a while

posted 3 months ago

Unironically some decent valorant will be played here

posted 3 months ago

Pleaseee gc championship come already

posted 3 months ago

Is it gonna be in November/December again like last year?

I don’t wanna wait that long to see g2 gozen win ;(

posted 3 months ago

sunset fan? its kinda stinky oer here

posted 3 months ago

does the same to me when people call him y*y

posted 3 months ago

the album is called brat

posted 3 months ago

their region just got way better

posted 3 months ago

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Thank you once again for being a part of this incredible journey. Here's to 5000 posts on vlr.gg, and to many more adventures together!

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posted 3 months ago

this is so typical and pedestrian

posted 3 months ago

oh yeah thats true i forgot that one

posted 3 months ago

wait so im immortal 2 on leaderboard, if i hid my tracker would it not be hidden ?

posted 3 months ago

not exactly cause yay spoke english in bleed and also pancada might not be good again

posted 3 months ago

he is playing his old role in his old language. not unlikely he plays like his old self

posted 3 months ago

bro linked a fake video with a fake timestamp

posted 3 months ago

maybe if you swap pearl and fracture 😂

posted 3 months ago

split is different to haven where you have to fight to make it 5 lanes. split can be a 3 lane map if you let it become one but haven all the defense can do is make it a 4 lane map by taking A main.
split is much more strategically interesting cause the map punishes teams who are too inactive.

haven is 5 lanes which can become 4 if the defense pushes A but can also be like 6+ if the attack takes space A and garage and B.
if split is defense sided then haven is attack sided.

haven is fun to play only maybe because it is simple and easy

posted 3 months ago

not fun to play and you can spam postplant more than ascent and there isnt comp diversity cause when there isnt an op ass agent the comp is kj-omen-breach-sova-jett 90% of time and i dont like how many lanes there are and i prefer ascent and fracture and lotus and split

posted 3 months ago

Seymur Muradov
So what? Just some decent kills that happens every day

posted 3 months ago

valorant is the faker of faker

posted 3 months ago

5th aint even slander. i wouldnt say im bad :/

posted 3 months ago

oh my god wtf

1.70 kd on a huge sample size wtf. he solos half the time playing flex roles and such a wide range of agents

ykw sometimes you think youre not bad at something and you see someone like verno. freshly 18. this guy will carry na to 5 champions trophies

posted 3 months ago

haven super overrated and i think breeze and pearl with good changes would be better than it. so kinda same

posted 3 months ago

probably low but itd be unfair

posted 3 months ago
  1. fracture
  2. ascent
  3. split
  4. lotus
  5. haven
  6. bind
  7. pearl
  8. breeze
  9. sunset
  10. icebox

top 3 are goated
4-6 are good
7-9 are fixable
icebox is garbage

posted 3 months ago

no way its that successful

posted 3 months ago

nyeah eh bud

posted 3 months ago

canada shit talking uk ...

posted 3 months ago

no way he is so bad

an iranian girl told me about him a year ago and that was the last time i listened to him

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

no bladee amirite

posted 3 months ago

124 views and only 1 reply about it is crazy

posted 3 months ago

when the wifi acting up xDDDDDD

posted 3 months ago
1 •• 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 •• 196