Flag: United States
Registered: July 15, 2023
Last post: September 23, 2024 at 7:57 PM
Posts: 26

masters in Cybersecuity college student

posted 5 months ago

WE ARE SO BACK sorry asuna

posted 10 months ago

He's gonna be signed as a content creator and help the team as an analyst

posted 10 months ago

Cryo's Jett is better than Jawgemo's

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

This works better Role wise especially if you just have Cryo just learn raze instead of Nismo playing raze, but I doubt M80 lose ascension

posted 10 months ago

Just pickup Potter and Jawgemo in offseason and replace Asuna. Look into poaching Trent from G2 if he wants to leave, Eeiu is more than enough if they can't get Trent. Then if M80 loses ascension poach Zander for Bang.
Potter HC , Zikz AC, Mikes Analyst
Eeiu / Trent
Bang / Zander

posted 10 months ago

Worst case Ontario if the whole team does well except for Asuna on Sova, then they can pick up Eeiu, Brawk, or Verno (he will be old enough after the first event) They could even pick up Flyuh to replace Asuna and igl if the igling is lacking as well.

posted about a year ago

I have Asuna on the main Sova / fade role, if Asuna plays raze or another agent and they still need a Sova. Either Ethan or Cryo can fill/flex the Sova role. But Ethan is the best when he is on a flash initiator.

posted about a year ago

Here's what I think the best available 100T roster is, I think the flexibility and cohesion between their roles would be a massive advantage allowing them to cook up any unique comps without putting a player on an uncomfortable role and allowing the team to adapt to new metas quicker than other teams. Zellsis and or Zander can igl and help each other call with input from Ethan and Asuna, which takes the pressure off the igl(s), allowing them to focus on fragging out too!

Cryo - Duelist ( Jett, Chamber, Duelist, AWP, can flex Sova / Smokes / Sage )
Ethan - Flash Initiator ( Kayo, Breach, Skye, can flex Sova / Yoru)
Asuna - Scan Initiator / Flex ( Sova, Fade, can flex Kayo / Skye / Raze / Yoru / any agent )
Zander - Controller / Senti ( Astra, Brim, Omen, Viper, Harbor, can flex KJ / Cypher )
Zellsis - sentinel/ flex ( KJ, Cypher, Viper, can flex Kayo / Breach / Phoenix )

Let me know what you think, and what you think the best available 100t roster is! : )

(btw I put in Zander over Bang only because Zander can also play sentinel if Zellsis flexes another roll for a specific comp or game plan, and help call. However, Bang instead of Zander would still be a super strong team if not better, and more likely to happen)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no one gets a cookie

posted about a year ago

I don't know, Maybe Trent going to 100T is why everyone is shocked?

posted about a year ago

I'm curious what five players could create such a surprise and shock to people behind the scenes. So drop your predictions and let's see who is the closest, Whoever is the closest gets a cookie
My prediction - (based on surprise not logic)
edit - we're all wrong already

posted about a year ago

yup that's why they can sign him as a 6th bc after the first event he will be old enough, that's only if they choose to go with him in the first place tho

posted about a year ago

he isn't but will be after the 1st event, so if 100t wait an event or 2 it wouldn't be an issue. Otherwise, 100t would have to keep Derrek or sign a short-term placeholder at Initiator and sign Verno as a 6th or wait till he is old enough, but FNS could also just go with another initiator entirely

posted about a year ago

if FNS plans on keeping at least 1 member of 100T's current roster, then 100T should let FNS build a team and dish out slightly more cash than they planned on originally, but if they go cheap and the roster still doesn't work after an event or two, they would be dumb not to sign s0m and FNS to build a team

Cryo - awp / duelist
s0m - flex / 2nd duelist
Verno - intiator
Skuba - controller
FNS - sentinel / 2nd controller

Skuba : FNS and Sgares have both said they've tried to pick up Skuba for controller, but his buyout was too large, Skuba is a stud and all of T1 teams have shown interest in him many times but were turned away bc of his predatory buyout
Cryo : kind of has a similar playstyle to Yay, he's methodical and minimizes mistakes, which is what FNS likes and cryo is insane so I'm assuming FNS would keep him, it allows him to spend more on the other open spots budget wise
Verno : I've never heard anything regarding FNS and Verno, but Verno is a young stud and he's cheap. My reason for Verno isn't necessarily good, I'm just assuming FNS would pick him up because I'm sure he sees the obvious potential, however he could just as easily pick up a different initiator he likes. Maybe he sticks with Derrek for a little bit and signs Verno as the 6th(not necessary if they sign FNS and S0m after an event or two), Maybe he even gets 100T to spend big and get Trent idrk

let me know what you think! :)

posted about a year ago

they all deserve a shot, and will all probably be key parts of NA's teams in the future

posted about a year ago

If 100T don't get s0m I hope they get Verno and Skuba, unfortunately, we already have Cryo so picking up Reduxx is a waste because Cryo is way too good to replace. Plus SGares said that 100T tried to sign Skuba as their controller before bang, but he was in contract jail at the time, so they ended up going with bang instead.

posted about a year ago

He is an initiator (Fade/Sova/Skye/Kayo) and he's 17, but he turns 18 soon and would be eligible after an event or two. He is an amazing young prospect and I think he is by far the best initiator available and will become one of the best initiators itw

posted about a year ago

skuba behind bang soley because bang isn't terrible, he's pretty good and arguably a bright spot on their roster (sometimes). Also 100T is trying to save money and not overspend across all esports, if they keep bang that allows for more money to be spent for another player during rostermania or saved for a future signing at the next rostermania. Overall I think Skuba would fit and play better than bang though. Also yes a lot of players can replace Derrek and do fantastic, however, I think Verno is good enough to wait for and will be a tier above the rest of the options currently available when he is eligible

posted about a year ago

the most probable moves based on 100T and their interest in not overspending would be probably be something like that. Where we see +JohnQt, Verno (6th) and -Stellar . So that the team maintains and builds chemistry and Verno can step in and replace Derrek when eligible. This way they spend very little, and improve the team a lot with minimal change and cost

posted about a year ago

After s0m, and bang, skuba would be the next best option (only slightly behind bang, and slightly ahead of Zander)

posted about a year ago

they can keep either Bang / Derrek / (Asuna if they pick up trent or zekken) to play that role temporarily until he is old enough. It would save money, and allow for more money to be spent signing other players. It would also give those players 1 last chance to show other tier 1 teams why they should pick them up after.

posted about a year ago

Main Duelist - Cryo
Flex (2nd duelist/initiator) - Asuna (if Zekken or Trent are not available)
Main Initiator - Verno ( but keep either Derrek, Bang, or Asuna to fill the role temporarily until Verno can play)
Controller - s0m
Sentinel & igl - JohnQT (or NeT)
please let me know your thoughts! : )

posted about a year ago