Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 21, 2023
Last post: September 11, 2023 at 8:03 PM
Posts: 5

oh he is definitely leaving lol

posted 8 months ago

one time he said he is gradually becoming More

posted about a year ago

are the people who said that in the room with us right now?

posted about a year ago

A more detailed translation of what he said about cauanzin and tuyz:

"What made me most happy, regardless of whether we won or lost, were the (new) boys. I was very happy with them because, like it or not, a scrim is a scrim and a championship is a championship, and the boys really tested themselves. At a moment of maximum pressure, at a moment where they needed to show up, they were there, clutching rounds, clicking heads, communicating, not giving up. I swear, I saw that and almost started crying (not joking this time lol), I'm not even kidding. I almost started to cry. One of them is 17 and the other is 19, man! None of the 4 players turned 20 yet! This championship is a litmus test for the team, to see where we really stand in the global scene, if we can handle pressure, if we can handle mistakes, and the boys are impressive. The boys are impressive.

A while after the game (against NRG), tuyz came up to me and said: 'Hey, Saad, thanks a lot for this opportunity.' And then I almost started to cry. I'm almost crying right now, but it's amazing to see how they enjoy playing and how humble they are at the same time. Real humbleness, you know? I'm talking about that 'I'm here, I'm trying hard, it's working, I'm working' mentality."

posted about a year ago