Flag: Scotland
Registered: October 15, 2021
Last post: March 6, 2025 at 9:23 PM
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t3xture, munchkin, mako, flashback, ivy
feels bad not having meteor+karon there though
also freeing, hyunmin and persia all look nasty. lots of talent.

posted 4 months ago

sure me

posted 4 months ago

don't be rude to our goat seven

posted 4 months ago

100T: SLIGHT downgrade, but minor
Sentinels: Upgrade
NRG: Big upgrade
EG: No clue
Cloud9: Upgrade
G2: Upgrade

we're doing fine lol, the only team that is perhaps not going to be even better next season is EG but who cares about them as an org

posted 4 months ago

the coach of their CS division came out saying that BLEED had "delayed payment of salaries and non-payment of bootcamp expenses, player buyouts and prizemoney." and the CS division has also left. seems like the org was super scammy and didn't have the funds to continue operation but attempted to anyways.

posted 4 months ago

yeah I'll take it
thanks boss

posted 4 months ago

how'd you find a video of kangkang's cousin

posted 4 months ago

he got timing wideswung by demon1 in the showmatch and said that "demon1 is such an r slur"

posted 4 months ago

wowza man you are such a saint that you've never said anything of the sort ever since you were 12 not even once in passing. most people (especially ones in a competitive environment) get heated and get upset and show human emotion and sometimes shit slips that are pretty minor, especially when these people are in an online environment where using words like this are unfortunately normalized. just thought you should know.

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

pretty much every single pro has said something comparable or worse over their career, you just don't know it because they aren't famous enough or unlucky enough for it to get leaked. I bet you that you've said something comparable or worse at some point, but you are also not famous or unlucky enough either. everyone is human and has at one point said shit like this. it's a different story between this and someone actually being hateful towards a group and I feel like its pretty obvious, "cancelling" people is not a healthy pastime.

posted 4 months ago

man just you guys wait until most comms from teams that aren't on stage gets leaked!

posted 4 months ago

wow man I am so behind I have no clue how I missed that
thanks, crazy.

posted 4 months ago

I'm super behind on lore, how did BOOM still qualify after losing ascension while Sin Prisa is also going to franchising? has an org been dropped?

posted 4 months ago

netero 🐐 always
also always had good interactions with CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer
motradelo nolife but he's generally well behaved and interesting to talk to + knowledgeable

posted 4 months ago

colby jack is good all around

posted 4 months ago

every single person who has played with zellsis has said he is an incredibly good teammate and very useful and important to have on a team. not gonna lie, everyone on the sen team is kinda a small personality besides him and he needs to be there to make sure they don't get in their own head and tilted. also, he's not a bad player at all.

posted 4 months ago

sayf has repeatedly wanted to retire (don't even know if he'll be around in the long term)
alfa is a fantastic duelist but don't know about his jett, and I'd rather try to get him for another role
primmie is a fantastic duelist but he has little high tier experience, but he's young and you can train him up and I think he'll only get better
I'd go primmie for that reason. I think it's better to pick up really good upcoming talents even though sayf and alfa are both incredible. hard choice!

posted 4 months ago

almost done with this weeks work at my job and also the certification I'm working on
finally get to relax this weekend and watch Look Back with my girlfriend on release day!

posted 5 months ago

any org that picks him up will get booed on stage every match and their merch sales will drop
horrible move for any org to make as a business, even if he is a mediocre player (better than bad, which brazilian orgs have been picking up)

posted 5 months ago

horrible move

posted 5 months ago

what is the sponsor
and why is it raid shadow legends

posted 5 months ago

traditional sports are funded by taxes, the stadiums for local teams are built by the governments which are funded by taxes not by the teams most of the time.
by the way, you are right, they are owned by nobody. the management for the team still had to sell TV rights to make money to buy players to get to this point.
this is like Valorant giving each team a chunk of viewership money and a team literally selling stake just to afford to buy players. it shows how bad it is. now in 2024, 2 years later, yes they are finally in the profit but like I said, this is a record breaking year. what if everything goes down even 10%? they are immediately unprofitable again. we have seen this in other esports, Copenhagen Flames + ENCE were profitable for a year and immediately weren't again because the business is volatile.
what other points do you have?

oh yeah another note
Camp Nou is literally funded by a bunch of investment companies which FC Barca has to pay back

Barcelona added that they signed the agreement with 20 investors, including Goldman Sachs (GS.N), and JP Morgan (JPM.N).
The Spanish club are set to pay back investors in progressive tranches - after five, seven, nine, 20, and 24 years - with a flexible structure, including a grace period.

them making 300m this year which they have to put towards paying off their already massive debt doesn't mean much when they still have that to pay off in the future as well.

another thing to bring up, most sports teams also get massive tax deductions which helps a ton, which brings it back to funded by government as they want to keep these teams going since it brings cities itself revenue.

posted 5 months ago

with better figures than expected, while also reducing the net debt for the second year in a row

they are still in debt. also, this is their best income by a large margin, it's a record breaking year and yes they are profitable now but they have not been for a long long time and if there is any downturn in football they will immediately be back in the red. this is barca and madrid. those teams are the best. what about every other team? they are probably not making profit lol. it's not just about the top teams, which I have said already by saying "generally" not profitable not "always" not profitable. on top of that, I also said that earlier.
sure, they CAN be profitable. but any team can be, there are orgs in esports that are already profitable. it's just either the top top ones, or ones that are selling players often that they scout.

posted 5 months ago

2011 has to do with it because I'm saying it just recently changed which I stated.
football clubs generally are not profitable and they still were not during COVID when viewership rose.
I already brought up TV rights and said that is how they make money, but that's profit for the association not for the teams.

posted 5 months ago

in 2011 22/30 teams in the NBA were unprofitable
only recently has this changed to be profitable through massive television rights contracts (why literally every youtube video, twitter video etc gets INSTA taken down) and same with american football with their season pass tickets, which, by the way, was found to be illegal and collusion and they are now being sued for. so yes, sports are generally not sustainable.

premier league teams are not profitable either, it took one google search to find that out. it's funded by saudi's who want to see good football. I'm not talking about if it's profitable for RIOT, I'm talking about for teams.

