Flag: International
Registered: July 27, 2024
Last post: September 29, 2024 at 2:22 PM
Posts: 287
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Mf I literally fought your case in court against vlr yesterday 😔

posted 5 months ago

Skuba is very underrated
bang if he goes to sen, he will underperform just because of the pressure. He has to replace Tenz after last season. But it will be balanced if they sign N4rrate I guess
V1c is confirmed almost to C9
Zander is very good as well

posted 5 months ago

It's a bit weird to me
Joining your biggest rivals is lowkey weird
But it's whatever I guess

posted 5 months ago

Lightningfast has a two agent agent pool btw
Omen and Sage
He has a worse agent pool than Jinggg
How the fuck does your guy have a worse agent pool than Jinggg

posted 5 months ago

It's already pretty much confirmed so...

posted 5 months ago

Koalanoob is not going to be nowhere close to vct other than EG who are already trialing him

posted 5 months ago

T3xture HAS comms issues
Korean players on international teams never work out due to comms

posted 5 months ago

Disband if they keep Lightningfast

posted 5 months ago

Zekken, JohnQT, Zellsis, N4rrate, Skuba (?)

posted 5 months ago

Most of the players are an upgrade on the previous one

posted 5 months ago
  1. forsaken (flex)
  2. xffero (controller) (igl)
  3. Something (pure duelist)
  4. Sushiboys after FS eventually lose their match against SPG /Grumble (Sentinel)
  5. Foxz (Initiator)
posted 5 months ago

peaced, amovie, meanie, gamergirl

How many more are you going to change?
Changing accounts won't stop people from calling you retarded. Just give it up.

posted 5 months ago

Hello guys. I am JFL. I have an experience in eSports for the past decade. You name your team and I will rebuild it from what I believe is the best possible option.

posted 5 months ago

They are not actually. Pretty sure the contract is for another year after this. They can't just breach that contract and kick them out afaik

posted 5 months ago

Probably not
Asuna is locked in, Cryo too probably
As of now, they are not trialing anyone
Want to keep the core together

posted 5 months ago

About to
In 2 weeks 👀

posted 5 months ago

Even if that is the case
That guy is no good

posted 5 months ago

Lightningfast? Really? That's India's best representation?
Y'all are COOKED no diddy

posted 5 months ago

When I said it, no one believed me
JFL only guessing

posted 5 months ago

Actually fucking stream the games. What the fuck is this? You expect people to watch when almost no matches get broadcasted. People have to watch them from dive.gg's stream.

posted 5 months ago

Loud vs Optic Ascent

posted 5 months ago

Got a lot of cash 🤑

posted 5 months ago

Doing it now lil bro

posted 5 months ago

Legal Notice

Date: 26/09/2024

The Officials,
VLR Platform

Subject: Request to Reinstate Voting Rights for Bronzil "bronzil_enjoyer" Enjoyer and Cat "catNmouse" Mouse

Respected VLR council,

I am writing on behalf of my clients, bronzil_enjoyer and catNmouse, both active and contributing members of your platform. It is well known that the success of a site is largely due to the active participation of its members. My clients have consistently demonstrated good behavior and a commitment to fostering a high tier aura within the community.

The ability to upvote and downvote content is a fundamental right for users of online forums. This right enables balanced discussions and enhances the quality of the platform. The revocation of this ability from my clients, without valid reasoning or prior notice, is an infringement upon their rights.

We kindly request that you reinstate their voting privileges immediately. Should this request be ignored, we will be left with no choice but to pursue legal action.

Thank you for your understanding.


posted 5 months ago

But don't worry. Now that I don't rep him, he gonna fall down
You can't imagine the shit I had to go through to keep him there. It's been a rough few years...

posted 5 months ago

Don't know about Tomazy but Kr1stal yes

posted 5 months ago

Say less

posted 5 months ago

What shall we do, sir

posted 5 months ago

Hello Mr ParisVLR
We have already taken down the monetary compensation claims. For more, you have to talk directly to my client, Canadaman. As you can understand, he has been deeply hurt by everything your client has done.

posted 5 months ago

"Have you been banned, slandered, or revoked of your privileges on VLR? Feeling like your flair aura is slipping away? Don’t worry, you don’t need to call a lawyer—you need me!

I specialize in getting you out of tight spots, protecting your rep, and securing your place in the VLR community. Whether you've had your baiting rights revoked or are being accused of violating cultural norms (poutine haters, I’m looking at you), I’ll fight for your rights like a true champion. No case too small, no take too controversial—I'll get you back in the game.

Call now—don’t just sit there in the penalty box! You need someone who knows the system inside and out, and that’s where I come in.

Why fight the system when you can have it fight for you?"

posted 5 months ago


Date: 26/09/2024

To: HenBabyH and ParisVLR

Subject: Final Verdict on Canadian Privileges

Dear HenBabyH and ParisVLR,

After further consideration, Canadaman has decided to forego the monetary compensation of 3 million goon coins initially demanded. However, the following final decision is issued:

HenBabyH will have their Canadian privileges fully and permanently revoked. While you may continue using the Canadian flag on VLR, you are no longer welcome to any participation in The Canadian Council or to access any of its associated privileges, as previously stated.

This decision is final and non-negotiable.

