Flag: Poland
Registered: July 22, 2021
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 1:33 AM
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During those comebacks liquid were all average except for Keiko 18-7 and nats 17-6 holy fuck

posted 6 months ago

So fcking unlucky and we threw both maps

Keiko map one and nats map 2 single-handedly won them those two maps

We will destroy bbl 2-0 and defeat whoever else comes in for the play in spot

posted 6 months ago

British history, so many Brit’s there

posted 6 months ago

Mortadelo knows what he’s talking abt

posted 6 months ago

Yeah he’s British and always had liquid all over him tbf

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

I love this football club so much

Keiko is goated tho, we should’ve signed him and given him the supermax

posted 6 months ago

How about you focus on yourself.. idiot

posted 6 months ago

And they said we are bottom of emea 😂😂😂

posted 6 months ago

Still won

posted 6 months ago

Also kc, g2, t1, talon, c9, bleed, KRU all should’ve been coloured too

posted 6 months ago

Why is the buddy not purple

posted 6 months ago

He’s won international events. He’s good internationally too

posted 6 months ago

He’s always been good, he’s just a shitty jett/raze

posted 6 months ago

Except everyone but fnc and some americas teams and also prx and t1

posted 6 months ago

Navi r legitimate

Still losing to koi

posted 6 months ago

Koi clears

posted 6 months ago

They’re mostly pretty lame. I will still get the koi one if it has finishers on the classic

posted 6 months ago

his sova is fantastic

posted 6 months ago

i didnt even watch the game but i just know he played bad

he was so bad last year and im surprised navi kept him. probably to keep good vibes

posted 6 months ago

It doesn’t matter, they’re playing Tex and Mazino, even if zllesis plays bad is 4v3 sen win

posted 6 months ago

He has W aura. So does pancada tho, I think that’s what causes the confliction

posted 6 months ago

Belgium, Germany and England are dusty nations

posted 6 months ago

No one is below me. We are all equal

posted 6 months ago

I’m just answering your question 😔

posted 6 months ago

Na burger dogs get bored so they talk about zellsis again

posted 6 months ago

Fut flair talking

posted 6 months ago

You can call us shit but we actually have many fans

posted 6 months ago

Tomorrow na burger dogs will be too busy discussing zellsis and pancada to see the masterclass from future champions winners, koi

Koi vs liquid, February 21st, 2024

posted 6 months ago

I’m actually sick of only hearing about sen. happened last year too

posted 6 months ago

He uses than instead of then and calls Brazilians dumb

posted 6 months ago

G2 won’t even make the play in after losing to eg and kru

posted 6 months ago

I hate this event sm

NRG, loud, sen and eg should all be heading to Madrid but instead it’s just loud and sen like wtf

posted 6 months ago

Sen are a fine team. Beating Saadhak is no small task

posted 6 months ago

No one does. No one knows if it’s racist beyond zellsis and whoever was affected. People just started caring about this to push agenda on favourite players which is crazy. This information was ignored for so long but suddenly people care

posted 6 months ago

Okay that was very misworded sorry it is very late in Poland and I’m very tired

posted 6 months ago

how do you know it was racism, no one knows besides jordan and who he said whatever he said to

couldve been sexism or homophobia or like xenophobia or soemthing

posted 6 months ago

If it was so bad he deserves a ban I have no doubt riot would swiftly ban him or punish him further

Probably wasn’t even that cereal

posted 6 months ago

or sexist.. then again I have no idea what he said so it might have been not even that bad. If he said something seriously terrible riot would’ve probably done a lot mlre

posted 6 months ago

pancada trash

posted 6 months ago

aim doesnt mean duelist

posted 6 months ago

id be rocking the faze flair with you if it was an alive team :/

posted 6 months ago

loud, nrg/sen is a tossup
fnc, koi
prx, t1

posted 6 months ago

steel did not have the worst team in vcl na

you remember wrong

posted 6 months ago

fnc is finishing at least top 3

koi too but i shouldnt say that because the sheep will disagree

posted 6 months ago

ofc kc won, expected result

heretics highly unexpected, turkey might be fraudulent

posted 6 months ago

should have got poised too

babybay works better as duelist and poised is very flexible

posted 6 months ago

koi will prove higher soon

posted 6 months ago

n4rrate is a great player dont call him an nrg reject

he would be amazing on nrg too and wouldve farmed furia if given the chance

posted 6 months ago

I don’t feel very good…

My least favourite player ‘boo’ had an absolute life game which he will never replicate


posted 6 months ago
1 •• 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 •• 196