i dont blame them
Flag: | Chile |
Registered: | March 20, 2022 |
Last post: | February 2, 2025 at 6:13 PM |
Posts: | 217 |
flor is playing so good that maybe i will stop being transphobic
Vaamo pela el formador de talento de la region.. ojalá se de
I don't really care if aspas is the best player on the team he can't be the one making the decisions, that will never work.
It will be better for lev and aspas to go separate ways, he can go to apac or china to get the bag be treated like a diva and run the org & lev can make the decisions they want without a player wanting to leave because the team didn't do something he wanted.
good tbh aspas is a diva imagine wanting to leave a team because they don't want to sign your friend
by his accent i think his family is from colombia
Mazino clarifies there was not physical abuse
"Given the doubts about what happened with my ex-girlfriend, there were complicated situations that both of us were part of but it did not reach the point of physical abuse as she reflects nor am I notified of any complaint."
I don't know how to translate complaint but basically there is no legal report to the authorities.
i dont get why they signed him he was not even top 10 player in tier 2 in latam and he only played 1 season in tier 2 as a duelist
3 rounds lost with a player with no audio should be a remake but we know this is not going to happen because g2 is from NA #fuckNA #fuckriot
and i forget that mazino & kingg contracts end in 2024 too so lev have a lot of work to do in december
tex and com contracts end in 2024 so maybe next year they could go full SA. Pancada will be a free agent by then too so we will see..
they just need a couple of changes starting for the coaching staff and a couple of players and they will dominate next year
Solo di que eres xenófobo y necesitas una excusa para serlo manito
they will never replace him they even droped keznit before him
i been saying this for like two years brother they will never replace him, they even dropped keznit before him.. kru is a weird org, they have a lot of money more than what leviatan have but they decide to make a mid roster every year
kru but they are some cheap fucks.. lev & furia can but i dont think they will
Is it possible to make roster move now? Theres 2 months before the next tournament, a roster move now for some teams would be good.
Asking for a friend.
yeah i had some hopes but.. changing the comms language to english because of tex? mmm i dont know man..
Every country except for brazil speaks spanish but if you grow up playing games online like league or cs you have to play in brazil server because they are like 200 million people so you learn to speak some portuguese especially in countries in the south like chile & argentina
he literally made your team world champions bro why do brazilians hate him so much
its sad to see brazilians on twitter being so toxic towards him is unreal like they want him to do bad
this is so fucking weird talking shit about the teamates of your son.. tex will see this shit..
its his fault for staying on that loser org tbh
kru literally wasted more money buying xand and buying keznit from leviatan what are you talking about...
i agree with adding shy to the team but keeping klaus and adding a rookie when they have the money to get any experienced player in the market.. they are still stucked in 2023 when you have a lot of games for your rookie players to progress and get lan experience but this year you lost two games and you are done
I hope he leaves kru someday.. that loser org that only creates "long term projects" every year.. they have a lot of money they can get nzr and pancada but no.. they want to be "diferent" anyways another year of keznit wasting his talent in kru
this fucking americans think latino = mexican wtf is that music bro
this would be funny if it weren't for the fact that it's a paid pro team losing to a mix
damn they lost to a bunch of nobodies i guess its time to farm game changers money playing against inmortals
Nah they are good farming gc tournaments playing against inmortals
its okay, aspas just got to na, they probably have 2 days of practice with com
sounds good if mazino is not playing good on kick-off
someone sent a DM to lev ceo telling him not to sign pancc saying that lev will lose support of the fans and lev ceo responds that he is not going to sign him
Hes not going to colombia to play the superdome because of an "accident". Rumors says he got jumped outside a club. Others that he crashed his car.
No proof of this rumors but it seems to be a serious "accident" since he said he got stitches on his head, then he said that his forehead was "open" with a big cut.
Video where he tells what happened: https://youtu.be/0Y1ViixRjAI?si=7kAdasf7gfin6LsL&t=15 (spanish)
I don't know if i can believe him tbh, the way he says it doesn't sound serious, it sounds like he just wanted to stop people on his chat on keep asking why he is not going to superdome.
hes not getting flamed?? i only see people crying because the team wont be a "latam team" when they literally have 4 latino players or people saying they will have communication problems for some reason..
kingg have a really good english dont know about the rest
if klaus leaves they will bring askia, but i dont think they will drop him for whatever reason
kick klaus, bring some t2 player from latam or brazil -> top 5 americas roster
Hicieron todo mal el 2022, mantuvieron lo malo para 2023, tuvieron que pegarse con la pared de la realidad(comer pija en lock/in) para cambiar medio roster y cambiar al coach. Tuvieron que comerse su ego y hacer los cambios OBVIOS que todos pedían, es un milagro que hayan llegado al mundial, literal klaus se acordó de jugar luego de 1 AÑO jugando con los codos , lo mismo nagzet, aparte de que keznit tuvo una de sus mejores performances, gracias a eso llegaron al mundial.
No hablo del kun, hablo de la gente que trabaja en kru, literal mantuvieron al coach que hizo mierda al equipo en 2022 luego armaron un roster de mierda y sin sentido el año pasado argumentando que era a largo plazo, tuvieron que cambiar todo el plan luego del lock/in 2 meses después. Dejaron ir a keznit gratis para luego tener que pagar para que volviera y les salvara el proyecto. Y encima tienen un ego enorme.
Date cuenta que desde que se fue el pelado los fichajes en kru no tienen ningún sentido, ahora que le están dando voz a keznit están armando un roster bueno (al menos en rumores)