On behalf of Canadaman

posted 5 months ago

I suppose this is a fair compensation

posted 5 months ago

Practicing mewing (a technique that involves proper tongue posture to improve facial structure) on a bus could potentially get you into legal trouble if it becomes disruptive or intrusive to other passengers. While mewing itself is harmless, if you're exaggerating your posture, making noticeable movements, or invading others' personal space, it could be interpreted as distracting or disturbing. In some cases, if other passengers feel uncomfortable or harassed by your behavior, they may file complaints, and authorities might charge you with creating a public disturbance or disorderly conduct, especially in confined public spaces like buses.
So as VLR's lawyer I would suggest you to take care of your surroundings before mewing in a bus. You may get into trouble.
But if you are in trouble, better call JFL!

posted 5 months ago

I will discuss with my client regarding the settlements. As his representative, I shall only convey what he wants to speak.

posted 5 months ago

Just doing my job ☝🏼

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago


Date: 26/09/2024

To: HenBabyH and ParisVLR

Subject: Payment of 3 Million Goon Coins as Compensation

Dear HenBabyH and ParisVLR,

This is to formally demand payment of 3 million goon coins as compensation for damages caused by HenBabyH’s public disrespect for Canadian culture, particularly the disdain for poutine, and the resulting harm to Canadaman’s reputation. Your actions have violated the principles of respect for national symbols.

You are required to make full payment within 15 days from the date of this notice. Failure to comply will result in further legal action.

On behalf of Canadaman

posted 5 months ago

Hello ParisVLR
I am JFL and I will defend my good friend and client Canadaman today.

My client, Canada "Canadaman" Man, asserts that HenBabyH’s dislike of poutine—a widely recognized and beloved Canadian dish—justifies the revocation of HenBabyH’s right to use the Canadian flag. This decision stems from the symbolic connection between national identity and the respect for its cultural symbols. While HenBabyH’s dislike of poutine is a personal matter, it raises concerns about their alignment with core elements of Canadian identity and values. My mentioned legal proof will argue in favor of Canadaman’s decision under both Canadian constitutional law and symbolic jurisprudence.

The Canadian flag represents the values, culture, and unity of Canada. According to Canadian law, national symbols such as the flag must be respected and used in ways that reflect these values. The National Flag of Canada Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. N-2) outlines the importance of the flag as a national symbol, and while the Act does not strictly regulate individual use, any disrespect toward core elements of Canadian identity, which include cherished cultural staples like poutine, could be considered inconsistent with proper flag usage.

Poutine is more than just a dish; it has evolved into a cultural symbol that reflects the inclusivity, innovation, and community spirit of Canada. It is recognized internationally as distinctly Canadian, much like maple syrup or hockey. To reject poutine is, in essence, to distance oneself from a core aspect of Canadian culinary identity. While personal preferences are protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Charter), they do not provide blanket immunity when cultural heritage is at stake.

Legal precedent suggests that national symbols like the flag should be used by individuals who uphold the values and ideals represented by those symbols. The Supreme Court of Canada has emphasized that “national symbols serve to unify citizens under shared cultural and moral values” (R. v. Keegstra [1990] 3 S.C.R. 697). HenBabyH’s open rejection of poutine could be interpreted as a rejection of a key cultural tradition, and therefore as disrespecting one of the values symbolized by the Canadian flag.

Section 1 of the Charter allows for reasonable limits to individual freedoms, including the use of national symbols, as long as those limits can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. Canadaman’s decision to revoke HenBabyH’s right to use the Canadian flag is a reasonable action based on the broader cultural context. HenBabyH’s stance on poutine suggests a detachment from Canadian cultural unity, which may reasonably be interpreted as grounds for limiting their use of the flag to prevent misuse or misrepresentation of Canadian values.


Canadaman’s decision to revoke HenBabyH’s right to use the Canadian flag is legally justified based on the symbolic importance of poutine as a national icon and HenBabyH’s rejection of it as being in conflict with the values symbolized by the flag. This restriction is a reasonable and proportionate response that upholds the respect for Canadian cultural symbols while remaining consistent with legal precedent on symbolic nationalism.

Therefore, Canadaman is right in his decision to banish HenBabyH from using the Canadian flag.

We wish to gain 3million goon coins for the emotional distress and harassment Mr HenBabyH has caused my client. Thank you.

posted 5 months ago

He was scrimming with them
As of now I don't know
But it was a thing in the past few weeks

posted 5 months ago

Don't worry Canadaman. I got you.
Ever since I left that choker J0nggg my stats have been upgraded by +50

posted 5 months ago

I don't know about bringing but they are 100% trialing them I can say that much
Whether you believe me or don't just because I am JFL is your choice

posted 5 months ago

Did we watch the same loud?
Because as far as I remember during their most significant run, the 2022 Champions, all of the game they had very even stats
No one was hard carrying
You may look back at the event once more
Even in the final all 5 of them were in between 65-71 kills

posted 5 months ago

Most impactful this year was pAncada. He outperformed Less entirely in Stage 2
Like I said Demon1 is great, but he got shouts of being the GOAT last year. What do you want me to do.
Jinggg's game just isn't the same anymore. He is not even the best player on his own agent.
s0m was definately getting shouts of the best controller few months back

posted 5 months ago

Not lying tho
None of those players are relevant anymore
J0nggg getting dunked on week in week out
Sinatraa never was good and will never get a chance to play for a relevant organisation
Demon1 fell off hard
s0m got dunked on by a part timer on PRX
Less is a fraud

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Womp womp
Cry me a river

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago
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