I can keep looking through by the way, but I'm just saying that mbappe makes $128 million a year for a single player so if you make a $40 profit off a $70 jersey to fans you'd have to sell 3.2 million jerseys just for that single player EVERY YEAR and that's not even getting into every single other cost to run a massive sports team.

posted 5 months ago

unironically based.
I have no counterpoint.


posted 5 months ago

have you watched traditional sports my friend, if you see fun as a waste
esports wastes millions
those waste BILLIONS
by the way traditional sports are legitimately just funded through taxes and our government because if it wasn't it is also extremely unprofitable

posted 5 months ago

LOUD is more "profitable" than a lot of orgs but they definitely aren't making a profit due to LoL salaries and how little of the players they have that are being paid off by being sold, even if it is some big names. in general they're doing great and orgs with stream heads is REALLY good (such as KC as well) to build branding and media that creates revenue but I think LOUD pays too much + doesn't sell enough + some of their teams are unprofitable.

still a top org investment wise after all of this.

posted 5 months ago

only way to make profit in esports is to invest little/no money into players (give them barely livable wages), never pay buyouts for top players, have insane scouting, sell those players to other clubs for profit, repeat, only do this in games you have specialties in so you have minimal failures, have an extremely small staff team, force all players and staff to make content and build a brand (optic/faze). good example of this is paper rex, but they could do a better job of doing media imho

posted 5 months ago

ask rito not vlr.gg forums

posted 5 months ago

dang, I am not super caught up on R6 and I didn't recognize anyone on the team so I assumed, that's my bad.
either way their Valorant project shouldn't have been such a massive loss considering how much support they got, and their CS team is doing fantastic. plus even if their R6 team isn't budget, they are still making tournaments so I think their Valorant division will be fine overall. Thanks for the correction though!

posted 5 months ago

they will most likely rebuild, looks like -koala -nismo
in general the org looks to be in a better spot than most, their R6 team is budget but still making good progress and attending top tournaments, CS team is looking better and better while budget, only team yet to make it big is Val which they are close to. I don't think this will end the Val team

posted 5 months ago

I'm not just talking about orgs, I'm more saying there have been slots for these players in the orgs that are in franchising and they haven't picked up these talents which to me is disappointing. I understand what you mean by org investment and the cost for brazilian organizations though, on top of higher salaries in non-brazilian orgs in franchising I just feel like some of these players who have been stuck in t2 should've been in mibr, furia, or potentially even loud (controversial) already. more so the first two. but your points are all true, just that at some point you have to see these players farming t2 for so long and decide it's not that big of a risk. I just feel like these players should have already been franchised and they deserved to be there already, but that is also the fault of how many slots NA vs Brazil got. you guys should have fluxo, 9z etc in there.

posted 5 months ago

the only brazilian team that looked solid in franchising was furia funnily enough, and in general brazil has sucked this year because they didn't pick up any upcoming talent in the past or present. the upcoming talent that was flourishing in NA was picked up a while back. 2g deserved this win and was better, but I'm just saying that some of these brazilian players should've already been franchised while I can't say the same for a majority of these NA players. either way gg and hopefully this goes to show brazilian orgs that they need to stop recycling

posted 5 months ago

we have all of our good talent and top players already in franchising which is why we have so many solid teams
you have maybe 1-2 teams that are considered even solid, the rest of the talent has always been in t2 because franchised brazilian orgs let them rot
it makes sense why a brazilian team would win

posted 5 months ago

he's 17 and cracked under pressure, he has been insane all season besides this game. he has so much time to grow. you are a loser.

posted 5 months ago

every team in this tournament is going home... i hope...

posted 5 months ago

n4rrate had german flag in bio once which means he isn't import, he is now european
glad to have you back in KC n4rrate!

posted 5 months ago

unfortunate! welcome brazil to franchising!

posted 5 months ago

both 😍

posted 5 months ago

june 2nd, yes

posted 5 months ago

mortadelo mogs babysasuke with nearly 26k posts vs nearly 21k posts πŸ—Ώ

posted 5 months ago

CS players feel very insecure due to valve ignorance and Valorant being a "threat" to CS
Val players don't even care about CS lol they think it's just a bunch of old men
I play both and enjoy both ^_^ I think competition is great for any business including gaming

posted 5 months ago

yeah from what it seems like. every game is down to luck to an extentbut because this one the luck was not in the favor of the team they liked more, it's a fluke

posted 5 months ago

there was a massive thread about it and it came down to gambit having little sleep + really horrible microtimings on multiple maps that would've easily made them win certain maps but they got "super unlucky" on those timings and lost because of it.
I personally did not watch that final closely and cannot verify those claims.

posted 5 months ago

it's all good. unfortunately sometimes you think something is going great or will work out and it just isn't meant to be. all it means is that you're opening yourself up for something that will work in the future, once you are healed. take care and you will be ready to find what you are looking for in the future

posted 5 months ago

are you okay man

posted 5 months ago

brother is barely going positive against ball state
i hope not

posted 5 months ago
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