KRU was underdog? Why?
The fanboyism is too strong it even alters the odds on betting sites HAHAHAHA there was no world where sentinels wins this game
Flag: | Sweden |
Registered: | May 24, 2021 |
Last post: | March 28, 2025 at 10:03 PM |
Posts: | 445 |
KRU was underdog? Why?
The fanboyism is too strong it even alters the odds on betting sites HAHAHAHA there was no world where sentinels wins this game
Boring and bad bait
All the delusional biased analysts, streamers and casters HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA YOU ARE SO WEAK LMFAO
Cry more sen fanboy hahahaha
I mean the match draws are very obviously rigged, which they have been for years. But that's just a Riot Classic.
The Silver 3 analyst desk and casters ONCE AGAIN overrating NA and EMEA teams.
Because sen is a good team? OMEGALUL ROFL LMFAO HAHAHAHAH
If you watched the game, the ""mistakes"" they make as "pro" players are actually unbelieveable
G2 win -> I get points in pickem
Liquid win -> NA eliminated and only good teams in playoffs
win-win situation
In reality both DRX and T1 should qualify, Liquid played like braindead yesterday
Just please not T1 vs EDG in first matchup lol, one of them wins this masters for sure
Typical scripted dogshit match
Anyways EDG/DRX/T1 wins masters as expected
The analyst desk mega fanboys of sen are gonna be crying themselves to sleep LMFAO
"Now on bind i'm VERY worried for Liquid, kaplan has definitely prepped a lot" 1-13 HAHAHAHHAHAHA
What's the reason keiko peeks ct there...? Both of these #2 seed teams shouldn't be here lmao
Why do ""pros"" always go 1 by 1 into a smoke and get 2 tapped? Surely getting paid thousands of euros you should be able to tell someone that it's not good
Who is the girl that's screaming like a monkey to make Bang shoot the smoke? WHOOOA WHOAA WHOOOA seriously sentinels fans are ill
DRX/T1 beats G2/Liquid
It's been 2 rounds and the casters are already glazing their minds off on sentinels LMAO
Can't wait for the elimination
Wouldn't be surprised if G2 gets sent home by T1 tomorrow
NA fraudsters getting exposed this masters LMFAO
"sen 2-0 DRX" "G2 2-0 EDG" HAHAHAHAH
Welcome to real life delulu fanboys :)
EDG feeling like throwing, this is not CN split boys
EDG 2-1 easily
Strange to play stupid in every single important round... At least they will destroy liquid next match
I guess DRX turning their brain off wasn't the play, who could've thought that!
DRX must've done a lot of prep for this Split, will be a masterclass :) <3
DRX masterclass ezz
Delulu sen fanboys will cry so hard when an EMEA team sends them hope LMAO
I think T1 loses this one but wins their next matches easily, wouldn't mind them proving me wrong <3
Wow sen players so strong HAHAHHAHA LMAO
Delusional, stop watching lmao
So many delulu sentinel fangirls😂 You love to see it! LMAO
DRX underdog LMAO thanks for the odds, what a blessing!
DRX 2-0 masterclass
TYLOO looked like a completely new team against AG... I hope they can win this <3
Come on you know exactly who i'm talking about, she's at every single match
IIIIIIYEAAAAAA after every single kill, no matter if it's pistol, eco, bonus or gun round
Feels bad for these fanboy casters, your favorite team will lose the final 😢
That screamer sen fangirl might start crying fr LMAO
Screenshot? betslip?
Go bet on sen win then fanboy
EZ G3-0 don't cry delulu fangirls.
It shows how truly horrible the NA scene is when this sentinels team is able to get to Master LMAO
Ez MIBR cry is free delulu fangirls lmao
Your screaming is super cringe, childish voice IIIIIYAAA
I noticed NA games are always like that(maybe it's just a delulu sen fangirl), never in EU or AP, super annoying this anime childish IIIIIYEEEEE
The delusional sentinels fanbase are wrong again LUL
When making pickem I didn't know GE had kicked the indian bots and added real players...
POV: watching the dumbest team in VCT, time to retire grandpa
Hilarious to see people coping with "cure" LMAO
Good job fnatic
GM fast 2-0 ezz